Friday, December 31, 2010

Last post of 2010...
Farewell, year, you have been good to me...
I don't want to end this post...
By the way, I'm at the house of EXTREMELY rich peoples who have this gate in their yard. Gate, not fence. And a fountain, although the water is currently a dirty shade of brown.
We had to dress up 'casual/formal,' but I think it's waaaayyy more formal than casual...
Like... They have this HUMONGOUS room that's like an indoor porch with a huge mat that's probably made out of some sort of white, furry bear fur (it's, like, so deep it might as well be a mattress) and instead of a wall it's just a glass window that overlooks this HUGE view, since it's up on the edge of a mountain. So outside of the glass wall there's the also huge backyard (everything's huge here, except for this typing because I'm typing on this probably high-tech laptop and I did something to the screen so it's all... small, like dictionary words). Anyway, their backyard also has this pull-down screen that's not currently pulled down. Then, other than that, there's only random patches of dead grass. But the edge has this stone wall that has the highway run RIGHT under it, then you can overlook a part of Austin. If you were taller. Cause here's treetops right in your face. But you can see a couple of highways beyond that, with a lot of houses and big, important looking buildings.
Ch1k3n and I are the only kids, and everyone else is making dumplings...
I probably should get off right now cause Ch1k3n wants his turn... bye!
Ending last post... now.

My Little Princess Prissy Kitties

Recently I've been spending the nights in a tent. Early yesterday morning I heard my cats hair ball-ing. So I checked the time and it was 6:08 and I knew it wasn't too long until morning, so I waited and didn't clean it up. I thought, "Okay, Princess Prissy Kitty, I'm not coming out for you this early. No way am I ever doing that."
But then they kept throwing up for, like, 15 minutes. So I thought, "Okay, kitties, I'm unzipping my tent and coming out for you."
I get out and see both my cats staring at me with huge eyes. And I immediately start looking for hair balls, but I can only find one clear, liquid-y pile of throw up. I look at my cat and say, "I'm going to clean it up this time, but next time you'd better now wake me up."
I'm about to turn off the light, so I turn around one last time to check on them. And guess what?
They're chowing away on the poinsettia.
And for your information, 'Poinsettia' is just another word for 'pet poison.' See how they words kind of match?
Yeah. So my cats are poisoning themselves here. I swat them away and point and them and say, "No! No! No!" until they get all scared and run away.
So THEN I have to PICK up the poinsettia and MOVE it through a DOOR and put it THERE.
I am NOT happy at this moment.
Kitties are SOOOO much trouble... but I still love them! :)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

More Hilarious Pictures!!

Hilarious Pictures!!


Do you guys want me to change my layout/design?
Like... is it getting old?
Cause I've had it up from whenever it started.
But I kinda like it.
You know, simple. Green.
But I could stand to change it.
So... what do you guys think about it?

Lights... Camera... Action!

Okay, so, for Christmas, I got what I really wanted.
A camcorder.
Actually, I wanted a camera, with both pictures and video, but I'll settle for this.
I actually didn't expect it because I usually get all this little random stuff that I didn't specifically ask for, so I was pleasantly surprised! (Okay, a liiiittle more than 'pleasantly'.)
It's a white flip camcorder that looks like this--
But Windows isn't working on our computer so I can't edit any of my videos yet. :(
I ran it out of battery the second day. Eep!
And I have discovered that I like improvising. Like... just acting, but off the top of your head with no script. It's fun. I recorded myself doing that (I was 'Lucy' explaining how Narnia wasn't all true and how the whole story came up) and I went on for about eight minutes. Three different sections, but still eight minutes. Sam, you should try it sometime. You'd do well. Anyway, this post is getting long, so I'll end it--

Amazing Book

I probably bugged ALL of you with a rather ginormous email about this book-

But it has amazed me and once I started I kinda wished maybe I'd waited a while before I read it... cause it was just a bit creepy... okay, not all that much, but the idea is a bit disturbing.
So, anyway, I couldn't get out of reading it, and the Woods of Brent has it in the library (The Everafter by Amy Huntley) although for the past weeks it's been all checked out. :( Had to find it at my public library.
It doesn't take too long to read. No more than an hour.
Prepare to be Amazed!!

(Although I have to say, Deer is the one who read it first and introduced me to it.)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Sorceror's Apperentice

I saw 'Sorceror's Apprentice' which was really good. Action packed, although the action was basically the same.
Little old guy shoot flaming blue fireball at Balthazaar, who backs up into invisible little wall and bounces back...
And the villain lady had that really cheesy robot three-echo deep woman voice. Not a good idea.
But the whole thing (Especially the famous mop scene) was really done well...
Skandar, if you liked Tron, you would like this.


Oops. I forgot to say Merry Christmas.
So, here it goes: "Merry Christmas!"
(Thanks for the socks, Skandar! They fit perfectly!)

Christmas, Christmas Time is HERE!!

Christmas. What time is it? Time to check
GO GO GO, all my little minions!! (Speaking of which, I saw Despicable Me twice within the past week.)

:( ARGH!!!!!!

Nathan just blew into a paper towel cardboard core right into my ear! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I meant Elizabeth, my cousin. Just in case any confusion came up. Sorry!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Elizabeth's House Once Again!!

I am now at Elizabeth's house until Friday.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Costume Party

So for Lewie's birthday costume party I've decided to be Alice from Alice in Wonderland.
I have this dress that resembles hers (I'm going off of the Disney animated costume) but it's all baggy and wierd at the top, then all elasticcy and small at the bottom. Like it was hand-sewn by a seven year old.
Anyway, it'll work. So I put a pocket watch and a key (I don't even think Alice had a key, but anyway) on a chain like a necklace. And put the queen cards and the Ace of Diamonds on the skirt part. And I just got black and grey striped socks like she had, and black dress shoes.
I think it'll work, but I still feel more like Dorothy than Alice.
Any ideas? Like... props? What does Alice have? Or anything that symbolizes the story...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Okay, so Voyage of the Dawn Treader was actually pretty good. Except I wouldn't have really minded seeing it regular... cause we saw it in XD. And it didn't even really USE the 3D effects as much as it could've.
Anyway, in my opinion, Lucy and Edmund got WAY too old... I know that's probably the age they were supposed to be, but... still, it's just... Doesn't really have the effect.
There's not much else I can say about it...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Epic Kid

So after school Deer and I were 'practicing' in the halls when we got distracted. We started to fight epically with imaginary fireballs.
It got even better when this random little kid came up and joined us.
Deer and I had short whisper conversations in between strikes that went like this-
"Do you know who he is?"
"Whoever he is, he's AMAZING!"

So that's my little story of the epic kid.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Secret Agents *points finger-weapon at Weedy*

So, anyway, after school when Deer and I were practicing our duets we decided to go to Mr. Weedy's room. This time he was prepared.
I was under his desk when Deer yelled, "He's loading!" followed by a loud snap. That was enough to make Deer and I running all around with our finger-weapons.
Then he loaded it again and said, "I will use this force to direct you to the door."
So Deer and I fled, but Deer decided to stick her head back in. Let's just say, I heard another snap and Deer came after me, saying, "I think I may have lost a leg..."
Then after running through the duet again, Deer and I snuck past Weedy's room a couple of times. One time he saw us and chunked a green bouncy ball at us.
Weedy is well prepared.
And so am I.
Because now when I see Weedy I narrow my eyes and hold up my finger-weapon.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Okay, something happened and I can't come on here every day now (I didn't do anything bad, no) so I guess you don't have to check my blog every single day...
I really wish I could keep up with it, but I just can't. I could, but I can't as in I don't have control over it, NOT I'm not capable of it.
I'm really sorry, although I know not even half of you even will see this is the next week...
But, anyway, when I post a new post I'll just email you, I guess...
Just comment that you want to be emailed when I post if you want to... instead of just checking unsuccessfully every day...

Yet ANOTHER Basketball Tournament Goody Day!!!!

