Saturday, December 31, 2011

Prince Rock!

Yesterday I didn't post because we went to Prince Rock with our cousins.
It was a long drive, and when we got there we had to wait in a line to get in. We got in not too long later, and then we started up Prince Rock. I brought my jacket, my water bottle, and a bag of pretzels. We lost some pretzels because, well... do you know how hard it is to climb and hold onto a bag made of thin plastic and not let it break?
We finally got to the top. It was easier than I expected. The view was pretty cool. Then my dad mentioned a cave, and I really wanted to go. But because CHICKEN had gone before with his Boy Scout troop, he thought that he knew EVERYTHING about it. "That's not a good idea for us to go in there, because it's pitch black, and you need a flashlight. And in the end it gets all wet and you need to crawl the rest of the way through tight rocks, and... yeah, it's really just not a good idea at all." We somehow ignored him. My mom stayed behind to watch our stuff.
My dad only had two flashlights, so he had one (it was really more of a light attatched onto a band that you put on your head) and Jojoba had one. The rest of us used our phones. I had taken a picture of pure light before, so I set it as my wallpaper and flipped it up and down so it wouldn't go out. The cave was really fun. It was dangerous at some points, like where you had to drop down foot-first through a little hole onto a rock underneath, and where you had to put your feet on one side of a crevice and your hands on the other to get through, and where there were steep drops next to where you were going through. Let me tell you, it was NOTHING like the 'Natural Caverns' we went to in first-grade field trips, where you walk through huge rooms of cave walls with metal handles attatched to the sides for safety. Most of this cave was crawling carefully. It was fun.
At the end when you got out, you could either try to make your way through a series of rocks or you could run up a steep side of Prince Rock. Jojoba, Elizabeth, and I crawled up the side, which was really fun, but extremely tiring. If you stop, it's kind of hard to not fall over, and it's harder to start. After you start up again, it's harder to go up. It was really fun, because I knew that if I stopped, it wouldn't be good...
Okay, I'll finish this later, cause I have to go wash clothes... I never get more than fifteen minutes on the computer every day... *sigh* Someone's ALWAYS on...

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Elizabeth and I woke up early today to write fanmail. She wrote to someone on Disney, and I wrote to Ciara Bravo from Big Time Rush. I chose her because I thought it was really cool that she's my age, although she looks a lot younger... like me! My letter was very random. It really had no point at all... But it was fun to write. I had colorful stuff around the edge, really random things. And I splashed my favorite perfume/spray on the edge, drew 'splash' marks around it, and wrote, "Smells so good!" next to it. Elizabeth did the same on hers, but all she wrote was, "Smell." I think that's funny. Nothing wrong with it. If the letter was for me, I would definately smell it.
I folded the letter and wrote "Ciara" on the 'front side' and put three matching gemstones around it. I was going to make the seal of the letter fancier, but I only had time for a couple of stickers and a few random words, because the mailman came...
You would have thought it was the ice-cream man the way we raced downstairs. Luckily, he didn't leave yet, but Elizabeth didn't have time to put the name of the person on hers... Hope it gets there!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


My dad was pretty upset about the whole camcorder thing...
He didn't get mad to my face, but he went on sighing and putting his head in his hands after I left the room...
But he seems calmer today. I'll see if I can get a new one.


What is wrong with TOBY??????
He's fighting too much!
Today he came home with a torn ear, a torn claw, a gash next to his eye, and mats of blood under his fur...

Lunch? ...Yay...

My mom's not home, and she told me what to cook for lunch.
But when I got to the kitchen, my grandfather was already busy. So I let him do whatever he was doing, because it seemed somewhat right.
Bad mistake.
Well... it's not like I could have stopped him.
He mashed everything that we had for dinner last night together in three pots and set them on the table.
Noodles... and then he told me to get the rice into bowls.
Let's just say... not the greatest lunch I've ever had.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What Am I Going To Do??

Okay, so I just broke my dad's $189 camcorder.
Well... it's not his. It's our church's, but he's the one that uses it.
It was on the tripod, which got knocked over, and the part that the screw goes into broke. I was able to untwist the screw, but I can't get the bottom part back up...
I mean, the camera still works... it's just the bottom...
Here, let me try to fix it...
Well, I got the ridge under where it's supposed to be. It's just tilted now.
I'll show it to him and let him push the rest of it up. I don't want to push it up so that he can't see it.
Pray that this works out...

Ketchup Cookie?

I'm eating a chocolate-chip cookie out of a napkin that has ketchup on it. (Or catsup. Haha!)
Yeah... does not taste good.

Poor Elizabeth...

Elizabeth is going through the well-known phase of, "Unhhh!!!!!!! I wanna be FAMOOOOUUUUUUS!!!!"
I know the feeling...

Monday, December 26, 2011


Thanks... Obama.


