Saturday, April 30, 2011

Um, Jestar... ??



My cousin, Elizabeth, brought her Yorkie, Pinky, to our house.
Pinky. (noun) a small, dirty dog whose hair is all in mats.
Yep. They obviously don't take care of him.
So when they left and we found out that our cats had fleas... guess who?
So then Pinky gets his annual hair shave, and yep, he had "a mild case of fleas."
Mild. Ahem. Meaning NOT just mild. If it was normal, they would have said, "a case of fleas." No, it was beyong normal, so they had to mention "mild" to make it not sound bad.
Imagine that. Shaving a dog and then fleas pop out everywhere. Gross.
Then my aunt called and asked, "Did my dog give fleas to your cats or your cats give fleas to our dog?"
... "Your dog, of course! He's the only one that goes outside, and he always itches his neck."
"But he itches his neck on a regular basis!"
Poor excuse, cause I'm sorry, your dog has fleas on a regular basis, then.
So now we have to comb EVERY SINGLE FLEA out of our cat's fur. GRR. But I think that they've gone away... But we'll still have to go through the trouble. GRR x Double.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Class Elections

Nikki ran for president.
So did Garlic.
And, of course, Garlic goes and spends, like $50 on these huge, frosted-sky-high cupcakes with sparkly "M"s on the top.
A little bit too much for a cupcake, don't you think?
And she won.
Okay, just saying, if our class doesn't have enough money for the Junior-Senior, I know who to blame. I won't be there, anyway...


So I made this video with Nikki and Hale this weekend...
They kept going out of camera range... argh!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

*sigh* WORK!!!!! *sigh*

Office Aide for Mrs. Tayl.
"What do you do?"
Well, today I cleaned out the caferteria's lost-and-found cart.
Roll Mrs. Tayl's safety patrol cart (humiliating already, plus it doesn't go where you direct it) to the cafeteria, stack all the stuff on the cart, then roll it back. Over the bumps in which the cart tried to turn over. NOT FUN. I hope no one was watching. See, if Jestar was doing this, he's probably run into a car within the first five minutes. Just kidding, but maybe so...
I didn't like that.
Then after the bell rang I had to bring all the stuff we decided was for secondary over to the library.
Arms. Stacked. FULL. Of. Sweaty. Jackets.
And then in Drama we "went through "Readin', Ritin', and Rithmetic'" BUT the way Mrs. Nest does it is she chooses people out of the random to read. What you have to under stand here is that our class has about 7 people that would maybe be worth reading parts.
Okay, then. But the worst part? Someone reads what's in the parentheses. Like-
SAM (questioningly)- Will Skandar ever stop eating Nutella?
So including the previous line it would sound like this-
"Why is there an alpaca on my couch?"
"Will Skandar ever stop eating Nutella?"


Monday, April 25, 2011

Band Concert

So. Band concert.
It went well.
Except for the fact that I had to keep my flute warm through the 5 and 6 grade bands.
Junior High Band.
Um... we did okay. Definately better than the first concert. It was actually pretty good for our band.
High School Band.
Polly and her electric stand... *shakes head and smirks*
We did pretty well.
Um... second song.
Flower Duet.
Meaning Polly and my duet.
Mr. Plard's best plan is that we get up and walk across the whole 'stage' to the side. And, of course, Polly brings the stand. Which takes a few seconds to situate.
So right before we get up, Polly's like, "Uh... great..." and I'm like... "Uh... I know, right?"
And it kinda takes her forever to get across the podium for some reason. So we get to our places. I look over the crowd, look at Polly, look at Mr. Plard, look at my family, look at my music, look at Mollipop's brother licking his saxophone *gross*, look away, look at Nicole, oh, music's starting! look at my music. Watch Polly out of the corner of my eye to make sure we put up our flutes at the exact same time. Cause that's just what flutists like to do.
And we start. I'm sounding good today. Haha. We keep playing. Soon I feel completely comfortable, I wasn't even nervous at all. I listened to her, and she listened to me, and it fit together like a puzzle...
Okay. *fluting* Um. Gulp. Now comes the real duet, the few measures where it's just her and me.
And it goes amazing. We even come up for air at the exact same time! Whew!
So after we finish, Polly kinda smiles at me and I smile back, but inside I was completely bursting. On the way back to our chairs, Mrs. Paytoll says, "Good job, girls!"
And then the rest of the concert. Then the end.
"Nice job, Polly!"
"No, I messed up so bad... but you covered up for me."
"I didn't notice you messing up..."
"You did really good, too!"
So, yeah. I take a picture with her (upon my mother's request, of course) and other people. Then I kinda feel famous cause everyone's going all, "That was amazing!" over me...
It was nice.
...while Sam was 'mentally abusing' him... that was amusing.
Nice actually seeing you again, Jestar. :)