In 7th period, I was delivering notes to Mrs. Tay's mentor group when I saw Izzy and Sid. They were trying to tell me a funny story about Mrs. C, but I didn't think it was too funny... Anyway, we decided to sneak into Mr. Weedy's room and act like secret agents. Sid and Izzy broke out laughing, as usual.
Them Mr. Weedy said to them, "You guys think this is wierd. No, it happens every day."
Which is quite true.
Anyway, Sid and Izzy were following every move, and I found out that it's really hard to be a secret silent agent/ninja when two giggling failure agents are mashing into your hiding spots along with you.
So then Mr. Weedy gets out these mini foam baseballs and basketballs and starts chunking them at us. So there we are- ninja/agents dodging balls thrown by a teacher.
Then as we got closer to the door, he took out an unfilled water gun and started shooting us with it.
Yep. We left.
So, once again, in 8th period Deer and I got a pass to go be right outside Mrs. John's door (where we were yesterday) and 'practice our duet.'
I decided to get Mr. Weedy back, so I went into Mrs. John's room, but Britt was the only one in there. She was doing homework with a red pen. *clap clap* Way to get a good grade.
So I took a piece of paper out of the recycling bin and asked, "Can I take this to chunk at Mr. Weedy?" and she just kind of looks at me, then says, "Well, make sure it gets recycled."
"I'm not going to have it once I'm done with it."
So I go up to the door and stop.
What if I missed?
Or what if he got mad?
I asked Britt if she thought he would get mad, considering the fact that he's hit me many times with miniature basketballs. She said, "I don't think so," and it sounded to much like Mrs. John that is was scary.
Anyway, I didn't have the nerve to do it, and Mrs. John got back in her room.
Deer and I tried to get through our duet, but she would stop and get all scared every single time someone would come in the hall. And it didn't help that Joe was bouncing acorns, making Deer crack up.
Almost to the end of the duet, Mr. Weed steps out of his room.
Boom! I chunk it at his head. I would've hit him if he didn't duck-- but Bretz was right behind him! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!! WHY IS IT ALWAYS BRETZ?????????
Okay, maybe that's kind of funny, but I really do feel sorry for him.
Anyway, he kind of ducks with that confuzed, clueless face he always has, and the ball misses him by theesssssssss much- --- ----
And so Deer, Joe, and I stood, silenced, and Mr. Weedy and Bretz just kind of gaped at us.
I couldn't say anything, so Mr. Weedy said, "Um, I think you owe someone an apology."
So as fast as I couldn't I said, "Sorry, Bretz!" and ducked behind Deer until they were gone.
It was SOOOOO humiliating!!
And Deer and Joe were cracking up...
Anyway, I think Weedy got mad...
Cause when I threw the unfolded ball into the trash he kind of glared at me.
Gotta write a looooooooooooooooooooooooooong apology note...
Although I don't know what it will say.
Any idea?

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Happy, birthday, Skandar's blog. You were made a year and a day ago. :)
And Jestar's blog, which was created about a year and a week ago, but it's future is vanishing. :(
Sammie, your blog was created quite a while ago. Who is Joy?
Invisi, I like your water candle. :) Your first post is my favorite!!!!!!! Skandar, what is that huge jumble of letters you commented?? Manga wolf?
Anyway, I will now review my blog's past. Good-bye!
Today was a basketball tournament so Mr. Paytoll was at the gym. Meaning we didn't have Bible.
But Deer and I went, anyway, to the downstairs hall and pretended we were secret agents. At one point Bretz came out of Mr. Weedy's classroom, and because secret agents should not be seen publicly, Deer and I tried to squeeze in a corner behind the locker. Didn't work. Then I slipped and my backpack went flying across the hallway.
Just after we forget that Bretz is even in the hall, he says, "I'm just not even going to ask."
Good choice, Bretz, good choice.

Then Deer and I decided that we would work on Algebra to get it done. So we were doing that when Ali-Reed comes along. That's when I decide to make masks for Deer and I to hold up when people pass by. So I got a piece of graph paper and drew a really sloppy, creepy face on it. Deer said, "That's so pretty intricate math you have there, Annasophie!" and Ali-Reed said, "Yeah, I don't really remember doing that."
We didn't end up using the masks, because Hale, Nikki, Grizzly, and Syd came running down the hall, yelling and laughing. It ruined the fun. SO LOUD!!!!!!!
That was about the end of sixth period today.

Oh. Another snippit.
When I was coming down the stairs after school, there was banging on the door. I got there, and Britt-John was pounding the door furiously. Then as soon as I opened the door, she smiled all so angel-like and said in a sweet voice, "Thank you!"
Wow. She is pretty much the randomest person around... Based on other stuff she does. (And her Tinkerbell lunchbox! And her JUMPER!!!! REALLY?? You're in high school and still wearing a uniform JUMPER??)

Monday, November 29, 2010


You guys who haven't had to sit through the internet safetly speech thing are about to be bored.

Thanksgiving Break

So... my Thanksgiving break consisted of going to my cousin, Elizabeth's, house. Here's a list of what we did:
  • Climbed up the side of the house
  • Climbed up the pillars on the side of the house
  • Climbed up the mailbox and had epic slow-motion wars with shooting imaginary fire rings from our hands
  • Climbed up the high metal monkey bars at the park and stand on the railings
  • Climbed up the bunk bed and stand on THOSE railings
  • Climbed up the doorframes to the hang-on-the-door pull-up bar
  • Climbed up the walls to our HQ (sorry, no telling!)
  • Ate fruit gummies and oranges (a lot!)
  • Watched muffin films
  • Watched PRINCE OF PERSIA (Which, by the way was AMAZING YOUALLNEEDTOSEEIT!!!!!!) I know who my favorite Disney princess is!!

And then we drove five hours to my Grandparent's ranch where I:

  • Climbed up the rocks with Ch1k3n
  • Was sad about the lake almost all dried up
  • Walked on the mud in the lake. I figured out that if you put your foot flat on the surface you wouldn't sink. Until the sinking point. Where I reached. Then I forgot the 'foot flat' thing and RAN back.
  • Rode on the back of the pickup truck
  • Shot dead cacti with my bow-and-arrow
  • Bluetoothed Ch1k3n pictures
  • Tried to catch kittens
  • Watched helplessly as my Grandmother's indoor cat shoved himself up INTO the freezer
  • Re-read To Kill a Mockingbird.

Friday, November 19, 2010


I... am... so... very... very... mad... at... the... computer... or... Ch1k3n...
Cause I just lost my big LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG post about All Region Band tryouts.
Either the computer exxed it out or Ch1k3n turned off the computer without even CHECKING to see what all would be erased.
And 'Word' doesn't even save well on my computer...
SO MAD!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Science Project

So, you know, the big science project we have to do? Well, mine is to see if sugar crystals grow fastest in bright light, darkness, or average light.
The first time I did it I didn't let the starter crystals dry enough so they didn't grow. Then I took the strings back out and let them dry AGAIN. Now it's actually starting to work, but guess what? It has to be done by this Friday. Yippee.
And I was trying to take pictures of them, but this camera I'm using is probably about five years old and has horrible quality. So whenever I try to take a picture of the crystals on the string, all I see in the picture is a yellow background and an orange streak. Yeah, not exactly what I wanted.
So now I'm going to have to turn in a half-finished experiment for school...
But you know that science fair that we have to do? Yeah, I'll keep my experiment and re-do the graphs and charts so that they match the latest results...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

After School

So after school I was waiting in the usual place where I wait to be picked up, next to the Youth Center. Then Mrs. Tail comes up and shouts at the 7th grade boys who were also waiting, "Get out of here! Out! Now! Pick up all your stuff and LEAVE! This is NOT a hangout!"
And we were all, "Um... our parents pick us up here."
She doesn't believe us, but then eventually says, "Well, then, SIT down on the concrete."
Someone's moody today.

Dance Class

So as some of you may know, I help teach the youngest dance class in my mom's studio. One of them is spoiled and needs attention. Usually when she's moody I just leave her alone and when she realizes she's not getting attention, she just stops.
But today she started crying, and my mom told me to see what she needed. So I asked, "Are you okay? Do you need anything?"
"It hurts..." (by the way, how she says 'hurts' is 'hoats.')
"... what??"
"It hurts!"
"Oh... Well, what hurts?"
"My tongue."
"Your... tongue?"
"My tongue."
"Oh. Well, I'm sorry your tongue hurts."
Long story short, she went home because of slight Strepp.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Question for Jestar

Jestar, there's a question for you on Sophie's Stories...
I don't know if you answered yet, I haven't checked... :)

Monday, November 8, 2010


My internet's been down for the past week, and when I checked my email today four of the five new messages were from teachers.

Rip-Off Tacos

So this morning StuCo was handing out breakfast tacos, free for those who gave blood...
But those who didn't had to pay $1.50 if they wanted one. Fizzy got one... and it was about one inch wide and five inches across! TINY!!!!!!!!!!!
WAYYYYY too much they're asking for those...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

...insert random title here...

Invisi, did you go to the whatever-it-was thing at your school today (Saturday)?
Cause I was performing yo-yo there.
Anyway, what I really don't like is when random kids come up and think that we're just... there and brought our yo-yos along for other people to play with... then they're all "can I try?" and it takes up SO much practice time. ARGH!!!!!

