Friday, December 31, 2010

Last post of 2010...
Farewell, year, you have been good to me...
I don't want to end this post...
By the way, I'm at the house of EXTREMELY rich peoples who have this gate in their yard. Gate, not fence. And a fountain, although the water is currently a dirty shade of brown.
We had to dress up 'casual/formal,' but I think it's waaaayyy more formal than casual...
Like... They have this HUMONGOUS room that's like an indoor porch with a huge mat that's probably made out of some sort of white, furry bear fur (it's, like, so deep it might as well be a mattress) and instead of a wall it's just a glass window that overlooks this HUGE view, since it's up on the edge of a mountain. So outside of the glass wall there's the also huge backyard (everything's huge here, except for this typing because I'm typing on this probably high-tech laptop and I did something to the screen so it's all... small, like dictionary words). Anyway, their backyard also has this pull-down screen that's not currently pulled down. Then, other than that, there's only random patches of dead grass. But the edge has this stone wall that has the highway run RIGHT under it, then you can overlook a part of Austin. If you were taller. Cause here's treetops right in your face. But you can see a couple of highways beyond that, with a lot of houses and big, important looking buildings.
Ch1k3n and I are the only kids, and everyone else is making dumplings...
I probably should get off right now cause Ch1k3n wants his turn... bye!
Ending last post... now.

My Little Princess Prissy Kitties

Recently I've been spending the nights in a tent. Early yesterday morning I heard my cats hair ball-ing. So I checked the time and it was 6:08 and I knew it wasn't too long until morning, so I waited and didn't clean it up. I thought, "Okay, Princess Prissy Kitty, I'm not coming out for you this early. No way am I ever doing that."
But then they kept throwing up for, like, 15 minutes. So I thought, "Okay, kitties, I'm unzipping my tent and coming out for you."
I get out and see both my cats staring at me with huge eyes. And I immediately start looking for hair balls, but I can only find one clear, liquid-y pile of throw up. I look at my cat and say, "I'm going to clean it up this time, but next time you'd better now wake me up."
I'm about to turn off the light, so I turn around one last time to check on them. And guess what?
They're chowing away on the poinsettia.
And for your information, 'Poinsettia' is just another word for 'pet poison.' See how they words kind of match?
Yeah. So my cats are poisoning themselves here. I swat them away and point and them and say, "No! No! No!" until they get all scared and run away.
So THEN I have to PICK up the poinsettia and MOVE it through a DOOR and put it THERE.
I am NOT happy at this moment.
Kitties are SOOOO much trouble... but I still love them! :)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

More Hilarious Pictures!!

Hilarious Pictures!!


Do you guys want me to change my layout/design?
Like... is it getting old?
Cause I've had it up from whenever it started.
But I kinda like it.
You know, simple. Green.
But I could stand to change it.
So... what do you guys think about it?

Lights... Camera... Action!

Okay, so, for Christmas, I got what I really wanted.
A camcorder.
Actually, I wanted a camera, with both pictures and video, but I'll settle for this.
I actually didn't expect it because I usually get all this little random stuff that I didn't specifically ask for, so I was pleasantly surprised! (Okay, a liiiittle more than 'pleasantly'.)
It's a white flip camcorder that looks like this--
But Windows isn't working on our computer so I can't edit any of my videos yet. :(
I ran it out of battery the second day. Eep!
And I have discovered that I like improvising. Like... just acting, but off the top of your head with no script. It's fun. I recorded myself doing that (I was 'Lucy' explaining how Narnia wasn't all true and how the whole story came up) and I went on for about eight minutes. Three different sections, but still eight minutes. Sam, you should try it sometime. You'd do well. Anyway, this post is getting long, so I'll end it--

Amazing Book

I probably bugged ALL of you with a rather ginormous email about this book-

But it has amazed me and once I started I kinda wished maybe I'd waited a while before I read it... cause it was just a bit creepy... okay, not all that much, but the idea is a bit disturbing.
So, anyway, I couldn't get out of reading it, and the Woods of Brent has it in the library (The Everafter by Amy Huntley) although for the past weeks it's been all checked out. :( Had to find it at my public library.
It doesn't take too long to read. No more than an hour.
Prepare to be Amazed!!