So about our NJHS trip to Rosedale.
That was the day of our band concert, so Mr. Plard made Nikki, Rice, Read, and I stay for High School Band.
And we miss the egg-hiding part.
So we get there in time to 'pair up' with kids.
I gotta admit, some kids I just... did not want to be paired up with.
Eventually... Nikki, Hale, and I went to this one kid named Jay who was in a wheelchair. He had a lady pushing his wheelchair, so he pretty much had four people on him. He didn't seem to pay any attention to us, so the Easter egg hunt went as follows-
One of us picks up and egg and puts it in front of him. "Look, Jay, I found and egg! Want to put it in your basket?" then attempts to put it in his hand and somewhat aims it at the bag. He missed about 96% of the time. We ended up finding about twelve eggs, one of which he had a possiblilty of maybe actually seeing himself.
Then we played Bingo. No luck. He had this recordy-thing that Nikki, Hale, and I recorded all three of us saying, "Happy Easter!" on.
Then we left.

So ABOUT that Track Meet...

Finally. I get time to write about the meet.
I haven't gotten time to go to track practices ever since that first meet, so when Coach Brad sent an email with the list of who was competing in which event and my name wasn't on the list, I thought that they took it as I just quit.
So I was mad. Very mad.
After violin lesson, Mr. Glynn called and asked where I was.
I was supposed to be at the track meet. In San Ant. TWO HOURS AWAY!!!!
Zoom! we go home and pick up my stuff and head over to San Ant.
I get there in time for my 800 and 400. I got 6th in the 800, and nothing in the 400. I could have gotten placed in both Triple and Long Jump if I'd been there in time, but, obviously, I wasn't. So I missed at least five points for our time. Which, by the way, was just Nikki and I. But she got two 1st places, one 2nd, and two 3rds. So, yeah, she did most of the work.
And out of the schools with, like, 20 kids, we tied for 4th place. But if I didn't get that one little 1 point from my 800, we would've only been tied in 6th place.
So it's good to know I didn't at least something.

Pizza-By Conducted my Orchestra!!!!

Pizza-By conducted my orchestra today! IT WAS AMAZING!
I mean, like this massive shock of awesomeness shot through the orchestra from the beginning and stayed through the end and it was SO COOL!!!!!!
So. How is he? He's really small and energetic, and kinda reminds me of a peanut. It's hilarious watching his facial expressions while he conducts us. Haha! :)
By the way, I love that picture up there. It's so... goofy.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Can't post now, cause my cousins are here and there's always some hog at the computer.

Monday, April 18, 2011


I can post now!!!!!!!
Okay, now I'll have to do homework, but remind me I'll have to tell you guys about my fail at track.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I feel like posting.
Tomorrow is All-School Chapel.
SEDay is Friday.
By the way, who all's in Spiritual Life Committee?

Sunday, April 10, 2011


STOP! Here. Do not read any further unless you start from Thursday at TCSIT. I think the post name is TCSIT. Probably so. Read from Thursday to Friday to Saturday.