Nothing happened today (besides the fact that I accidentally broke, like, three small plates when I was taking ONE off the top... don't ask, cause I don't know.) but we went to the outlet mall...
I didn't really want to, but it was okay.
And I saw one of my little dancing munchkins! (Which is really weird cause I just saw her yesterday at the restaurant I had lunch at...) And I saw a girl in my English class... She's okay, but her friends kinda creep me out...

Sunday, December 25, 2011


So, as you know, today is Christmas.
Buy we aren't doing anything today, because we 'had our Christmas' yesterday.
That means my grandparents came (first time in a long time they saw my cousins) and we had supper and opened presents.
I got a soap loofah (one of those net ball things that you put soap on when you shower... I would post a picture, but I'm not on my computer, and I don't want to save a picture on, so just go look it up) and a pack of four lemon-scented soaps from Chicken, hair tinsel (you can either tie it directly on your hair or put it on clips), a mix of Chex mix stuff from my Grandmother, a calendar with pictures of really cool scenery from Elizabeth, a black feather headband from my mom, three origami cranes stringed onto thread from one of my little dancing munchins, a box of Ferrero Rocher from another little dancing munchkin, and a shirt that has a cat baking bread from my dad. Those were the presents that were actually a surprise. (Well, I kinda guessed the origami one...) JOJOBA, GO AWAY, I DON'T APPRECIATE YOU READING WHAT I'M TYPING! ...good.
But the presents I knew I had was black boots, paper soap (can't wait to try it out!), and those black dress shoes I picked out a few days ago.
I am happy with my presents...
And because we had Elizabath's family over and three grandparents (we usually just have our family and two grandparents, the ones from my dad's side), we had so many presents under the tree... Around seventy!! (It's kind of hard to count when it gets to that many...)
And what I GOT for people-- a scarf for my mom (and it just so happened to match what she was wearing when she opened it), SpongeBob gummies for Chicken (quick funny story-- last night before we went to bed, I asked Elizabeth what the thing was called that Chicken gave me, and she said, "...Krabby Patty?"), Coca-Cola in those circular bottles for my dad, a circular box of handkercheifs also for my dad, and Skandie's book, Young Falcon, for Elizabeth.
Christmas well spent. :)


I AM SO SORRY I haven't been posting...
Elizabeth's here, so that means ONE of our brothers is contantly stationed at the computer...

Friday, December 23, 2011


Now Elizabeth is at my house!


Hale and Nikki came over yesterday and we created this awesome creepy script for something we'll hopefully film next week...

Thursday, December 22, 2011


I painted a painting last night.
It's one of those that's kinda abstract, but at the same time it's really realistic.
What you do is you put a big picture of yourself (I used my actor's headshot) under a piece of glass. You paint the highlighted parts of your face with white, and the dark parts with another bold color (something like hot pink or cobalt blue--I was being safe this time and used brown). It's okay to paint over the parts already painted, because at the end you turn it around and you don't see the layers. Then you mix the two colors together to make something a little lighter than the original color, and paint the almost-darkest spots. After that dries, you put more white into THAT color to make almost white, and you paint that over the whole thing to fill in the missing parts, which should be the parts that were somewhat lighted. After that dries, you CAN paint over the whole thing again with the darkest color just to make sure the coat's thick enough that everything's covered.
Then you're done! You take your painting (if you're still calm after painting a painting and not knowing what it looks like) wait until everything dries. Or you could do what I did and take the painting by the edges and hold it up and look at it through a mirror... it's quite amazing.
When I showed it to my dad, he didn't believe that I had painted it. He looked at me with a weird look and said, "Now how did you REALLY do it?" so I had to take him into my room and explain the whole process using the original picture.

Tired? Not!

I went to bed at 1:30 or so last night, and I woke up at about 8:30. Seven hours of sleep usually isn't enough for me, but somehow it was...


Nemo was FINALLY on Gmail chat today (which never happens) so I sent him a message and he actually responded (something 50% of people don't do)!
And the first thing he says? "Oach."
What. Is and oach??
...still puzzled...


My mom was reading the news and she found a picture of herself... haha!
But that's normal, cause she finds pictures of herself on the Chinese news all the time...


And NOW SafeEyes is blocking every single website except for Blogger.


My computer is being slow. AGAIN.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Skandie, you know how I was chatting with you earlier today and I had to go off cause Chicken was sitting on the couch behind me and petting my cat (meaning he was waiting for me to get off)?
Well, I let him on and went to pet the cat, and I wasn't even that close to her. I was at an arm's length, and she was calm until all I saw was this huge brown blob of fur and a paw coming at me, and before I knew it, my eye stung and I was on the ground, covering my face with my hand.
I knew she had scratched me, but what I was thinking was, "Hurry! Open your eyes! Make sure nothing happened!" So I opened my eyes, and my vision was blurry because her claw probably snagged onto my contact, but after I blinked a little bit, it went back in place and I could see okay.
My dad hear my scream, so he came over and asked if I was okay. I was busy trying to quickly take my contact out, but he said, "I can't see it if you're doing that." So I stopped trying and let him take a look at my eye, and guess what? My eye was bleeding. The cat's claws somehow went onto my eyelid, scratched the inside of it, and left a mark near the corner of my eye.
Thanks, cat.
And that all was in a matter of seconds, so, of course, I was crying out of shock, because I completely did not expect that coming. Like I said before, my eye was bleeding, so I was crying blood.
It didn't really hurt all that much anymore, so I went to the bathroom, took my contacts out, and rested in my bed for a little while longer while my NICE cat came and rested next to me.


