Saturday, April 24, 2010

Here It Is

Okay so for those who don't come to my school (actually most of you do and you got this from an email but I was bored and wanted it posted *DEEP breath from saying so many words*)you will probably need to know that we're going to have a magazine in which two poems and one short story from each grade from 7 to 12 will be picked and published. The short stories have to be LESS than 800 words, which is really short and kind of hard to make a good story out of that.
Okay, I'm editing this post after I sent it it. Just saying, I did better with sticking to present-tense.
Here's what I'll send in:

I’ll never be able to, I thought in my mind as I watched Chloe fly off the runway and into the air, landing gracefully in the snow-white sand.

I tried to look as if I didn’t care what her mark was, but I gave in and strained to listen. The wind was blowing across my face, carrying our coach’s voice away from me, just so I could barely hear, “Twenty five feet, six inches.”

For some reason, I’ve always wanted to do the triple jump. I could do the long jump just fine, but it wasn’t as significant.

The first time I tried I messed my steps up. Chloe cut back on a laugh. Sure, she could do it terrifically. She even held our district’s middle school girl’s triple jump record. When she jumped, her cleats made the wonderful “click, click-clack” sound before she landed in the pit, the sand sifting down the small indentions of her footsteps as she walked out.

Everyone knew Chloe as the track star. She won the mile, 100 meter, and the jumps. But no doubt every time she would win the triple jump by at least half a foot. But she was tall and I was short. Her legs were long and mine weren't. With my size, I bet I was just the same as her, but of course no one cares about that. No one at all cares about the short kid who puts all her effort into what she does.

But when I tried I would trip over my heels and mess up my footing, landing with only a jump of thirteen feet.

Hopeless, that’s was I was, to everyone else. But inside, to me, I was hopeful.

I fixed my gaze and narrowed my eyes at the runway, red-painted clumps of rubbery material that stretched before me, with half tennis balls marking other’s starting points. I began to sprint as fast as I could, head down against the wind. Out of the corner of my eye I watch as the whole world whirls by, not stopping so that I could see what was going on. All my concentration had to go to what I was doing. Without thinking about it, I would mess up epically. When the last white streak came up, I pounced up from it and landed in the cool, smooth sand.

“Scratch,” Macy called.

I look up at her and wipe the sand off my shorts. I scratched? That meant I missed the line and went too far. My jump wouldn’t have even counted if I was competing.

“But how far did I get?”

“Let’s see… You jumped twenty three feet and one inch. Nice jump.”

“I’ll try to jump on the line this time. I’ll have time to give it another shot before school starts.”

I take another jump again, concentrating on the white line approaching. I hop, skip, and then finish it off with a giant leap off of my right leg. I fly through the air, still cool in the morning breeze. I like to practice in this weather, with the clouds in thin streams streaking the sky and the air with the slight scent of wildflowers. I often come to practice my jumps on the track before school, when there’s no one around except for my track friend, Macy.

Then my thoughts come back to what I’m doing as I land with a thump.


It was competition time at state, and two years later. I prepared myself for the triple jump. I stretched the proper muscles and took a drink of ice-water, refreshing on the scorching hot day. I could smell the heat, the scent just like dry dust. Out on the track, Chloe was showing off by triple jumping in the unused pit. She was still ahead of me with her record.

I sat down and ran my fingers through the clumps of grass, still new from the spring and as soft as a tiny kitten. Where the grass wasn’t the ground was dry and scratchy.

I heard the second call for the Middle School Girl’s triple jump.

My first two jumps are far for others, but not enough to reach my satisfaction, On my third jump I started form further back on the runway, then sprinted with the wind, hopped, skipped, jumped—I sailed through the air, the wind carrying me towards the end of the pit. I began do descend, but as I fall I pull my legs up under me. Then I land in the sand, this time grainy and hard.

I hear my measurement.

“Twenty nine feet and eleven inches.”

Chloe won by one more inch. I came in third.