Internet Problems

Sorry I haven't been on... our internet hasn't been able to connect for a while... :(

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nathan's Marching Band State Competition

So, sadly, we just found out that Nathan's marching band didn't make State semi-finals.
They're now at the State Competition in San Ant.
Oh, well... last time they made State was 20+ years ago. :(

American History

So today in American History we had a food party. It was supposed to be a colonial food party, but it turned out to be more like 'food in general' such as breakfast tacos, chips, and cookies.
Nikki brought venison summer sausage and I brought root beer. Here's the list of other stuff that people brought--
  • tortilla chips
  • salsa
  • cornbread and butter
  • Mexican fruit cake
  • orange juice
  • sweet cinnamon hardtack
  • beef jerky
  • shortbread pastries that no one really cared for
  • beans

Then tomorrow we're having a 'party' in Study Hall because twelve days we had our supplies... it took us two semesters to do it!!!! But Mrs. Morin's idea of 'party' is "quietly sit at your desks and whisper silently." No. NOT the definition of party. Hello, can we at least go outside?? Argh.

My dad's talking to my mom on the phone now... she just told him if Nathan made finals for state... he's still talking... *nervous!* the way, her and Nathan are at State Marching competition in ...he's saying bye... wait for it... I asked... NO!!!!!!!!... THEY DIDN'T GET TO FINALS!!!! :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((


I LOVE MY KITTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Tonight is Halloween and we are hiding in our houses from the trick-or-treaters.
Yeah, someone rang our bell but we didn't open!

Night Stalkers!

Last night from about 9:00 to maybe 10:45 my cousin and I were outside in my front yard. She was 'Secret Agent #1' and I was 'Secret Agent #2.' We each had one shoe for our 'communicating devices.' Then we stalked people and ran out into the street and said random stuff like "America needs more ninjas!"
Anyway... it all ended when I had to go inside to make a cookie cake. :(

Friday, October 29, 2010

Skipping Schooltime!

Okay, so as some of you know, Sam and I had a dance performance during school. I actually got out of class at 1:30, but my mom wan't there yet, so I waited in the high school office. Then it got really awkward because it was just Mrs. Tincan, me, and her fish, so I went to Mr. Plard's room. He was eating a green burrito the color of his shirt. Then my mom showed up and we picked Sam up from her Spanish class and we got signed out.
Then we drove for about ten minutes to the area. It took a while to find but we eventually got there. Some Mexican mariachi band was playing and singing really badly. In one of the songs they sounded like Mexican ninjas. We got our costumes on and walked over to the place where we were going to perform. Then we met up with Mrs. Snowy. She was going to be the back of the cow in our dance (don't ask) but she was wearing a dress and tights. The conversation between her and my mom went somewhat like this:
"Um... You know you're going to be dancing with us, right?"
"Yeah! I think I remember the moves... I'm going to be at the end of the cow, right?"
"Yes, but you're wearing tights and a dress. Cows don't wear tights."
"Oh, they can see our legs?"
Anyway, some people playing Chinese Pianos were before us in the program, so we watched them. There was a little nine year old boy who was actually pretty good. Meanwhile, I was failing at practicing my yoyo.
Then it was our turn. I was going to go first, but Mrs. Snowy, who was introducing us, said that my mom's Tai Chi was first. Which was wrong. So we corrected her and she started randomly saying wrong facts about the Chinese Yoyo.
I started my yoyo up, despite the sun that was really bright. Then they kept playing snippets of the wrong music, in and order that it sounded like Chinese techno music. Plus I was right by the hugs speakers which must have been turned to the max, so it was really loud. After a while, Mrs. Snowy says to the crowd, "I'm sorry, we're experiencing technical difficulties."
Then I was told that I had to use some other music because for some reason the song wouldn't play. So I started and was just doing random tricks. Which my mom tried to commentate on. Didn't work.
They seemed really happy, so I just kept, well... yoyo-ing. The light was blinding, let me tell you! But I didn't drop it and I was happy. So I did well.
Then my mom did her Tai Chi Sword thing...
And then it was time for Sam and my dance! We got into our spots, and there were more technical difficulties. Finally we got it to work.
It was good until the time we were supposed to get the cow. They weren't even IN the cow costume. So we just kind of did more improvising dancing, then went on to get the cow.
When we were pulling it to the stage they were still getting their head on. Then they stopped right at the corner, so we were just like "um, okay" and went with it. The rest of the dance was okay...
The we ate! Yay! We had brisket sandwiches, chips, and a cookie. We ate in the sun and watched this guy play the bagpipes. He had on a man-skirt (okay, it was a kilt), a beret (aren't those French?), and a knife stuck in his sock. Then when he walked past us we could see that he had a mohawk cut! HAHA!
Then we left and came back to school. :( So Sam could take her Biology test.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


I am so happy I got the part that I wanted!!
I'm Louise, the second main character. Yesterday during auditions I was Louise and Leigh was Allie, and we worked really well together...
And so she got the main part of Allie (Alan)... and I guess I'm kind of sad but she did want it more than I did. It's on of the first times a seventh grader got THE main part.

NJHS Ceremony

So... today... I wore my black dress for the NJHS Ceremony. The morning was pretty uneventful, but then at 11:30, jsut a little bit into 4th period, we got to leave. I was in Jello's car, and we didn't really talk. Her dad had a C.C. of music from the '60s on and was singing along. Okay, he may be a model, but he's definitely not a singer!
Then we got to Cold Stream, and we were the first ones (besides the official people) to get there. The whole restaurant was decorated with spiders and rather disturbing decorations. Then we got to our big formal room, where our chocolate mousse cake was already set out on the table.
Nikki and Hale came shortly after, and we chose our seats. Then I noticed that the cake for the seat across from me was bigger than my slice, so I nudged them until I had the bigger piece. Which I really regretted later.
There was also bread and butter on the table, which was really good. Actually, I think it was just the butter that was good. The bread was average. Nikki ate half the loaf for our part of the table... That's a lot of bread.
Anyway, after a lot of official-sounding talk, we were served our lunch. It was heart-shaped chicken chipotle that was really tender, 'smashed' potatoes flavored slightly with garlic, and buttered asparagus. I ate all of it, but I was the only who did. Syd ate her chicken, one asparagus, and left about three spoonfuls of potatoes. Nikki left about a spoonful of potatoes and all her asparagus. Then she started to eat her cake. Then when she was done, she asked the adults for their bread. So overall she ate probably more than a whole loaf.
I was still on my cake at that point. It was really good at first, but I would have preferred ice cream... It was good, though. Until I got to about more than half. Then I started feeling like I was going to throw up. I barely got through because I didn't want to leave anything. (I feel guilty when I do.) Then I thought I could not ever see that cake anymore, especially the white stuff. Just then I see Hale scoop up all the white mousse on her fork and shove it into her mouth.
After the rather boring speeches we saw the officers try to remember their speeches about the candles. It was really amusing because they couldn't remember what they were supposed to say.
Nothing else really happened...
We ended, took pictures outside, and we went back to the school. Jello and I talked more about getting our roles in the play. Then we got back to school and since I had art in 7th period, I got to wear a huge t-shirt serving as an apron. Yay! I also finished my abstract landscape painting.
Anyway, in band, Fizzy had guaze wrapped around her hand because she hurt it playing soccer. She was complaining that it hurt, but refused to tell Mr. Pollard.
Then I was signing to Leigh how many minutes until the bell rang because we were excited about seeing our drama audition results.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I Feel Like Cinderella!

Okay, strange title... but...
So tomorrow's our NJHS Induction Ceremony, and I have the perfect black dress. It's casually formal. I love it!
But-- I didn't have any shoes. And I realized this at 8:45 p.m.
SO... we go to Kohl's first. I'm surprised I didn't find anything.
Next stop: Shoe Carnival. I found a perfect pair of black shoes were... I don't know. I liked them. Let's see... How do you drescribe them? Black, thin strips of leather that kinda went in between the toes... I really liked them... Although I couldn't walk in them because they had heels about 1 1/2 inches tall. The thing is, they were $40. So, of course, we went to the next store.
Target: very bad selection of shoes for my taste. All too... girly. Like... way girly.
Walmart (I SORRY, it was the last choice!): I found a pair that looked okay, but it would be better on a forty year old lady. Then we found another one... That was perfect! Yay!
So we got them.
Of all the places we went we got them at Walmart. *applause*
Anyway, the main point is, don't ever go shoe shopping for dress shoes. It doesn't work and is incredibly frustrating because everything's either like hiking high heels or zebra-striped boots.
That's all I have for now. Good night! :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

3--2--1-- BLAST OFF!!!