And by that I mean "Kitty", but I wanted to spell it differently...
Here, I'll have her type something:

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

JUST Geometry??

This morning at 9:30 my mom, Chicken, and I left the house to go to math class.
After math class, we walked around Downtown of George. There wasn't much. We went into a little bakery, and it was really small. We were the only ones there, and there was this lady behind the counter, so we kinda had to get something. We got four little cupcakes. They were pretty good. I got Cookies and Cream, Chicken got some sort of chocolate thing, my mom got lemon custard, and we got a peanut-butter chocolate one for my dad.
Our next stop was the outlet mall, because my mom wanted to get new black dress shoes for me. I found one I liked at Bass, so we got it and got five dollars off for three stores, which, of course, we just HAD to go to because we had a coupon. Chicken was being really fussy ("WHY?????? I DON'T WANNA!!! Why do I have to go SHOPPING with you??) and at one store, some old ladies said, "Well, what a nice expression! Aren't YOU happy to be out shopping?"
We finally had to just make him go in the car while my mom and I went to the last store. I got black slacks and a black and white skirt. (If you want to know, it was at White House, Black Market. There, everything's mostly either black, white, or both. There's a little bit of other color, and if there is something other than black/white it's a reddish pink color.)
So, yep, we ended up getting home at about 4:40, when I usually get home on school days. Except the whole "school day" time was used shopping... ugh. That's a lot.

Monday, December 19, 2011


Someone opened our storage shed... but it wasn't one of us.

Candy Bags and Presents

Yesterday my friend, Lexi, and I went with my family (except for my dad, who was somewhere else) and other people from our church to the apartments where some Burmese refugees from our church live. We gave them presents and bags of candy. Some of them didn't know we were even going to be there. But they accepted the presents for the kids, and the kids seemed to be pretty happy. They're learning English okay.
Anyway, at the last house, we had noodle soup that was REAAAAALLY spicy but good! Oranges after that really helped calm downt he spiciness.
When we got home, Lexi and I watched 'Kung-Fu Panda 2', and I will be happy to see the third one.
"My son's... alive?"

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Don't feel much like posting now, but I'll write this one just to get something up for today...

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Wedding... again.

I'm playing in someone's wedding again today.
I switched two songs that I played violin on to flute for this time, and exxed-out a really hard on that I did on my violin last time. Then I added a new one for violin, so now I have:
Two flute songs
Two violin songs (CH1K3N, TURN YOUR MUSIC DOWN!!!!!)
(repeat top two if necessary)
Song when bridesmaid/flower girl/ringbearer come in (flute)
Wedding song (flute)
During the candle-lighting thing, one flute song
The wedding march--violin.
(I bet you didn't even read every word of that list...)
So, yep. I have a lot more flute songs than violin, cause I totally failed my violin last time... And the weather was probably affecting the sound and making it sticky... But today's a sunny day! It shall be good. :)


And I love my Tavikins, too!!!!
And I pet Cassie so that she PURRED, which is actually reaaaally rare for her... (For those of you who don't know, Cassie is the fat, fluffy one.)

Friday, December 16, 2011


Does anyone else think it's strange that I get in trouble for my grandfather making his own dinner?

ARGH!!!! Computer!!

There's something wrong with Internet Explorer, and it keeps crashing! Then I have to pull up the task manager and make it delete the webpage, and THEN I can go to ONE other webpage before it crashes again, and then... yeah.


How does this happen?
World's shortest woman, age 18.


There's this kid in my Speech class (well, WAS in my Speech class, cause Speech is over now) who I thought was Italian, but apparently he's a fourth Japanese... Weeeeeeeird. I thought he was Italian cause besides his really dark hair (that's wavy, not straight like Asian hair) his eyes are green, and that's definately not Japanese...


I found something in my tamale, and I don't think it's edible...
The plate is on my lap, and the fork keeps sliding off of it... So annoying!! And I can't put it anywhere else, cause the computer desk is too small...


Again, when I got home, another cat walked up and Toby started hyperventilating.
This other cat was black and white, had a really skinny and somewhat deformed face, and had a collar that said, "Boo." It was really sweet and let me pet it, but Toby was still being unaccepting.
I had to go back, put Toby in my lap, and attempt to calm him down. He kept being nervous, although Boo was long gone... Toby's still outside growling...


YAY! FINALLY DONE WITH FINALS!!!!!! ...for 2011 at least...