The next meet I won. Then I never jumped again.

Friday, April 23, 2010


So today in track Skandar and I went to go get the discus and shotput thingies out of the storage- we went, couldn't figure out HOW to open the lock, went to the coach, went back, failed again, went to coach, went back and failed, then coach did it THE FIRST TIME EXACTLY HOW WE DID IT! And while this is going on the Joker decides to go out of school campus to a cliff and he got in trouble. So anyway when practice was over we went to the storage to put the stuff away (and by the way this storage is like drowned in weeds) and we forgot the shotput, then we went back, got it, and then FINALLY went to the storage the last time. WHEW!

Epic Fail

Our band concert last night was, again, and epic fail. :)


Rosa decided to start a snail and slug collection, and she was all like, "The slugs are all like, 'why are we here?'" and she kind of got hyper. It was strange. Very strange. Sam got a video of it.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


So Travis sits next to me in World Geography, and I was pointing the the HUGE bag FULL of coins for the Zambia Medical Mission thing, and guess what? He hands me a tissue! And I'm like, "Um, I didn't need one, I was pointing to the coins" and he goes (long pause)... "Oh. I needed one anyway." *rubs nose twice and throws the tissue away*


Okay sorry people... Thursday, Friday, Saturday I was at TCIST.
I'll email you something about it.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


So someone in class announces, "Guess what? Washington D.C. isn't in Washington!"

Tuesday, April 13, 2010



Sunday, April 11, 2010

Grandmother (again!)

So my grandmother was picked up in a car yesterday with the preacher's family (preacher of a different church) and returned just now.
I don't know why.
She spent ONE night at my cousin, Elizabeth's house. Hmm.

Track Meet

So we had a track meet yesterday, 4-10-'10 on a Saturday, and since our choir was having a concert and going to Six Flags we were missing a lot of our team.
Let's keep things short over here:
So Nikki and I tied for 4th place in the Triple Jump with a jump of 24 feet and 1 inch. Yes, it was measured in regular feet, don't think I'm not sure what I'm talking about.
And then in the 100 meter dash, Nikki got 15th place, but the time between her and the 1st place kid was 1 SECOND.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I have made changes to my blog and will be cleaning it up and moving things around. Just saying. :)

I am Excited

I am excited about tomorrow, where the whole junior high of our school will go to our church. YAY!

Plus... Mr. Weed is going! Adds to the awesomeness!

Okay, so I wrote this the day before. Sorry to get it up so late.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Have You Ever Thought... ?

When you look in the mirror
do you ever think
that maybe it's not a reflection at all...

but another person in another world reflecting?

I was chatting with Joker on this subject and I thought I might copy and paste it into here but I thought that it would be nice as a poem format thing.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


We just watched the dance performance DVD and it was REALLY GOOD! I thought that it would be kind of boring, but it wasn't!
Oh, and I nicknamed the ballroom dancer Mr. Floppy. Sam, you know why, right? ;)

YAY World Geography

YAY I can't wait for World Geography tomorrow...


I learned while the Germans were here:
  • Art
  • Clothes
  • Sports
  • Music
  • Food

all speak in the same language.

The Germans are Gone!!

YAY they're gone.
Yesterday, I had to 'play' with Marine for 4 hours STRAIGHT! The shortly after I posted the last post we went to the fort. The guess what she did? She took my expensive shiny stamp glitter that's kind of rare, dumps it in a bowl, and sprinkled it on me and this Marie kitty stuffed animal I got in 2nd grade. Then she gets Marie and STUFFS her nose in the bowl.
I got REALLY annoyed and went downstairs where I found everyone eating MY huge chocolate bar I had gotten for MY birthday! Not trying to sound greedy, (even though I admit I kind of am) but they didn't even ask! They were even out guests and guests don't just take chocolate from the fridge! I was really stunned and I stared long enough to see Aidan reach in and take a HUGE chunk and just chow it down without enjoying it at ALL.
I was REALLY mad by then and also REALLY annoyed because Marine would NOT quit following me EVERYWHERE I went. I mean, seriously, if I wanted to go to the bathroom, she would follow me RIGHT in. (Rest assured, I didn't go.)
AND they kept complaining because I didn't practice my violin for them. When I did, playing my best piece even though it was half of it that I learned, guess what they ask? "Can you play anything well?"
I STEAMED UP. HOW ungrateful can guests be?
I'm getting so mad typing this so I'll just leave now.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Germans are Here!!