Okay, not that exciting...
But I started my science experiment of finding out where rock candy grows the best: in light, in average light, and in no light.
But I haven't put the string in cause it needs to dry...
And we need to show her entries on our log book on Friday... and I only have one!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Crime Scene

Now if you go down to the long jump, you will notice that there is a crime scene.
Someone had a big party (probably graduate students) Friday night (our guess) and burned up the pole vault rope, burned the crates on the high jump cushions, turned the cushions around, and stole one of the high jump pole measuring stands.
Nikki, Hale, and I discovered this while we went down to the long jump pit to practice. We actually mainly went for the rope, but discovered it burnt up and black. With ashes and bottles/cans scattered everywhere.
Then we asked Sladz what happened, and we showed him. He got all... "uh oh" and we told Mr. Moore, who was surprisingly calm.

I'm scared.

Pizza Plardz

So some of you might know that Mr. Plard and his friend went to a restaurant to take on a challenge to eat a 28" pizza in less than 30 minutes.
Apparently, his friend ordered bacon for a topping, and... there was a lot of bacon. And it was filling. So his friend gave up very early and left Plard to finish.
Which he didn't, sadly...
His wife was telling him to swallow and not chew, but that would choke him, wouldn't it?
And other people were playing "Beat It" by Michael Jackson but it was changed up by Wierd Al Yanchovick to "Eat It."
He didn't finish the pizza. Sadly.
And meanwhile I was failing with my orchestra.

Another Drama Audition

Unfortunately, Guineapig is getting better, although it's still pretty painful to watch.
Willies is also auditioning for the main part, but she's a seventh grader and... yeah. Seventh grader.

Friday, October 22, 2010


Gabe is my new pumpkin given to me by Sam.
He is about 3 inches tall and 4.5 inches wide. (The numbers 4 and 5 didn't sound right, so I decided to be more precise!)
He was on my shoulder all day today!
He's here now.
And just typed that.
byer (that's Gabriel's version of bye)

Fall Fest!!

As you know, the fall festival is coming up soon. Tomorrow.

Drama Audition Update

So today I heard a lot of people say that they would argue with Mrs. C if I didn't get the part of Alan. I wonder where this is going.
But Bookworm made a good point: Guineapig was inconsistent with his acting, so maybe he got callbacks because Mrs. C wanted to know how Alan's character would be if she chose Guineapig.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dramedy Auditions

So Lamb said that I did really well in my audition for Alan. Guineapig, on the other hand-- not so well. Unless 'good' is reading off the script with no emotion and having at least two seconds of pause between every word. But Mrs. C had him do the Alan part for the other people's auditions... He's probably going to get chosen cause his dad's Ricky Guineapig and if the Woods of Brent can please his family, they're going to give a lot of money.
Have you guys noticed stuff like this going on at school?

Creepy Song

'Break My Heart,' the new song in chapel, is kinda creepy but at the same time really good. I like the melody of the chorus, but's it's just... kind of... I don't know... creepy.
And for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, it's a song that's main chorus says:
"My heart is hard
my soul so weak.
The ways of evil
cut so deep.
I need you, Lord
to come inside
and gently break my heart."
It just kind of scares me at the same time.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Flute Student

My first flute student (okay, I didn't get paid) got first chair on her first chair test!

Dramady Auditions!

I'm going for the main part (Alan) in the play (although if I get the part I'll rename it Alice) AND- I have only one person who's auditioning for the part. It's McGuinneaPig, and I'm not sure he's a good actor. Hollings is also going for it... But he's a 7 grader and they don't choose them for the main parts.
I know all my lines... I hope I do well!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


You know how the Bible says we should love our enemies?
Meaning that we CAN have enemies? We have permission to have enemies. As long as we love them... right?
What are your opinions on that?

--Just a little thought for today...


We have a new keyboard that is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!!!!!!!!!
It's really quiet and the font is really cool and digital-like...
And the best thing is that it GLOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean it's like the underglow of fancy cars! The little space between the keys are colored! You can even change the brightness and color! There's blue, red, and violet, which I am using right now. It's awsome!
Wait, I'm going to switch to blue...
AWESOME!!!!!!!! Looks like the colors on Ch1k3n's phone... Cobalt blue...
Siren Red...
While Violet...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The OTHER All Region

So I just found out that my TOTAL ENEMY OF ALL TIME got first chair. Luckily, she's in the other district so I wasn't competing against her.
Just in case some of you are wondering, it's Sam Singsong. ;((((

Friday, October 15, 2010

New Blog!

Here's a link to my new blog that will have my stories on it.


Wish Me Luck!

Wish me luck, I'm going to audition for All Region Orchestra again. Tomorrow.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Extra Credit

I took 3+ hours yesterday doing a 5 page extra credit report that Mr. Paytoll assigned us. I didn't have to do it but cause I could tell he didn't want anyone to take him seriously I did it anyway. I wonder what he's going to do.


Invisi is finally somewhat back with us on the blogs!!!!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010


My grandmother is trying to make me eat this 'sweet' gooey stuff. No.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

XC Meet

So today at our Cross Country meet we ran half and then this high schooler passed out and stopped breathing and they were all doing CPR and the ambulance and fire truck came...
Second time this has happened this year.
So we had to stop running for like 3 minutes...

Friday, October 8, 2010


From yesterday to today, I was bitten by a mosquito 22 times.

Amazing Videos

I know you've probably already seen these before, but they're amazing, so I'll post them up.
God Cares for You-
Reverse Thinking-
And the newest one I found,
A Lost Generation-

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


So in Drama we're doing our play... This is a Test by Stephen Gregg.
When we were reading it through the first day, Ash was the main character. It was okay... But now she's all "I'm gonna be the main character! Sorry to ruin your hopes!" to everyone.
But Gary was worse today! Literally! I mean it was like (imagine this in monotone) "And... I... Don't... Even... Know.... um........ Know... um..... oh!....... know anything."

Random Complaints About Band...

Why does Mr. Pollard always not like me talking about my violin and piano? I mean, I don't even mention them often, but when I do he just goes "cool" and walks off.
I say- "I tried my flute music on my violin" and he just goes away.
Min says- "I play violin!" Mr. Pollard- ":) Yay! Can you play for our high school band?? :)"
And not trying to be critical, but that guy can't even tune his violin. Seriously, all I hear is squeaks. No power, no sound, no music!
Another example...
I say- "Can I play the piano?" Mr. Pollard- "Um... no. Not enough time."
Jacob O says- "Hey, Mr. Pollard, is there a piano part for this music? Cause I play the piano." *hint hint- he only can play one repetitive song* Mr. Pollard- "Hey, yeah! I can get it to you! Thanks!"

Sorry you had to listen to me erupt about that...

Monday, October 4, 2010


I am sad because I have forever lost contact of my best online and only online (meaning I don't know the, in real life) friend.
Jestar, you know... Kidinthewindow deleted her account.

Cormy Takes the Podium

So today because Mr. P was with the 7th graders on their retreat, high school band was directed by Cormy. Warning- Cormy does NOT conduct well!
It was really funny cause Bailey was trying to help him but it was an epic fail...
And the substitute OW MY CAT JUST TOOK A HUGE BITE OF MY ARM talked in a high pitched voice and was very Patty-like.Eek.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

*Awkward Silence*

Today this kid in church raised his hand and flat out said, "Just in case some of you know, I don't believe in God. I don't care what you think about me, that's your problem. And if you'll criticize me, you're being hypocritical, cause you're supposed to be trying to help me."
...*awkward silence*...
Teacher: "Um... so what were the games we linked to our lessons in the past weeks?" trying to move the subject...

FOR INVISI!!!!!!!!

Invisi, Ch1k3n saw you at the Marching Band Competition! Cause your busses were parked together...
Wait, does Invisi even go on the blogs anymore? Cause her school has a lot of homework... While Ch1k3n is still having loads of free time to play his little airplane simulator stuff...

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Marching Band News!!

...sorry, Invisi, your band got... one... trophy... I think...
But another school got 3 trophies!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, so did Ch1k3n's but...
So Ch1k3n's band got-
Outstanding percussion (which my mom helped with! It had an Asian theme so they used Asian drums)
Outstanding color guard (flag and baton people)
1st place overall.
And the Asian theme- they all looked kinda like Sumarai warriors and did little dance things and ended in Ninja positions!