Thursday, December 15, 2011


I don't want to study for my Speech final... I took a long time doing the review, and I haven't even gotten HALFWAY done yet...
It's my last final I can study for... Cause the other one's DIM and I can't study for that cause my final for that is making a video...
But I have to take eight finals. One for each class. Not just the core classes.

No Rehearsal?

I was supposed to have Music Man rehearsal today after school, but the trombones, bass, and cello didn't come, so our director randomly said, "You know what? We're just missing too many parts. You guys go home." Then he pulled out a bag full of cookies and chocolate and said, "You guys eat these. My students give me so much junk food. Do you like these? TAKE ALL OF THEM! I don't need them. I'm already fat as it is, I don't need this. Who likes chocolate-covered almonds? Take them! Handfuls! Handfuls! Take them all!"
So, yep. Good day.
One more day of finals!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Math! ...and Emails!

Eighteen... plus five... plus... nine...
Eighteen... twenty-three...
Three... nine... UMMMMMMM...
Nine... three... seven...
Yay! There you go. That's how I add... in my head... I get it... you may not...
That made no sense...


...and I thought twelve was a lot... but that was back last year or whenever.
Except... that one time Jestar Neomailed me fifty-something times that one day way back in sixth grade... haha! I laugh about those times... XD We were so serious about the Warriors books...
I yelled at people who weren't serious.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ummm... Hello?

My dad's getting annoyed at me for not 'trying harder to prepare for the finals.'
How am I supposed to study with this?

A fiction piece (10 questions)
A literary nonfiction piece (10 questions)
A poem (10 questions)
Propaganda (10 questions)
An essay

THAT is all I know about the final. And are there any notes over any of these? NO. How am I supposed to 'prepare'? Well, you tell me.

Wow, Kid.

A guy in my English class came to school today with this shirt on:

I am offically proud to know him.


How do I have no grades lower than a ninety? (I don't know if I have a flat ninety or not... I just checked for anything starting with an eight, and there was nothing!)
This is highly unusual, considering the fact that I'm extremely bad at World Geography and Biology, and usually have something around an 85 in those classes...
Then again, it's finals week, and that can change everyyyything...

From Another Blog... But it's Cool!

TH15 M3554G3
53RV35 TO PR0V3 H0W 0UR M1ND5
C4N D0 4M4Z1NG TH1NG5!
1MPR3551V3 TH1NG5! 1N TH3
C4N R3AD TH15.

Kitty Drama!

I met Toby kitty on the way home, and he was taking a long time following me. He was getting distracted easily, and kept wanting to plop down on the ground and roll in the grass.
I finally got him to follow me home, and at the door I put down my backpack and sat down so he could crawl on my lap. He did-- and then started growling. Behind me was another cat that looked almost exactly like him, but it was skinnier and a lighter shade of tan. I had seen it before, but it had run away before I got the chance to pet it.
Toby kept growling and growling. Do you have any idea exactly how scary it is to have a cat growling like it wants to kill someone?
It sounds literally just like a tiger. Kinda makes you want to run away.
But I held him close and said, "No, Toby, it's okay. I'm here. It's okay. It's just another cat," until the other cat ran into the bushes. Then, because Toby was still hyperventilating, I picked him up and carried him, still growling, into the backyard.
There, I called my dad and had him come watch Toby in the backyard. I gave him food and left him with my dad.
Then I went back and tried to persuade the other cat to coming out of the bushes, but it just sat there and gave me the evil eye.
Which is really scary when cats do it.
I must have looked like a crazy person, sitting there on the walkway, kneeling down with my head in the bushes.
I gave up and went back to Toby in the backyard.
He hadn't eaten his food, and he was still really jumpy. I managed to get him into my lap and eating for a couple of minutes before he got distracted and licked water off a leaf.
I left him there.
I wonder what's up with him and that cat.
Whatever it is, I wish it wasn't there, cause I like Toby the way he usually is.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Whew! Finally done studying my TWO AND A HALF hours of World Geography!
And now onto Geometry...
And tomorrow morning back to World Geography...
And then the finals. :X


I feel like posting something.
Now I will get back to studying.


Okay, apparently I found the entire script for 'Elf' on the internet.
It's not exact, though.
But is this even legal??

Apparently this is legal! Whoa! Now I'll read movies, not books! This is so cool! I can practice cold reading!


I really want to rent 'Elf' and watch it again! We were watching it in Speech class and it's so hilarious!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Party!!

At our 'Care Group' (group of families from our church where we meet at one of our houses weekly for dinner and a devotional) we had our annual gift ornament exchange... was fun.
PICKLES!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a German tradition to hide pickles in Christmas trees.