TCSIT Saturday

On Saturday Nikki really wanted me to do her hair, and she told me to get to her room early enough. I get there at 6:30, and everyone's still not even close to being packed. So I have to wait so long that I just tell Nikki to bring her brush down to the breakfast room. Then I go back to my room, hoping the Grizzly and Hale didn't leave without me. And guess what? Hale has all her stuff all over the table, adn Grizzly way far from being packed up. How much time do we have left at this point? Oh, plenty, ABOUT 46 SECONDS!!!! I bring Grizzly down first. When Nikki comes down, I do her hair. Which I don't take too long on, as long as it passes the requirements of Princess Nikki. "Can you put it a little higher? No, that's to high now... But can you do something from the side? I don't know... just think of something." Well, guess what? I've been 'thinking of something' forever now, except you won't approve. So I just clipped it up and the asked Tuna to do my hair in a french braid. Then we leave to go to ACU. Once we get there, Grizzly and Hale come with me to my Bible Reading room. We're there early, and when we get into the building it's just us and Handy-Mandy. But is wasn't long at all until another school came in. Grizzly and Hale took my Bible and started reading about Abimelech (don't ask me where they found that) in Indian accents. We went in when it was time, and I had no idea when I was going, so I kept getting nervous that I would be next. Major torture, cause it turned out I was last. Some contestants were good, some were okay. I thought I did well... But the judges were so slow. Majorly slow. They were just college kids judging us for extra credit in their classes. One judge was eating yogurt, another was slurping his little fruit punch juice box in the middle of my reading. Way to pay attention. They took at least five minutes writing comments after every presentation, so I didn't get to go see Humorous Duet Acting. Sorry, Sam. When we got out of that event, we rushed to see Hale and Nikki do their Original Oratory. There was one kid who did something about how schools should have more art courses, and he was really good. Hale did amazing, and Nikki kind of... well, didn't reach my expectations. After that, we went to the Bean and I got a cheese pizza bagel at Einstein's Bagels. I told the cashier that my name was Amanda. But when he called it, I didn't hear it, so Hale said, "Hey, Amanda, yours is up," but Grizzly the genius says loudly, "Annasophie, it's yours." Apparently the cashier thought that Grizzly was talking to Hale, because Hale's was next. So when she picked it up, the cashier asked, "You sure you're Hale?" We ate. Too much cheese! But we beat the huge mob of people after us. I feel sorry for the people that didn't get their order because they were too late. Then at 11:45 we got to the auditorium for the Awards Ceremony. The first award given was for the One-Act play. I was positive it was going to be Brentwood, but it was Oklahoma, What?? Meaning that Mr. Creepy Wildcat Guy got to go up there and get their trophy and do his wierd nod thing. How is it possible to nod your head to fast without burning up your neck? I'm telling you, this guy has rubber bands, not bones! Then the Junior High stuff. Grizzly and I sat up when the announcer called up the finalists for Art Memory. Nope. Not one of us. Okay. Then Music Memory. Johnny and I were in it. So we go up to the stage, and before we're about to go on, I look back up at the audience. So many people... I look up at our school. Then it's time to go on. Johnny and I agree that we for sure only got 6th and 5th place. Nope. Nope. Nope. Not 6th, 5th, not even 4th! Then I realized that the three of us left tied, because the announcer stopped and said, "And it's clear that we have some very good Music Memory people up here, because all the three remaining students got all of them correct- but because of spelling errors, only one got a perfect score!" Johnny got 3rd. Four spelling errors. Second? I was waiting for the beginning of "Woods of Brent" come frome the speakers, but instead, she called someone else for second! One. Spelling. Error. Announcer- "And our last remaining person got everything on the test right, and had no spelling errors. Congratulations, from the Woods of Brent, Annasophie!" ... --- ... !!!!!!!!! --- ... --- I couldn't believe it. The Woods of Brent section and other people were deafening! I couldn't even walk in a straight path. The guy who handed me my medal said, "Nice job!" I got it, put it on, and when I got back to my row... I don't know, a blur of huge smiles, a lot of people saying, "Good job!" and people patting me on the back. Maybe people held out their hands for me to slap, but I don't know, I was in such a surprised blur I probably left them confuzed. Bible Reading? Sixth. Only. At least it wasn't Honorable Mention, but it dampened my good mood majorly. But guess what? For the First. Time. EVER in TCSIT history, the Woods of Brent won for Junior High! Why am I not saying this so excitedly? Cause we didn't win High School. If the Garden was still at the Woods of Brent, we would have. The Woods of Brent practically own the whole meet. We're supposed to win. We always do. It's kind of depressing that all the TCSITs I've been in, I've never known that thrill of our high school winning. I mean, we're supposed to! We're the only school that's not at all satisfied with anything below first. We're either bursting with joy for first place or depressed for second or third, or completely deflated and humiliated if we don't get anything. But believe it or not, we actually got to take our group pictures on the amphitheater. Other schools didn't hog it this time. So at least I've gotten to experience that part of the TCSIT Traditions for the Woods of Brent. We went back and stopped and The Woods Under, also tradition, for lunch/dinner. We got to see our grading sheets. Grizzly missed 8 points on her Art Memory, and I missed 4 points by putting the word "A" in front of two things that it wasn't supposed to have. Meaning I got somewhere between 9 and 7 place. Big whoop. Guess what Mango got? *drumroll, please...* a -40. Yes, it is somehow quite possible to receive a -40 on an Art Memory test. I joked that I wanted to see what I missed on Music Memory. Haha. Haha. Yeah, then we went home.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