XC Meet

So today there was a Cross Country meet... And, just for those who don't know, the ones in my team are Lewz, Hale, Mango, and Bekk. We actually had time to walk the whole course, then our race started. And the race was pretty uneventful. Except for the fact that one girl passed out and an ambulance and fire truck was sent.
But after it, we went to cheer on the boys, and since we were happy we decided to cheer ALL of them on. And a lot from random schools just looked at us wierd, some said "Thanks," and this one guy near the back saw Hale hold her hand out so he slapped our hands and said, "I don't know you, but okay!"
Then when the last few passed, Hale and Lewz started running alongside them while Bekk and I walked. Then a creepy tall blonde guy with his friend came toward us with a stalk of a lavender flower.
"Look, I got something for you!"
"Um... no thanks..."
"But it's for you!"
"Um... no..."
Then he turns to me.
"You want it?"
"Um, not really..."
"You sure?"
"Um... Yeah... I don't want it..."
It was wierd. Scary people.
Then we watched the high school races. The only thing funny was when Pando crossed the finish line, he kept sprinting and we couldn't find him for a long time.
And a guy started spitting up that gunk stuff (I mean, it was a LONG string, more than a foot long, about half an inch wide, and had a tint of yellow... gross!) and his coach just used her hand to swipe it off. EWWWWWWWWWW!
And then I had to go to dance class. Although I was 30 minutes late.
Dance class after cross country race= NEVER DO AGAIN!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Weight Room

So after Cross Country practice ended early today, Hale, Lewz, and I stayed back and creeped out the guys in the weight room. Like we said, 'brocolli!' in wierd accents and followed them to the water fountain and watched them drink water... Then we had a plan that Hale would do a wierd dance, Lewz would go 'Can I touch your muscle??' really girly, and I had to stick to the 'brocolli' thing. Didn't work. RyanBrunz came out and none of us started, so we started to laugh really hard and crazy and he just stood there for a long time and just watched us... and we kept laughing cause his expression was so funny... clueless eyes and his mouth was hanging open...
Then Lewz left and Hale and I continued wierding out other high schoolers. Except for Withey. I respect him. He's a really good actor, and my preacher's son... so yeah... Don't my preacher thinking I'm wierd. ANYWAY. Pando came down the stairs with that short, spiky-brown haired Asian guy and I said, "brocolli." And the spiky haired guy started to laugh. Cause Hale was trying to squirt hand sanitizer on Pando. And I was saying 'brocolli.' Then he just asked, "Um... Are you okay?"
It. Was. FUN.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Music Video!

I have successfully completed recording and videoing Hale for A.V.A's sample music video! Now I just need to put it all together, then it will be all set! Yay!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Orchestra Wasn't Fun...

Orchestra wasn't fun today. Two whole hours up until 9pm of SITTING UP STRAIGHT and playing my violin with extremely difficult pieces that I CAN'T PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Play Opinions

So... what did you guys think of the play?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Veterinary Psychologists

I am planning on getting a degree in both Veterinary General and Veterinary Psychology studies. Just saying. I don't know why.
I like peaches.


I won $226 from the Weepul game!!!!!!!!
...then I lost my gym uniform...
So I guess my luck is average.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I'm Here!

Okay, I'm back... I've currently been using my time on research and that stuff...

Thursday, September 9, 2010


My fluffy kitty has kitty depression and is currently taking kitty antidepressiants.

Stories, Anyone?

I am considering if I should have blog open to the public that has my stories I write... I need your TRUE opinions!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Woods of Brent

Isn't it sad that whenever you type in 'Woods of Brent' on Google it immediately comes up with 'Woods of Brent bomb'?

Bye-bye Platty!

Platypus-throwing lady is GONE!!!!!!! RESIGNED!!!!!!! BYE-BYE!!!!!!!! FOREVER!!!!!
...but meanwhile we're stuck with clueless substitutes that don't have lesson plans...

Violin Madness!!

I typed the whole thing out and it was long but Blogger didn't publish it and I am really annoyed so sorry you'll just get a short version:
I made a high level orchestra and the chair test music is All Region High School excerts (not good) and I have less than a week and everyone else had more than three months but the music isn't as hard as I thought it would be so yeah I need your prayers PLEASE. I have to work REALLY REALLY hard to do this!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Flute Teacher's Friend

Align LeftToday I learned that my flute teacher talks to her printer.

Friday, September 3, 2010


I have something that will make some of you happy.
It's green and black.
I take pictures with it.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Today on I saw one that said "Dear Dora, the banana tree is right behind you. Sincerely, Annoyed Toddler. MLIA

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Awesome MLIA!!

I found this HILARIOUS MLIA:

Today, while walking down the street, a little girl of about 5 ran up to me, grabbed my hand, and pulled me along until we reached her mother reading at a café. The little girl cried, "Look, mommy, look! Look what I found! Can I keep him? Huh? Pleeeaaaaase?" The mother looked up for a second, sighed, then turned back to her book, saying, "He's not yours, Sarah, go put him back where you found him." They made my day. MLIA

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I just finished reading House by Ted Dekker and Frank Peretti... It was really really amazing... It was really violent, though, and the movie of it was the first Christian movie to be rated 'R.'

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lovely Pictures...

I searched my name in the Google pictures thing and it came up with random llamas.

Friday, August 20, 2010

YAY, Thomas!

This post is dedicated to Thomas Sangster. :)


YAY we got the yearbooks!!!!!!!!
I'm done looking through it... (Jestar, don't get upset...) And I found on Sky's 'Blessing' page... Picture of him and Izzy... Ch1k3n and I thought would be pretty humiliating to be put in a yearbook!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I'm Back!

I'm back, school started at the Woods of Brent...
Lots of seniors dropped by in seventh period and Ferret stuck his head in and said, "You all be good, now!" and Mrs. Morin returned Mike's artwork he left from last year...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Somewhat Farewell...

I can't be on until Sunday, possible Saturday... :(

Monday, August 9, 2010


When I was commenting on Sam's blog and had to do the 'verification' thing it made me type 'Jollycha.'

Sunday, August 8, 2010


So yesterday our cousins (ages 16? and 19) that we haven't seen in a long time came over. It was awkward the first five hours... but then they started to get wierd...
Here's what they said:
"Peet-zah! ... Peet-zah! ... Peet-zah!"
"Don't eat your hair, it's not pizza!"
"Stop wiggling! You inchworm! Stop wiggling!"
"Hurry up and eat your dessert. It's gonna mutate into a beaver."

Despicable Me, ANYONE??


Friday, August 6, 2010


So I have this neighbor who I will call A.V.A who is actually a really good singer at the age of six... I video taped her singing and she starts singing about 'Having a party tonight and wanting to FIGHT, FIGHT! And wanting to FIGHT, FIGHT!' and she started to punch the camera.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010



Testing #2

I will comment once on this.

Wood Flooring!!

We hired wood flooring peopleses to come turn our downstairs carpet into... a wood floor.
It's going to take three days, my kitties are going to be in my room (the litter box is even up here!), and on Saturday my cousins that I haven't seen in 3 years are coming!!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


WHY is it that whenever I post a comment I don't have a little picture-icon-thingy??

Testing... Testing... ??

I am testing something out. I will comment on this. Twice. Thank you.


My schedule came out... Do you guys want it?

Monday, August 2, 2010



Sunday, August 1, 2010

CheesyFatcakes... HAHAHA!!!!!!

I forgot to say that while we were at the store CheesyFatcakes was standing in the entrance of the girl's changing room and this lady came up to him and said, "You need to get out of here."

Friday, July 30, 2010

Questions About Commenting

Whenever I try to comment I have to do the little thing where you type something like 'klhrc' for the comment to get published...
Do you guys have to, too?




So... we went back to the store again today and we bought like $107 worth but saved $347...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


TOBYMAC, Michael W. Smith, Max Lucado, and someone else ARE COMING TO AUSTIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

HUGE Savings!

Yesterday I had to go with my mom to shop (cause there was a sale) and we got two satin bedsheets (one for me! Yay!), two pairs of shoes (one Converse brand for Ch1k3n and one Nike for me), two shirt-and-tie sets (black shirt with silver tie and purple shirt with purple striped tie for Ch1k3n) and maybe some other stuff...
I know Ch1k3n REALLY likes his stuff even though he tried to not show it... When I went down to get his shoes, I came back and the black shirt set was opened. :) :)
And so now I will stop talking about Ch1k3n's happiness and get to the point.
We spend- $100+. (I'm not quite sure the number.)
We saved-


Saturday, July 24, 2010

School Supply

PLEASE can someone email me how to get to the school supply list?