Saturday, December 10, 2011


Okay, you guys know that I'm not usually a huge fan of shopping. Elizabeth especially knows this.
So whenever I want something, I know what exactly it looks like. I look for it wherever I go, and if I find something close to it, I don't get it. It was to be absolutely perfect, just the way I pictured it in my head.
I don't do the go-out-and-get-something-bring-it-back-home-and-not-like-it-anymore thing. It has to be perfect for me to want it.
So I went to Kohl's in search of a jacket.
I saw flip-flops that I really liked. They were navy blue, "So" brand, and they were those kinds that has the wide straps made out of a canvas-like cloth. I loved them and they were usually really expensive, but they were half off. So I pulled my mom over and showed her, and she said, "No, wait till they're 50% off."
"Ummm... they are."
"You really want those?"
"Merry Christmas, then."
"But I don't know whether they'll fit in the summer. The next size up is pretty big."
"Don't get them, then. You'll cry when they get to three dollars."
So I didn't get them. I'll just wait. I think they'll still be out sometime later. I really like them, though.
Instead, I found this white jacket. I really like it-- and, again, as I said, it had to be perfect for me to get it. It was perfect. I loved it.
So we waited in the long line (which really didn't take that long cause they had one line for four registers.
I love my jacket!

*gasp!* and a Christmas Party!

I am so sorry I didn't post yesterday...
As soon as I got home I had to leave again to go back to school for my orchestra party.
Everyone had to bring Christmas snacks, so I made fudge and sprinkled peppermint over it. The only thing is, whenever I make fudge someone thinks they're brownies. And they try them and think, "This is a gross brownie." Um, YEAH, cause it's NOT a BROWNIE!!
Anyways, there weren't that many people there (only about twenty or so) and I played Apples to Apples. There was this girl, Myle, who was trying to make it all serious by explain EACH and EVERY green card that we had, and making everything all nice and neat and putting down serious cards. It was really annoying, cause no one really had fun cause she was being all bossy and didn't even realize it.
Then we did the White Elephant gift exchange. White Elephant gifts are pretty much supposed to be random and funny, right? I mean, Christmas-themed gifts are fun and good sometimes for White Elephant, but I'd really rather get a unicorn Pillow Pet or something.
I brought a bottle of mayo and a potato, but the girl who got it probably really wanted a Christmas present instead. I kinda wished someone else got it... someone who would have appreciated the randomness. Instead, she was trying to get someone to steal it.
I got a bottle of shampoo. I'm really glad I got something random. :) Anyway, whatever I got, I wouldn't ever try to switch it out with someone, cause I know that even thought I have no idea who brought it, they would feel bad if I didn't like it.
Then someone (I don't know who) brought a ton of Play-Doh. That girl, Myle, got it, and she just kinda looked down at it while everyone else was like, "Play-Doh!? Awesome!" and then she said, "Well, at least my little brother's birthday is coming up soon." And everyone was really shocked and didn't say anything, cause any one of us would have been really glad to get Play-Doh, but she both didn't like it and showed that she didn't.
Luckliy, another girl, Jess, stole it from her and that girl was looking for something she could give to her brother. She didn't want the Nerf gun or anything else. I think she ended up with... I don't even know.
Xylaphone's sister ("I'm not Xylaphone's sister. Xylaphone is MY sister!") got a whole pack of Twizzler-looking candy, and she was passing them out, so I got one. I was drinking punch with it when someone, Sun, asked, "Is that a Twizzler?" I just kinda kept on drinking and shrugged, while Ron, Jess's brother, said, "Haha! 'I dunno, but it's good!'" Then he gave me an Oreo with red frosting. It was kinda gross. After I ate it I told him, "I would give you some of my present, but I got shampoo, so that would really work out..."
I went back with Monique, who had to leave early because it was her dad's birthday and her family was going out to dinner together. They took me home, and I found that there ARE indeed the 'Happy people who makes jokes that don't make sense at all but they laugh really hard anyway' type of family. It was quite amusing.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Orchestra Concert

Just finished orchestra concert... meh.
Racket, our concertmaster, had a bow hair break in the middle of a piece. Huh. That's happened to many times I'm beginning to wonder about it...

Oh, Ch1k3n...

Ch1k3n is going to wear a black shirt with a pink tie.
And he just walked off, giggling...
What to think of this?

Six Views!

Yay! My little video has six views so far...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Windows MediaPlayer wasn't playing my video right, so I thought that it wasn't going to upload right. I waited for about ten minutes for it to upload, and... it works! IT WORKS!!!!!!!!
I think I sent you ALL the link... PLEASE GO WATCH IT! It's only thirty seconds long, and I put a lot of work into it!!
And guess what--it's even good, too! :P




Uploading is not going well as of right now...

Homework at the Library!

I did sooooo much homework at the library today... Augh! I'm glad I got it done, though.
And I got recordings of Avalon reading her lines for my commercial project. Which I am about to upload onto YouTube... which I've never done before. Oh dear. Home this goes well!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


My group did our speech in Speech class today. We weren't ready. Blue didn't have his script for what he was presenting, but I guess it went all right... People said it was good, but it may have been because the one before us wasn't that great... Long-winded people!
I didn't say all that much, because I made the PowerPoint and kind of managed everyone, so I guess people think that I just didn't do anything... but I get graded on the part I DID present, so I think it's good. :)



Cat Video!!