(Although I have to say, Deer is the one who read it first and introduced me to it.)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Sorceror's Apperentice

I saw 'Sorceror's Apprentice' which was really good. Action packed, although the action was basically the same.
Little old guy shoot flaming blue fireball at Balthazaar, who backs up into invisible little wall and bounces back...
And the villain lady had that really cheesy robot three-echo deep woman voice. Not a good idea.
But the whole thing (Especially the famous mop scene) was really done well...
Skandar, if you liked Tron, you would like this.


Oops. I forgot to say Merry Christmas.
So, here it goes: "Merry Christmas!"
(Thanks for the socks, Skandar! They fit perfectly!)

Christmas, Christmas Time is HERE!!

Christmas. What time is it? Time to check
GO GO GO, all my little minions!! (Speaking of which, I saw Despicable Me twice within the past week.)

:( ARGH!!!!!!

Nathan just blew into a paper towel cardboard core right into my ear! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I meant Elizabeth, my cousin. Just in case any confusion came up. Sorry!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Elizabeth's House Once Again!!

I am now at Elizabeth's house until Friday.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Costume Party

So for Lewie's birthday costume party I've decided to be Alice from Alice in Wonderland.
I have this dress that resembles hers (I'm going off of the Disney animated costume) but it's all baggy and wierd at the top, then all elasticcy and small at the bottom. Like it was hand-sewn by a seven year old.
Anyway, it'll work. So I put a pocket watch and a key (I don't even think Alice had a key, but anyway) on a chain like a necklace. And put the queen cards and the Ace of Diamonds on the skirt part. And I just got black and grey striped socks like she had, and black dress shoes.
I think it'll work, but I still feel more like Dorothy than Alice.
Any ideas? Like... props? What does Alice have? Or anything that symbolizes the story...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Okay, so Voyage of the Dawn Treader was actually pretty good. Except I wouldn't have really minded seeing it regular... cause we saw it in XD. And it didn't even really USE the 3D effects as much as it could've.
Anyway, in my opinion, Lucy and Edmund got WAY too old... I know that's probably the age they were supposed to be, but... still, it's just... Doesn't really have the effect.
There's not much else I can say about it...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Epic Kid

So after school Deer and I were 'practicing' in the halls when we got distracted. We started to fight epically with imaginary fireballs.
It got even better when this random little kid came up and joined us.
Deer and I had short whisper conversations in between strikes that went like this-
"Do you know who he is?"
"Whoever he is, he's AMAZING!"

So that's my little story of the epic kid.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Secret Agents *points finger-weapon at Weedy*

So, anyway, after school when Deer and I were practicing our duets we decided to go to Mr. Weedy's room. This time he was prepared.
I was under his desk when Deer yelled, "He's loading!" followed by a loud snap. That was enough to make Deer and I running all around with our finger-weapons.
Then he loaded it again and said, "I will use this force to direct you to the door."
So Deer and I fled, but Deer decided to stick her head back in. Let's just say, I heard another snap and Deer came after me, saying, "I think I may have lost a leg..."
Then after running through the duet again, Deer and I snuck past Weedy's room a couple of times. One time he saw us and chunked a green bouncy ball at us.
Weedy is well prepared.
And so am I.
Because now when I see Weedy I narrow my eyes and hold up my finger-weapon.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Okay, something happened and I can't come on here every day now (I didn't do anything bad, no) so I guess you don't have to check my blog every single day...
I really wish I could keep up with it, but I just can't. I could, but I can't as in I don't have control over it, NOT I'm not capable of it.
I'm really sorry, although I know not even half of you even will see this is the next week...
But, anyway, when I post a new post I'll just email you, I guess...
Just comment that you want to be emailed when I post if you want to... instead of just checking unsuccessfully every day...

Yet ANOTHER Basketball Tournament Goody Day!!!!