Friday, July 23, 2010


So I called Hail to find an email address to reach her by and... so she answered.
"Hello?" she answers.
"Hi. Okay, before my cat leaves, want to hear her meow?"
"You got a cat?"
"Yeah, I've... had one ever since second grade... Remember??"
"Jestar got a cat."
"Jestar? Who's Jestar?"
"Um... Jestar... in our grade... not coming back to the Woods of Brent next year."
"Huh? Our grade? Are you talking about... Wait, no... Your school or my school?"
By now I am utterly confuzed.
"Um, Hail, I think you're confuzed."
"What? Hail? ***-----something about Hail and Noelle-------***"
"Wait, wait, wait. What. Is. Your. Name."

So in the end I find out that I was talking to Hail when I was talking to her sister. And her sister thought that I was her friend Noelle...

Where's Skandar?


Re: ...:(...

I didn't.
He woke up at 8:30.
And I think I did, too.
Cause I fell asleep at 1:00.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

... :( ...

Tomorrow I will wake up at 6:00 a.m. to help Ch1k3n wash the car.

Distracted Driving

You know how we're always told by safely people to not have distractions while we drive?
But just today we were driving along the road and came to an intersection.
There was a guy in a car who stopped way before a stop sign.
He was eating hamburger.
We were about to go when he started again but stopped again at the stop light.
We stopped.
He ate.
We waited.
He ate.
We finally went.
He was a POLICE.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


In case you guys don't know yet, tobyMac is awesome.
Just saying.
*bows and steps off stage*

Ch1k3n Likes Family Matters

Ch1k3n is watching Family Matters.
Steve is so wierd.


Comment on this. Please. Just... comment. I want to see how many people visit this and how many times and... yeah.
Thank you.

Monday, July 19, 2010


I had flute camp today.
There was a very strange teacher, Mrs. Keen.
So the first thing she made us do was stand in a circle.
Swing our hands around and huff and puff.
Then on the third swing we say, "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

She was the only one doing it.
"Feel FREEEEEEE!!!!"

W-o-w. Strangest teacher yet.


So today we went to a restaurant for lunch with Thai-tye and Erca.
We ate... it was a buffet... and it was salty... AND Erca and I laughed... a lot... probably ten minutes... VERY hard to breathe when you're laughing that hard.
And our waiter was awesome. His name was Jose and he asked Ch1k3n, "Wassat?" and pointed to Ch1k3n's water.
"Um... water."
"Okay." *leaves* *comes back with a pitcher of water*
"Want refeel?"
"Um, okay."
"Onnet." *pours glass*
"Um... Thank you."
"You gottet, man." *leaves*
And then came dessert.
They had a chocolate fountain.
So Thai-tye's teacher we met there dared him to dip his buffalo wing chicken into the chocolate.
And he did.
And ate it.
All while the teacher took a video to post on Facebook.
It was funny.
As for me, I had chocolate covered strawberries and chocolated covered fudge. If that makes sense. Which it doesn't. But anyway. Bye.


So last night we had this little 'Olympics' thing for families of high schoolers where you go and compete and eat ice cream. The competitions were the Water Balloon Toss, Three-Legged Race, Watermelon Eating, and Football Accuracy.
My team got out on the first water balloon toss round and didn't win out heat of the three-legged race. That's all we did.
And let's just say that the Watermelon Eating Contest was... well... interesting. See, there's this intern called Roz. He has a sharp nose, a creepy look in his eyes (slightly bit wild), and looong hair down to about four inches down his shoulder. That day he wore a hairband that made him look very much like a girl, some soccer jersey, and knee-high socks. (Reminds me of SCOTT, Skandar! Haha.) And he's wild.
Extremely wild.
Not-a-good-example wild.
VVEEEEEEEEEEERYYYYYYYYY wild. You get the point.
Anyway, he gets this hunk of watermelon and he gets about three bites into it when he opens him mouth and begins whamming his face into the while thing.
BANG BANG BANG BANG he almost broke the table and got watermelon juice sloshed ALL over the table. And get this- he didn't EAT any of it. The remains of the poor 'watermelon' were left on the ground under where he sat. And his entire face was wet with juice and small particles of watermelon.
Then one of the middle school girls looked at him and said, "Um, you got a little... a lot..."
"No, I don't." Straight face.
"I got it all off."
"Okay, then..."
So then Roz goes off and wipes his face on the back of a poor little high schooler's shirt. And guess what- the wet spots looked like a little self-portrait of himself!
Other than that nothing else happened.
Except I ate supper.
It was Ice Cream.
I must have eaten at least a quart.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Oops, Ch1k3n DOES Know Cats!

About the post on Ch1k3n not knowing cats...
It WAS a guy. Oops, my bad...

Friday, July 16, 2010

Post, Jestar...

Jestar, why aren't you posting?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Where's Jestar?


No Sense Starrz

Starrz has no sense at all. She just told me about her party tomorrow.
Nice move, cause as far as I know, I'm not invited.
But that's fine with me cause all her friends are little fourth graders... screaming, hyper, sugared up elves.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Ch1k3n Doesn't Know Cats

There's this cat that comes to our house every night so I decided to put up 'Found' posters cause it's obviously an indoor cat. (Declawed kitty.)
So I wrote a description and asked Ch1k3n what he thought of it.
Then I said, "Oh, yeah, it's female."
And he asks, "How do you know?"
So this person at my cousin's church's name is:
Justin Weaver.
Sounds like Justin Beiber, right?
And you know the whole 'Jessica Beaver' thing?
Well, his girlfriend's name IS Jessica.
So if they get married (they're probably 20 years old) someone will be Jessica Weaver. Wow.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Acer is Desperate...

Acer, my cousin, is desperate for Nutella. (We had to tell him to put a shirt on for these. Right now he's shirtless and beating up CheesyFatcakes. Now he's done and CheesyFatcakes is laying on the ground going, "Pinky... oh, Pinky..." Pinky's the dog...)
So yeah here's the picture.

Despicable Me

Despicable Me is out... Who wants to see it?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Racing the Hurricane