I just finished making this amazing video (a project for English class).
It's a commercial for cat food, and it has all my cats (including Toby) running around and then eating food... and then I'm going to have Avalon from across the street record some lines and add them in at the end.
It's so amazing!! I got to use my dad's huge, expensive, professional video camera, and it was really good, but reaaaaaally heavy!
Then I used AdobePremeire to edit it (that's what I use for all my videos now) and my dad showed me how to adjust the colors so that they're balanced and don't contrast as much during the switches from outside to indoor.
And then, because he wasn't in the room, I looked around for audio clips that I could put it, so I used one of those programs where you buy the audio clips and you can use them for anything (I think as long as you don't sell what you use it on).
I have to put it up on YouTube for my English teacher, so I'll tell you guys where you can find it.
It's pretty awesome, though!
I hope I get a good grade, because I was outside in, like, fifty degree weather with a t-shirt, jeans, and flip-flops trying to film a cat who was sticking to me like crazy.
I was also pretty disappointed that Arista wasn't doing what I wanted her to do, so she only ends up in the video, like, once, except for half of her tail in the upper corner or another shot.
Cassie was really good, though... Her and Toby are good kitty actors!! I am proud to call them my cats!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Duncan Family Baby... Again?

Why does 'Good Luck Charlie' need another baby? Is Charlie not cute enough anymore?
I bet the new one's going to be a guy.



Sunday, December 4, 2011

New Years... Already??

It's almost New Year's Eve.
It's December.
Are you serious? It seemed like just yesterday when I was typing my last post of 2010 on someone else's laptop at their house.
This year has gone by so fast... and I can't believe it, either, cause it was supposed to be the year that dragged by-- I made the switch to public school this year.
You know, honestly, public school didn't really make a big difference except for the fact that I WASN'T AT BRENTWOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
But it didn't affect me.
It was supposed to.
That's why I had to switch.
Cause it was SUPPOSED to affect me.
It was supposed to let me "see the world."
Cause it just did, didn't it?
Uh... no.
I'm still me.
I'm still exactly the same.
Okay, maybe one difference-- I like boots and scarves a lot more than I did in the summer. And that only happened in the past two weeks.
But, seriously...
Let's see what next year brings.


THEN we had to go get presents for our Angel Tree kids. If you guys don't know where that is, it's where a family supports another family with children that are... less fortunate, you know? Don't have money for Christmas. So we get presents for them, so their kids are happy.
We went to Target, where I got my dream scart. I love it! I thought about it a lot, and didn't know if it existed or not. I knew exactly what it looks like, and I've been searching for it for a long time. I searched so many stores and never found it until I saw it at Target-- and I knew it was the one. I didn't get it, but today I did.
We went there and to Ross and got the rest of the presents... and, yeah.


I then went to my orchestra concert. The concert started at 2:00. My orchestra's call time was 3:00. That was because all the younger orchestras just take that much time. (No, they really don't, but there were five before us and none after us, so...)
I was getting out of my car, holding my violin, Skandie's book, and my orchestra binder. I was trying to close the trunk when my binder fell out of my hands, and somehow managed to unclick itself, so ALL my music came out of it and fell all over the ground. And remember, it was RAINING. So there I was, staring at seven year's worth of orchestra music getting soaked up in the water. I stopped thinking and just started picking it all up, although it was hard to cause it was asphalt and the paper was wet. I shoved it back in the trunk and began to walk to the building when I realized that I had just been kneeling down on the ground with rivers of rain flowing downstream.
Needless to say, I was SOAKED. All throughout rehearsal and the concert, my legs were freezing, cause my socks were all wet and the air-condition was on. So as soon as it was over and I got back to the car, I changed clothes. Whew!
Now let's just hope that all my music is okay... I kept that for a reason...


Today was a super looooong day, so I'll just post from event-to-event.
Right after church, we went to this fancy Vietnames noodle place. It had a curved wall, a cool ceiling design, and... a really modern design overall. It even had an electronic self-order station!
The best part wasn't the noodles (but they were good!) The absolute, most awesome part was the-- *fanfare* bathrooms.
Elizabeth, you would understand... Asians rate restaurants on how fancy their bathrooms are.
So the sink had this valve that you pulled up, then the water poured out along a little tray-like tunnel thing, and then fell out onto your hands. It was so cool! And they had one of those awesome hand dryers that's shaped like a U from the side, so if you put your hands in it blasts air from both sides. You put your hands down, then up, then down... three times, then your hands are all dry.
It was awesome.
But what was even awesome-er was that I went back to B&N to visit Skandie. She was looking at me kinda weird... I guess she thought it was funny that I came back. I gave her three more color pens for signing. Then I saw Ty-Ty coming down the escalator, and he said that Hale was upstairs. I went up and sat with Hale and talked to Sammie until Hale's groups started singing. I could only stay for one song, though-- I had to go to my orchestra concert.