TCSIT Friday

Friday. Wake up 6:15, eat breakfast, head to the campus. We were assigned to this gym with no air conditioner, so Sam, Mango, Nikki, Grizzly, Haley, and I walked around. We showed Sam and Mango cool things, including the third floor balcony of the Business Center, Jacob's Dream, and the Globe Room. Then Sam left for her Poetry competition, and when we got back to Command Central (The Woods of Brent's place) Mrs. Weid told us that we were moving to a room with actual air condition. It was kind of in the back of the Bean, or caferteria. We shared it with another school... We pretty much sat around until I went with Grizzly and Mango to out Picture memory. Then Grizzly and I met up with Johnny for Music memory. Then I rushed to Bible Reading. But no one's there. *blink, blink* Then I see two girls with their Bibles, and, yeah... "You guys in Girl's Bible Reading?" "Yeah. What school are you from?" "Woods of Brent." "OH! Do you know Sladvick?" "Uh... yeah..." "He's my uncle!" So, yes, I met Sladvick's neice. And it turns out I was thirty minutes early. Grizzly leaves and Hale comes. So I do that event. Then go back to Command Central and sit around with Sam. Then we dared each other to do things. I told a cashier I liked her hat (plain black visor), asked someone their name (not so devildare, otherwise I would have had to pet someone's hair), and... sat down for about three seconds at a table with people I didn't know. Grizzly was being scared, but we finally managed to get her to stick her head to a wall for forty-five seconds. Sammy had the most impressive list. She ran up to random people eating their lunch, threw a piece of gum down, and yelled, "PICKLES!" and ran away, smelled five salads from Einstein Bagels (Sam, please tell the story), and asked for a burger at Quiznos. At some point during the day, Grizzly went with me to the Globe Room and the Chapel of the Hills (which, by the way, Sam, if you didn't see you have to next year. It's just through the big, wooden double doors in the Globe room.) and I made some videos/artistic pictures on my phone. Then was time for watching Humorous Interpretation Finals for High School. The Woods of Brent had Rice doing his and Kail doing hers. Kail went first. It wasn't very funny. Then was... other people, like the scary Wildcat person, the girl who won last year, then Rice. He. Was. HILARIOUS. The first line in, everyone was already falling over in laughter. One of the contestants had his head buried in his jacket and was rocking back and forth in his chair, he was laughing to hard. And once Rice got to his climax (WAKE! UP! AMERICA! THERE ARE NO WEATHER BALLOONS! THEY ARE ALIEN BEINGS! THEY ARE ALL AROUND US!) and he was completely yelling at the crowd, and no one could hear him cause everyone one was falling over laughing at the way he said it and the way he was all jumping around and exploding. There was so much applause after that one section. Anyway, the guy who went last kinda gave everyone a headache. He was playing an old guy, who yelled and laughed a lot. Bad selection. It was really good acting, and the character was really strongly built. Then I found that I got into Girl's Bible Reading Finals, so yay! When we got back Command Central, Mr. Cosmos found a Boy's Spanish Bible Reading binder. Since he was being busy, I told him I'd get it to whoever's it was. Meaning either Howl, Franc, or Bretz. Howl said it was probably Franc's, but he wasn't sure. So on the way to the bus, I saw Kronkenator and asked if the handwriting inside was Bretz's. "Um... I don't know, I don't think it looks like Bretz's handwriting... Yeah, I don't know." So it was Franc's. I ran up to him and asked if it was his. He opened it and said, "No... what selection is this?" "I don't know. It's in Spanish. I don't speak Spanish!" (Which is proven because at the hotel the first night, I yelled "Me llamo Espanol!" at Grizzly when what I meant to say was, "No habla Espanol!") I don't know if they found the owner of it. Gatti-land next. Just... plain ol' Gatti-land, nothing too great. Hotel. Good-night.