I lay awake in my bed at night, listening to the rain pounding on the roof. Hurricane Alex, first of the season, was coming in. I was in my cousin’s house in Port L, where many hurricanes have hit before. The thing that Port L was most famous for was when a hurricane came and stripped a dock in half. It still stands broken. I shake these thoughts out of my head and focus on falling back to sleep. As hard as I try, I can’t get the sound of the rain splashing against the window, growing louder, then falling to a crescendo until it starts back up/ I am not aware when I fall back into the darkness of sleep. “Hey, Elizabeth, want to go out to the park for lunch?”“Sure.”“Okay, um… Looks like the only thing that we can bring there is sandwiches… Is that all right?”“We’ve been having sandwiches forever, though!” We recently made a trip to my grandparent’s house, where they sent us home with at least three pounds of cold cut meat. “I know,” I return back to Elizabeth’s complain. “Well, that’s just going to be easiest. Fine if you don’t want to- that’s what I’m taking.” Elizabeth reluctantly agreed. I took out a slice of bread and the meat. I placed on it at least 10 pieces of turkey and folded it in half. Rayne, my older cousin, looked up from studying her Texas Government. “You’re eating that?” I take a look at my sandwich. “Yeah. Why?” “Oh… Okay, then. That’s HUGE!” I ignore her and stuff it into a sandwich bag, which I place in a backpack Elizabeth took out. “Hey, Elizabeth, should be bring Pinkie?” I look at her dog. “No, he’ll be safer here.” Soon, both of us are outside and riding to the park. “It’s raining,” Elizabeth commented. “I know. But it’s just left over from last night. It’ll be nothing.” As we reach the park the rain stops. We ride up the ramp and park our bikes on the soft dirt. Lunch is short. We eat under the play set on bars sprawled out of a metal pole, supposedly the ‘trunk’ of the tree house themed park. Then it begins to rain. “Let’s go up on the play set,” Elizabeth suggests. “You go up with our stuff and I get the bikes.” I first run down to throw away my drink that I finished. “Get out the umbrellas,” Elizabeth orders. I follow, taking the blue one out first. It doesn’t open completely. Elizabeth takes it and tries to open it. It doesn’t work. She takes out her orange one which works well. “Thanks for giving me the one that works,” I say sarcastically. “You’re welcome,” she returns before adding, “Well, this one’s mine, anyway.” I finally get it open. We sit up there until Elizabeth says, “Someone’s coming.”We stay quiet and casually hide our faces behind the umbrellas as a girl about the age of eight comes with a dog, calling it.“I think there’s going to be a thunderstorm soon,” I announce loudly to Elizabeth, hoping the girl would turn back.“You think?”“Yeah. We should really be turning back right now.”After a few seconds of silence Elizabeth says, “She’s gone.”I stand up and look. Yes, the owner, a girl with chestnut brown hair tied in thick, curlypiggy tails with navy blue ribbons, was headed back.By then the rain had stopped. We make our way down to our bikes and sit with our umbrellas covering the seats of our bikes and us at the same time. As we talk, the rain goes on and off. Soon, it began to pour. Hard. We watch as the rain slants at an angle almost horizontal “We should have gone five minutes ago,” Elizabeth says. I have no comment. Then she pulls out the phone and dials Rayne’s number. “Hey, Rayne… yeah, we’re stuck out here… it’s pouring…yeah… can you…” I motion for Elizabeth to hand me the phone. She does, whispering, “Don’t get it wet.” “Hi, Rayne… yeah, it’s, like, pouring out here… so we’re going to wait five, ten minutes to see if it gets any better. Okay, I’ll call if we need help. Thanks, bye.” I hand the phone back to Elizabeth and wait under my umbrella. My feet are getting soaked. Good thing I didn’t wear tennis shoes as earlier planned. I move my position so that my knees touch the ground. It gets me wet, but it’s better than aching muscles. My back is drenched. I glance over to see that Elizabeth has put up the phone. “I think it’s hurricane Alex. Maybe it’s the edge. The clouds are definitely connected.” I don’t think I comforted Elizabeth at all.” The rain suddenly stopped. “Let’s go… hurry!” I hold the umbrella with my teeth and try to shove the kickstand back up. It doesn’t work. Finally it gives in and I ride out into the grass. Just as we reach the road we rain pours hard on our umbrellas. An oversized raindrop plops on my nose. “Let’s go back under the play set!” Again, we wait, the rain pounding hard on our backs. I am soaked. Elizabeth pulls out the phone. “We need to call Rayne,” she says firmly. “Come on, if we ride back on our bikes it’ll be more of an adventure!” “We need her to pick us up, then we’ll come back to get our bikes later!” “They can be stolen!” I look at the silver and blue bike that looked relatively new. “You’re right.” “Seriously, we can get back ourselves. Elizabeth doesn’t answer. “Or she can come with towels and we can wait in the car,” “Yeah!” Elizabeth dials the number and hits ‘talk.’ “Hi? Rayne? Yeah, can you get some towels and come get us?” “But it’ll be more of an adventure if we go back ourselves!” I whisper. The rain stops. “Let’s go, let’s go!” I hastily shout. Elizabeth hangs up without saying another word. We roll our bikes out into the rain. Elizabeth stops and shouts, “Oww! You go on first!” I am in such a hurry that I blaze straight through the grass and onto the street. A truck is behind me, so I ride as close to the curb as possible. I splash through an enormous puddle. Dirt and water drench my feet and bottom of my shorts. I ride faster and squint as the truck zooms by. I glance behind me. “Elizabeth, are you all right?” I can barely hear her through the rain. She shouts something, and I see her pedaling behind me. “Any cars behind us?” “What?” I give up and decide to cross the road. As we turn the corner, I finally see the fun of the whole situation. “THIS IS AWESOME!” I scream. I don’t care if anyone hears me. “THIS IS AMAZING!” Winds sweeps against me and blows my umbrella back. I let go of one bike handle and hold the umbrella in place. It flips backward like a bowl. “Your umbrella is flipped back! It looks so funny!” Elizabeth laughs. “Oh, no! Mine flipped, too!” The wind abruptly switches directions and my hair catches on one of the metal hinges of the umbrella. Then it flips back around. Thanks, wind. “Just turn your umbrella around,” Elizabeth shouts, giggling. “I can’t! My hair is caught on it!” I scream as I aim my bike for another huge puddle. I don’t even care that I’m getting all wet. I mean, how many times is this going to come up in my life? I should live well with it! As the rain picks up speed, Elizabeth and I scream and laugh on the way back to her house. By the time we reached the door by the garage, we couldn’t have been more soaked. I attempt to close up my umbrella, which takes quite a while. Finally we enter and lay the bike against the wall. “Open up your umbrella and put it here,” Elizabeth said, gesturing toward the ground. Why did I even bother closing it? I lay the umbrella down and we race into the house. “That… was AMAZING!” We both exclaim. Rayne quickly sends us away with beach towels to dry off with. “Best experience of my life!” “Definitely!” The next day, Elizabeth and I gaze out the window. “Want to do it again?” “Let’s go for it!”


I haven't been able to be here FOREVER sorry cause I'm at my cousin's house... and the computers are usually hogged by Ch1k3n and CheesyFatcakes playing Trackmania or Solataire. :(

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Sorry I haven't been on here for a while... I couldn't get on easily with the computer I have been using. I'm at Elizabeth's house, by the way.
I wrote a story about... something... that happened here and I will post it sometime soon. I think.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My Church Made TV!!

My church was on TV!!!


Ch1k3n made a case for his iPod and is now chunking it at the wall.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Port L

Tomorrow I will be leaving for my cousin's house in Port L.

100th Milestone!

You are now reading my 100th post! Yay!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Yay Video

I'm making a little video with my cousin...


We're watching 16 Wishes right now... It's a bit cheesy...

Where's the Blog?!?

Jestar, I can't find your blog!

Friday, June 25, 2010


The title says it all...
Who will come to my house sometime in the summer to spy on Creepy Short-Shorts Guy??

Uppy Ducky

Uppy Ducky Jekkakannaope Kerstuberschiz!



Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Telemarketers are AWESOME!!!
I LOVE answering them and saying random stuff! Here's how my first conversation went:
"Hello?.... Hello??"
"Hello, is Mr. -------------- there?"
"No, why?"
"Oh. I'm from the --------------- ------ ----------- and -----------(blahblahblah)---. So I should call back?"
"No. Hairbrush."


I am at the library right now...
Getting the books-
  • Weedflower (cousin recommended)
  • Rune Warriors (looks somewhat interesting)
  • Come a Stranger (read half then had to return it at school)
  • So Hard to Say (for cousin)
  • Kits (for cousin)
  • Tiger Eyes

Nothing much aside from that...

ON Tour!!

We began our tour yesterday and have gone through three of our performances so far!

Again Annoyed

I am SO annoyed by my cousin CheesyFatcakes and Ch1k3n saying "VAT??"

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Results of Summer

Okay, so I have decided for not a very big description for Nikki's birthday party (like a week ago) so I'll just say this: the water skiing was awesome. And the cookie cake. But the skiing was the best.
We went to 6 Flags, I found that the Poltergeist was VERY AWESOME (but not really scary) and the Superman is THE boring of borings. And when we went on the Frisbee it had a technical difficulty WHILE WE WERE ON THE RIDE and it started smelling like rubber... they stopped it halfway and had us locked up in our seats for a long time. Also, Ch1k3n and I waited an HOUR to go on the Boomerang. So not worth it.
And then we went to my grandparent's ranch where we fished with nets and poles, drove ATVs, and I taught Elizabeth how to shoot a bow-and-arrow.
We both have sandal, shorts, and farmer's tans. Yay.

Monday, June 21, 2010

My Little Entry for the Next Bear Wit & Lit... I'll Need to Shorten it, Though...


I load the bow-and-arrow. Bringing it up to my eye-level, I tilt my head as I aim.

Slowly and carefully I draw back the string. I pause for a moment, feeling the tension building up in my arms.

Crickets chirp. Leaves around me rustle. The sun peeks over the horizon, casting a broad light.

I let go of the arrow. Power surges through my arm.

Slowly and carefully I draw back the string. I pause for a moment, feeling the tension building up in my arms.

Crickets chirp. Leaves around me rustle. The sun peeks over the horizon, casting a broad light.

I let go of the arrow. Power surges through my arm. In a split second it slips with uncontrollable speed, pointed straight for a young buck. The deer tries to run, but its feet don’t move. It’s too late. The arrow hits its heart and knocks it over. Perfect.

Forgetting all the quietness, I dash through the forest and dodge the trees, enjoying the forest that I call my own.

I reach the deer, lying at the bottom of a small valley. I haul it back up to the edge of the forest.

Before leaving, I take a quick look around. How can life be better?

“This how you do it?” Katrina looks up at me, holding in her hands a small bow-and-arrow.

“No…” I fix her hands to hold the arrow right. “Now shoot.”

I watch as she pulls the arrow up near her ear. Her eyebrows furrow as she squints at the target.

“I can’t shoot,” she complains.

“What do you mean, you can’t shoot?”

“I don’t know… it just…”

“It just what?” I keep pushing.

“I don’t know.” She took a seat and set her bow down across her legs. “There’s just so much tension I can’t let go.”

“Let me see.”

I watch carefully as she sets the arrow on the bow perfectly. I observe her every move as she pulls the string back. I wait. Nothing happens for a very long time.

“Well… shoot.”

“I can’t.”