Angel Tree!

Just finished wrapping the Angel Tree gifts... whew!

Saturday, December 3, 2011


I wish I could have stayed a little bit longer, but we had to go back home to pick Ch1k3n up for Chinese Yoyo class. :(

Friday, December 2, 2011

For Willa (and anyone else who likes Dear Blank Please Blank)

Dear world,
Ten years ago we had Steve Jobs, Johnny Cash, and Bob Hope. Now we have no Jobs, no Cash and no Hope. What are you going to do when I die?!
Sincerely, Kevin Bacon.

Dear tourists,
Go <3 your own city.
Sincerely, NYC.

Dear boyfriend,
Now that you work at Subway, you can make ME a sammich.
Sincerely, amused girlfriend

Dear vampires,
Aren't you worried about AIDS?
Sincerely, curious.


I am now with my friend, Willa. (She apparently just got a hole in her jeans. And is now laughing that I typed this.) ANYWAYS, I may have mentioned her before, but probably with a different name... and I have no idea what in the world I would have called her... so, yeah.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Today I just now realized that a brother/sister pair in my orchestra... No WONDER they looked so alike! Now that I think of it, it's so obvious that I can't believe I missed it! Our conductor even kind of mentioned it once...
Speaking of which, I told her that in my chair test recording there was a weird buzzing sound, and she cut me off, saying, "Oh, no, no, I just listen to the music and overlook the sounds." That buzz came from the Webcam I was recording with being too close (it was in a closed cabinet, and I was across the room, down the hall... still too loud!) and she took off three points and said, "Record further away."
Ummmmmmm... hello, did you not just say that it doesn't matter? I could be, like, fourth chair or something! Now I'm stuck in seventh cause you took three points off!

Candy or Medicine?

I've never eaten a cherry candy that tastes so much like medicine.

Hot Cocoa

Today we had free hot cocoa and doughnuts for no reason at all before orchestra.
It was fun.

Tired Legs

My legs are tired.
Like... you know when you're out of breath?
Except in your legs...
It's weird!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Speech Group

Blue, the kid in my speech group. Is. So. ANNOYING!!
So I put a lot of effort into designing the PowerPoint we were going to use. That was my job-- to design the PowerPoint. Then he says, "Can you send it to me? I want to see it. I'll make changes if it confuses me, then I'll send it back to you." So I sent it to him, and he completely destroyed it. He changed the fonts, everything. I originally had it so that we (him, another kid, and me) could tell whose slide what whose, so we wouldn't be confused. But then I guess Blue had another idea, so he put picture backgrounds behind the slides and changed things up. It used to look professional on some level (with the color scheme and the placement of the words) but now it looks like something a sixth grader made.

Voice... Is Back! (Kinda...)

My voice is kind of back... It still sounds really rusty, though. I'm eating cough drops. They're apparently from Elizabeth's mom.
Elizabeth, you'll get this, but no one else will cause you're the only one that speaks Chinese and I know know how to say it in English: It tastes like shuan mei.
Okay, well... great. Now Elizabeth knows what it tastes like (it's not something bad, it's a kind of food that doesn't really exist in America) but you guys don't...
Whatever. You probably never have eaten it, anyway.
But, for the record, it's a kind of sliced up, dried prune or something coated in sour stuff. I only like certain kinds of it...

Homework Again!!


Tuesday, November 29, 2011


We were listening to the radio during dinner, and when a familiar song came on my mom said, "Four Seasons!" Um, NO, mother, that would be Symphony 6 in F Major, Opus 68, 'Pastoral', Beethoven. How would I know? We played it in orchestra last year! So I whipped out my orchestra binder, flipped to that song, found where they were playing, and looked along with it.
I think orchestra's a little too interesting for me than it should be...


Anyone remember 'Are You My Mother'?


YAY!!!!!!! SAM FINALLY POSTED!!!!!!!! And she probably won't even be reading this post...

Lollipops and Candy Canes!

I have been instructed to eat hard candy (lollipops, candy canes, etc.) because I lost my voice and eating hard candy helps. Yep.

And I was going to help my World Geography teacher do a video where all I had to do was read a line off something, but I lost my voice and finally halfway convinced my friend to go and take my place. Lucky for her, my teacher's phone wasn't able to transfer videos, so she got out of it.

Monday, November 28, 2011


My orchestra sightread the entire '1812' overture today.

Writing Contest

This kid in Chinese class challenged me to a short story writing competition. The guidelines are it has to be between one full page to three pages, Times New Roman twelve point font, 1.5-spaced, and no space after paragraphs.
We won't put our names on them, and then we'll pass them around and see which one people like better.
I'm wondering which story I should use...
I don't even know if he's going to write one, but I'll have mine just in case. ;)


I'm losing my voice, and even so my mom is asking me a lot of quesions... I can't answer! I can't talk! Well, I can, but my voice is fading.