Okay. TCSIT was amazing, and the whole time I was thinking, "Here I am, now, for the last time. I'd better enjoy this moment, because it's going to slip right by." On Thursday we left school during lunch. I was on the bus with Grizzly, Mango, Hale, and Nikki. And other people. The first two hours there I studied nonstop. Then we stopped at a Dairy Queen. Right before we were about to leave, the cashier asks, "Does anyone here own a gold Camry?" And Mr. Scar says, "Me." "Your car just got hit." So someone hit this brand-new pickup truck, then backed into the Scar's car. AND THEN HE DROVE AWAY!!!!!! The cops were called, and the guy came back. It was a 99-year-old cowboy. So, yeah, that took a long time. We finally got back on the road. This part I actually didn't study at all. Some, but not much. We get there, the the Moody place, and we have the little 'meeting' with some ACU advertisements squeezed in. So the guy, a Woods of Brent graduate, shows us the ACU sign, and he said, "Okay, guys, I'm gonna ask you some questions. Whoever jumps up first with the Wildcat sign gets to answer the question. If you get it right, you get a free ACU t-shirt!" And, of course, Kronkenator goes all out and turns around and says, "Okay, I'm gonna get this one. I'm so gonna get it! No one stand up, okay? No one stand up." So the ACU guy asks, "What is the ACU mascot?" And Kronkenator jumps up with the Wildcat sign and goes, "WHOOPWHOOPWHOOPWHOOPWHOOPWHOOPWHOOP!!!" Yeah. Guess who got a t-shirt at least two sizes too small, but still put it on anyway? I have found that after five minutes with our Woods of Brent-filled-spirited seniors, you can get very good at cheering. And you'll always hear Bretz's signature, "Whoop, whoop! Whoop, whoop!" or Kronkenator's "Saaaaaaaaaayyyy whaaaaaaaaaaattttt??????????" Woods of Brent pride, Woods of Brent pride. I bet the other schools thought we were obnoxious. The ACU guy wants a contest for who can make the best Wildcat sound, one from each school. What does the Woods of Brent do? Simultaniously start chanting, "Bretz! Bretz! Bretz! Bretz! BretzBretzBretzBretzBRETZBRETZBRETZBRETZ!" But someone chickened out and AlliReed went up. ACU guy holds the microphone up the the first guy. What does this kid do? He screams, "WILDCAT!!!!" Everyone cracks up, and ACU guy gives a wierd look and says, "Hey, here's a cool fact! The wildcat is the only animal that says it's name!!" And Kronkenator waits until the crowd kind of stops laughing, then says, "Why else would it be called that?" No one but me heard, but, then again, it's kinda hard to miss what someone right in front of you is saying. We have the best people in our school. Then there was this really creepy guy who got the microphone and said, "Now, for me to make a wildcat sound, I have to first become one." And then handed the mic back and got on his hands and feet, then did this really wierd thing that... I don't know, I bet he doesn't have bones, he has rubber bands. Then he did pushups for good measure, then let out a yowling screech that made everyone cringe. ACU guy says, "Um... that was probably one of the most creepiest things I have ever seen. Next." (By the way, that guy won.) We go back to the hotel and Mrs. Weid talks about tomorrow and asks a high school boy to lead a song. What do we do? You guess. "Bretz! Bretz!" But someone doesn't want to lead it. So Mrs. Weid does. Then we went up to our rooms to practice our events. Grizzly, Mango, and I practiced Art Memory. Mango. FAILED!! It's not even funny, but it was. It was HILARIOUS!! Mrs. Morin said to Grizzly and I, "You're going to get 1st and 2nd place, right?" To which I replied, "First, second, and..." and Mrs. Morin turned purple laughing. Then Grizzly and I walked around the block-thing of the motel that the Woods of Brent rented out, listening to our Music Memory music. Then we caught up with Johnny and practiced with him. We quizzed each other and eventually walked over to the patio, which was covered in acorns so dried that they crushed under our feet. It was this sea of acorns ready to be crushed, and while Grizzly and I were in the middle, and guess what Johnny says? "It's like crushing baby skulls!" So Grizzly and I kind of dump him there. That's it for the night. That's all that happens.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