“Okay. Let’s see if this works. Put your bow back up and draw your arrow. Now pull your right hand out to the right side.”

The arrow falls and drops onto her foot.

“What am I doing wrong?”

Katrina’s big brown eyes gaze up at me, questioning. She’s eager to learn, but slow to success.

“I don’t know,” I finally answer before walking away.

Ever since I was really little I’ve always wanted to know how to shoot a bow-and-arrow. So I finally found Scout.

Okay, her real name was Elizabeth, but she nicknamed herself Scout after her favorite book character.

The name fits her.

Anyway, Scout’s been hunting every since she was five. She refused guns and went for the bow-and-arrow.

I’ve seen her hunt. She’s really good, so I asked her to teach me.

I was so excited when she began to teach me.

We got started fast. I picked it up as I’ve seen in movies.

“This how you do it?” I ask. I observe as her eyes cloud with disapproval.

“No…” She fixes my hands. Her fingers are rough. “Now shoot.”

I feel mostly confident, except for the little speck of self-doubt that I tried to fight off. It didn’t go away.

Even so, I pull the arrow up to my ear. Something’s wrong. I frown.

“I can’t shoot,” I sigh, upset.

“What do you mean, you can’t shoot?” Scout’s voice rises.

“I don’t know… it just…” Why can’t I shoot? I get it all ready and try to move my fingers, but I just stay still.

“It just what?” Scout keeps going. I don’t like this. How can I explain?

“I don’t know.” All this was making me exhausted. I sat down. Where do I put the bow? I look around before laying it across my legs. There’s an awkward silence.

“There’s just so much tension I can’t let go.”

My works hand in midair. This time, Scout breaks the silence.

“Let me see.”

I drag myself up and set the bow-and-arrow in position. I take a deep breath and draw the arrow. Then I stop. What’s happening? I glance toward Scout. Her expression worries me.

I need to do this, I need to…

“Well… shoot.”

“I can’t.”

“Okay. Let’s see if this works. Put your bow back up and draw your arrow. Not pull your right hand out to the side.

I do as she says and prepare to pull my hand away.

This had better work,’ I thought.

I pull my hand outward. The arrow bounces off my foot.

“What am I doing wrong?”

“I don’t know,” Scout mumbles before leaving me.

Tears fill up my eyes. Fine, I’ll learn. I’ll learn my myself, if I have to.

I turn to face the target.


After a nice rest I sit down on the porch. I wonder how long ago Katrina went home.

A sound comes from the barn, thin and light. The door is open, but I choose a small crack off to the side. I bring my bow-and-arrow.

I peek through the crack. Katrina was in the barn. She loaded her bow and shot.


I'll Finish this Later... Something's Wrong with the Keyboard now...

Jestar- Okay I'll try to me more optimistic.
Sam- Give Adam his daily treatment of annoyingness, okay??
Macy- You even reading this?

Saturday, June 19, 2010


...And off I am to my Grandparent's ranch... for two nights...


I am SO VERY MAD at my cousins cause I'm attempting to construct a private mail to Skandar, but they keep standing around the computer GO AWAY!
So... very... ANNOYING.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Inspired by a Video of us When we were... 6 and 7...

I'll sometime get around to posting all that's happened in the past week but for now-
My cousin Elizabeth and I are making a randomly random video we can laugh at when we get older.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

ATTENTION all who plan to see Karate Kid

The only one bad part in my opinion of the Karate Kid is at the end of the movie when all the credits and stuff is going by, the theme song plays and it's sang by Jaden Smith (main character's actor) which is okay with me but the other person singing is Justin Bieber. So leave QUICKLY after watching it. I am sorry, Kalena, did your Shaved Bieber thing just do away with that name? LUCKY...

Just a Quick Note for the Title: I used Traditional Chinese Characters, not Simplified

Hi, all people of my blog! This exact text will be translated to Chinese and back to English, then translated again and back. Let's see how this turns out. See ya later!

餵,我的博克的所有人民! 這確切的文本將转换為漢語和到英語,然后被翻譯再和。 Let' s看見這怎麼結果。 看見后的ya!

Feeds, my Bork's all people! This accurate text will transform for Chinese and arrives at English, is translated again the sum. Let' how does s see this result. After visible ya!
飼料,我的Bork' s所有人民! 這準確文本為漢語將變換並且到達英語,再被翻譯總和。 Let' 怎麼做s看這個結果。 在可看見的ya以後!
Feed, my Bork' s all people! This accurate text for Chinese will transform, and arrives at English, is translated again the sum total. Let' How to make s to look at this result. After may see ya!


我現在大笑和I' LL做這個句子樂趣的… HAHA WHAT' S A BORK ? ? 博克! 现在let' s看見它是否把变成' bork… '
I laugh now with I' LL makes this sentence pleasure… HAHA WHAT' S A BORK? ? Bork! Now let' s sees it whether to turn ' bork… '

我現在笑與I' LL做這句子樂趣… HAHA WHAT' S A BORK ? ? Bork! 现在let' s是否看見它轉動' bork… '

I smile now with I' LL makes this sentence pleasure… HAHA WHAT' S A BORK? ? Bork! Now let' whether s does see it to rotate ' bork…'

Friday, June 11, 2010

Karate Kid (again)

The Karate Kid was amazing, although I liked the original better.
The original had great better actors and actually inspired me. This one was all right, but it made Chinese look violent.

Karate Kid

Off to see the Karate Kid...
I doubt it will be better than the first one...
I'll tell you how it was when I get back. :)

Amazing Otoscope

I just found out that we have an otoscope! (I think that's what it's called...)
It's one of those things that you look into people's ears with that doctors use!
So Nikki was over and she had Swimmer's Ear (where there's water in your ear and you can't get it out) so I looked in with the otoscope and it was NOT at ALL like I expected!
Here's how I thought it would look-
You look in and see this little room thingy with the eardrum and other muscles and bones the science books talk about.
But NO! All you see is-
Shiny skin with hairs all over it. And an occasional glob of earwax. Nothing else. No eardrum visible, none of those three bones whatchamacallits, NOTHING but skin. And hair. And earwax.
SUCH a disappointment!
But guess what??
Nikki had something in her ear poking out of the last little curve of your ear canal that you can see, and it looked exactly like a white eagle's head! It was crazy! There were even black lines that made the feathers distinct. I tried to take a picture of it, but it didn't work.
Excuse me as I take a look into Ch1k3n's ear. (By the way, when he looked into mine, he got all grossed out about the tiny hairs. Huh.)

*jeopardy muisic*

EWEWEW I am OFFICIALLY grossed out now! Here's the story-
So I went down to look into his ear (by the way, he's attempting to learn how to juggle tennis balls) and he stood there as I checked his left ear. One glob of earwax. So I check the other, and it's more like five globs (which is a lot) so I say, "Wow, this ear is really earwaxy." And he goes, "Of course, that's the ear I put my headphones in!"

Za Peeplezez... and More...

So the people that came came...
I kind of hid upstairs and read my book...
Then Ch1k3n came home from tennis...
He 'was taking a shower' *ahemplayingonthecomputerahem* and left me outside with the boys, Gabe and Mitch. We were about to blow up some water balloons, but JUST as we get outside the lawnmowers come. (We don't have a lawnmower cause we gave ours to our cousins, who needed it more. And I think she sold it. ANYWAY...) We go into the backyard and after FINALLY being able to pry off the hose to put the water-balloon-spout-thingy on this chubby lawnmowing guy came out of nowhere and began to mow that side of the house. Which was really freaky cause that side of the house has no gate.

*pause for dramatic effect... I don't think that will be happening... but, anyway, here's the pause...*

So they leave and we start to blow up water balloons. It's not long at all before we begin to get creative. I stuff a balloon inside another, blow the inside up one small, tie it, stuff the top into the outside balloon so it's completely in, and blow the outside balloon up, tie it, then there I had it- a balloon in a balloon so that you can throw it at the wall, watch the outside pop, then the inside fall out and bounce on the ground cause it's so small it's invicible. WHOA, how long was that sentence?
Whoever counts it all up like a=1, b=2, c=3 and so on, adds the numbers up CORRECTLY... gets... I don't know, I'll think about it. Maybe something when we go to Salado or the movies. I'll think.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


I couldn't post very much lately cause it's summer and RIGHT when I am logging on to the computer I have to 'practice violin.'
Yeah, today's my recital. Big whoopee.
On Tuesday Nikki came and slept over...
And these people Ch1k3n and I don't even know are making us take them to Gatti-land. I think our parents are friends. (They were supposed to be here two hours ago...)

Friday, June 4, 2010


I... am... dizzy... and... scared...