In 7th period, I was delivering notes to Mrs. Tay's mentor group when I saw Izzy and Sid. They were trying to tell me a funny story about Mrs. C, but I didn't think it was too funny... Anyway, we decided to sneak into Mr. Weedy's room and act like secret agents. Sid and Izzy broke out laughing, as usual.
Them Mr. Weedy said to them, "You guys think this is wierd. No, it happens every day."
Which is quite true.
Anyway, Sid and Izzy were following every move, and I found out that it's really hard to be a secret silent agent/ninja when two giggling failure agents are mashing into your hiding spots along with you.
So then Mr. Weedy gets out these mini foam baseballs and basketballs and starts chunking them at us. So there we are- ninja/agents dodging balls thrown by a teacher.
Then as we got closer to the door, he took out an unfilled water gun and started shooting us with it.
Yep. We left.
So, once again, in 8th period Deer and I got a pass to go be right outside Mrs. John's door (where we were yesterday) and 'practice our duet.'
I decided to get Mr. Weedy back, so I went into Mrs. John's room, but Britt was the only one in there. She was doing homework with a red pen. *clap clap* Way to get a good grade.
So I took a piece of paper out of the recycling bin and asked, "Can I take this to chunk at Mr. Weedy?" and she just kind of looks at me, then says, "Well, make sure it gets recycled."
"I'm not going to have it once I'm done with it."
So I go up to the door and stop.
What if I missed?
Or what if he got mad?
I asked Britt if she thought he would get mad, considering the fact that he's hit me many times with miniature basketballs. She said, "I don't think so," and it sounded to much like Mrs. John that is was scary.
Anyway, I didn't have the nerve to do it, and Mrs. John got back in her room.
Deer and I tried to get through our duet, but she would stop and get all scared every single time someone would come in the hall. And it didn't help that Joe was bouncing acorns, making Deer crack up.
Almost to the end of the duet, Mr. Weed steps out of his room.
Boom! I chunk it at his head. I would've hit him if he didn't duck-- but Bretz was right behind him! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!! WHY IS IT ALWAYS BRETZ?????????
Okay, maybe that's kind of funny, but I really do feel sorry for him.
Anyway, he kind of ducks with that confuzed, clueless face he always has, and the ball misses him by theesssssssss much- --- ----
And so Deer, Joe, and I stood, silenced, and Mr. Weedy and Bretz just kind of gaped at us.
I couldn't say anything, so Mr. Weedy said, "Um, I think you owe someone an apology."
So as fast as I couldn't I said, "Sorry, Bretz!" and ducked behind Deer until they were gone.
It was SOOOOO humiliating!!
And Deer and Joe were cracking up...
Anyway, I think Weedy got mad...
Cause when I threw the unfolded ball into the trash he kind of glared at me.
Gotta write a looooooooooooooooooooooooooong apology note...
Although I don't know what it will say.
Any idea?

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Happy, birthday, Skandar's blog. You were made a year and a day ago. :)
And Jestar's blog, which was created about a year and a week ago, but it's future is vanishing. :(
Sammie, your blog was created quite a while ago. Who is Joy?
Invisi, I like your water candle. :) Your first post is my favorite!!!!!!! Skandar, what is that huge jumble of letters you commented?? Manga wolf?
Anyway, I will now review my blog's past. Good-bye!
Today was a basketball tournament so Mr. Paytoll was at the gym. Meaning we didn't have Bible.
But Deer and I went, anyway, to the downstairs hall and pretended we were secret agents. At one point Bretz came out of Mr. Weedy's classroom, and because secret agents should not be seen publicly, Deer and I tried to squeeze in a corner behind the locker. Didn't work. Then I slipped and my backpack went flying across the hallway.
Just after we forget that Bretz is even in the hall, he says, "I'm just not even going to ask."
Good choice, Bretz, good choice.

Then Deer and I decided that we would work on Algebra to get it done. So we were doing that when Ali-Reed comes along. That's when I decide to make masks for Deer and I to hold up when people pass by. So I got a piece of graph paper and drew a really sloppy, creepy face on it. Deer said, "That's so pretty intricate math you have there, Annasophie!" and Ali-Reed said, "Yeah, I don't really remember doing that."
We didn't end up using the masks, because Hale, Nikki, Grizzly, and Syd came running down the hall, yelling and laughing. It ruined the fun. SO LOUD!!!!!!!
That was about the end of sixth period today.

Oh. Another snippit.
When I was coming down the stairs after school, there was banging on the door. I got there, and Britt-John was pounding the door furiously. Then as soon as I opened the door, she smiled all so angel-like and said in a sweet voice, "Thank you!"
Wow. She is pretty much the randomest person around... Based on other stuff she does. (And her Tinkerbell lunchbox! And her JUMPER!!!! REALLY?? You're in high school and still wearing a uniform JUMPER??)