IAMSOVERYEXCITEDRIGHTNOTCAUSETCSITISCOMINGTOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sigh* Except I know that it's going to go by so fast... it's kind of like TCSIT is like someone walking and I'm trying to keep up and I reach for their coat-tail, but they still slip away... Okay, that was dramatic. But I kinda like it. Hmm. *sigh* Yeah.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Make Him Leave!!

Skandar, the 'tongti' person on your blog is kinda creepy. He can't even spell 'Narnia' right!! ...I just hope he's not stalking my blog...


So since Sammie posted about her new favorite book, I'll post about one of mine.

It's called Maybe a Miracle by Brian Strause, and it's about this teenage guy who saved her sister from drowning. But even though he saved her just in time, she was thrown into a coma. Before long, they realize that she had stigmata. She took on the pain of others who came to see her as hope, and the main character, Monroe, deals with a lot of hardships, including a break-up and religious questions. So. Yeah. It's not a complete innocent book. At all. But it's good and keeps your attention.


Has everyone here seen that Youtube video?? Cause if not, you're missing out on a LOT!!!!!


So I went with my youth group to see Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

I know the first one was pretty off, but this one was actually really funny and I liked it a lot better than the book. Parts of it was HILARIOUS. Like when he was sliding around under the lady's room stalls in his whitey-tighties.

You just have to watch it...

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fool's Day Triumphs

So. Today was April Fool's Day. Yup. So this is what I did.

  • Put a strawberry in a plastic ziplock bag and taped the top together. Then I gave it to Nikki.

  • Got two bags of chips, swapped the insides, taped them back with an April Fool's note inside, and gave them to people. Nikki did one, and it looked pretty... obvious. She gave it to Sam. Mine wasn't as obvious, and I gave it to Jo. He poked a hole in it, ripped it open, then stuck it on my locker. Thanks.

  • Big 8 grade prank on Mrs. John. So you know how half the grade goes to IPC and the rest of English? So only half the class went to IPC (I didn't) and then kids from the other class filled in for us. Apparently Mrs. John knew something was wrong, and she checked the roll. Ty, Meggie, and Kayl, the first on the list, were in their right spots. Then Mrs. John realized what was happening, and then we switched back to our real classes.

  • Put gummies in a Butterfinger wrapper and gave it to Lewie, who absolutely loves Butterfingers. I don't think she's tried it yet. Haha! She's probably say something tomorrow.

What other people did-

  • Soem freshmen boys filled up 600 cups of water and put it on Mrs. Johnson's floor. In 7th period, when I was in the High School Office, someone came in and asked if Mrs. Johnson was hiding in there. o_O I wonder what the whole story was.

  • Nattles pretended to pass out in Drama. I was the only one who guessed that it was a joke. Apparently she did it in English, too, and Mrs. Nestor didn't know that time. But I think things are funnier the first time, and first time only.

  • Mrs. Tay, who I'm aide for, sent me to the High School Office for something (her story was that the conductor of the ASO wanted me to be a guest flutist, but I would've said no if it was true) so I went. I mean, I'm her aide, I have to do what she tells me to do. Then the lady told me that Mrs. Tay told her to say, "April Fools!"