Yesterday 'friends' from Germany came to stay with us until Monday this week. Actually, they're half German and half Chinese Thai, meaning that they're racially half Chinese, but the Chinese have lived in Thailand for many generations.
There's a 13 year old boy who I will call Aidan. Then there's who I will call Marine, who is six years old.
Here's the thing: they speak German and Thai. I speak English and Mandarin. So we can't talk.
Guess what else? THEY DIDN'T WANT ICE CREAM LAST NIGHT!! I would go for ice cream ANYTIME!
This morning Aidan and I set up an Easter egg hunt for Marine. Actually, I didn't know that he was THAT old so I was planning for him to egg hunt too. But I guess that didn't work out. So we just went outside (Nathan was trying to steer clear of our guests *mean!*) and then after about 5 minutes Aidan started CHUNKING the eggs at the trees. I then called Marine back outside to find the eggs. I only straight pointed out about 3 of them, but for the other she didn't find right away I kind of hinted. Like if there was one by in a tree, I would look in tree branches. She found most of them except for THE MOST OBVIOUS! It was sitting on a swing. She walked right by it for about 5 times before I decided to swing on the other swing. She STILL didn't get it! I eventually had to point to it.
Then later Marine and I built the most FABULOUS fort ever. I mean, it's really good. It has 4 rooms: the storage room for the bags that she INSISTED on bringing in, the cool-off room where it was a lot cooler, the game room, where we stored her Easter eggs and the games she wanted to play, AND THEN... the lounge. It had an arched ceiling and a lever to open the door flap with.
I kept her busy for a while watching a show she liked, but now she's really bored. Bye.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Cayman Islands

We had to leave the track meet early because the last event would end around 12:30 or so...
We went to Wendy's to eat and the cashier there gave me my change... and a CAYMAN ISLANDS coin that he thought must have been a dime. W-o-w! Awesome!

Track Meet

We had a track meet yesterday. We figured that we didn't even need to go to 3rd period, so we just hung out at the gym.
We got there and 3 HOURS LATER than it was supposed to be the meet started.
About 7 hours into the meet I decided to have a little bit of fun and put ONE ice cube in Mango's shirt. It kind of missed and stayed at the top.
(Sam, this is somewhat like the Weasel incident)
So Mango decides to pull me over to the ice chest and dump a WHOLE HANDFULL of ice down my back. And since our track uniform shirts are sleeveless, I wore a white t-shirt tucked into my pants so it wouldn't hang. (Don't worry, I did NOT tuck the uniform shirt in!) So when Mango put the ice down my back, it went into the white shirt.
So I go to Nikki and tell her that my back hurts. I guess that she thought that it was mucles or something cause she begins to bang on my back and twist me in all sorts of wierd positions.
"IT'S NOT MY BACK IT'S ICE!!!" I scream.
"Oh, then why don't you get it out?"
So she starts to SHAKE my shirt. Remember how my shirt's tucked in?
Yeah. So I had ice down my pants. *bows*


Okay so like at my dance recital I had 4 things to do and I had to change 3 times. So my grandmother and some random 3 ladies started to chase me around.
They were all calling my name and chasing me around because they thought that I didn't know how to put on my clothes.
So I took my chance and RAN into the bathroom and waited there...
The door opens...
I hear my name...
"Which stall are you in?"


Sorry I haven't posted in what forever because my internet was down for a while.