Elephant (the girl who got beat up) is back at school! She looks okay, like nothing happened...


Ch1k3n's so... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... *crashes head on desk*

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Chair Test

Right now I am in the middle of recording my chair test...
Like I was doing about two weeks ago... except for some reason, it didn't send in the right format or whatever, so it didn't get to my teacher so that she could open it.
So now I'm doing it again using another software.
I'm stopping for a minute or so cause Ch1k3n is vaccuuming his backpack, and I can't record unless I want vaccuum in the background.

YAY! Magazines!!

I just got the magazines I ordered...
I got them in seventh grade, then my mom was making fun of me reading then (it's one of those 'girl' magazines... Called 'Discovery Girl') so I didn't order them in eighth grade. I got a Christian 'girl' magazine instead, and no offense, but that was really boring... So I switched back to the other one, which is longer and has more... stuff in it overall.


I just got back home from, like, three days at my grandparent's ranch (we left Friday morning) and I only have four new emails...
Two which are from teachers...


Sorry, I haven't posted in a long time...
That's cause I was at my grandparent's ranch, and I never had time to tell you that.
So, yep.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


My uncle's getting mad at me for typing fast.
"Why can you type so fast? How many words can you type in a minute? Twenty?"
" more like ninety?"
"Why don't you type slower? Can you... please... type slower??"
...aaaaaaaaand my aunt just fell asleep on the couch. She's snoring.


I might get a haircut today. It's getting so long I can't do anything with it.

Close Call

We were at my school today, dropping Ace, Jojoba, and Ch1k3n off to play tennis at the courts, and when we were about to go down to a duck pond that was supposedly nearby, my mom got a call.
Then, when she got off the phone, she said, "There's a huge fire right next to the studio."
So she and my dad jump into the car and drive there. My aunt, Elizabeth, Jojoba, Ace, Ch1k3n, and I stayed at the tennis courts. They played tennis a while, then Rayne came very confused, and when she finally found the parking lot, we left.
My aunt got a phone call from my mom saying that everything was okay, and the fire didn't get to the studio.
When we got home, I spotted Toby, who didn't ever show up yesterday, under our neighbor's truck.
As soon as the car stopped in our driveway, Elizabeth and I jumped out to go find him. We didn't see him at first, but then he came out, meowing. I picked him up and we started to walk back home when my parents drove by in our van. Nice to know that everything was okay.
Elizabeth took pictures of Toby, and I combed out a lot of fleas. It was gross. He has a ton of dead flea parts in his fur. *shudder*

'Little Princess' Movie

I'm reading 'The Little Princess' because I really didn't have anything else to read. I tried watching the movie, but it was way too boring...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Today Elizabeth and I went to the park for, like, two hours. We shot a lot of random video and took pictures.
Sad face. :(


Poptropica is funny... especially when you're going bonkers and it's late...
According to Elizabeth, it's funny "when you go bald."

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Elizabeth and her family are here, and they're at the movie theater watching a movie. I can't, cause I'm about to go to violin lessons (of course).
When Ch1k3n came up to tell us that they were leaving, he asked, "Wait, aren't ya'll going?" and I said, "Elizabeth is," and then he got this look like, 'You're so awkward. Why don't you go? You never do anything with us' and says, "Why don't you go, then?" WELL, Mr. Smarty-pants, I HAVE VIOLIN LESSONS. Ha, well, that's ONE thing you don't know! Why don't you just find stuff out before you get upset at me for it?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Update on Elephant

Here's an update on Elephant, the girl who got beat up.
She didn't come to school today. She's probably in the hospital or something.
Another girl in my World Geography class went to the Attendance office the day that happened, and Elephant was sitting in here, waiting to be brought home. Her face was completely black and blue, and her eyes were all purple and swelled up.
So... yeah. She'll probably never come back.
She wasn't all that nice to some people, but she was nice to me. Probably cause I'm so short, she thinks of me as younger.
I guess that's a good thing.

Here's a website my friend in Thailand set up.
Go check it out!
(By the way, 49 Baht is about $2.00, and if you order, she obviously wouldn't get it to you within a week, cause she's in Thailand.)


ELIZABETH, YOU WILL SEE TOBY TOMORROW!!!!!!!!! ...hopefully...
(He waited for me and ran up to when I was walking home! I got more picture with him, by the way.)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

'A Stolen Life'

I'm reading an autobiography by Jaycee Dugard--

the girl who got kidnapped for eighteen years by this dude--

and... yeah.


I am FINALLY finished with the homework that I didn't really know about until earlier this afternoon. I had to read chapters three to five of 'Animal Farm' and write three-fourths of a page a two-column style dialectical journal... Yeah... fun.


Elizabeth is coming to my house tomrrow.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


There was this whole fight thing at my school the other day.
Apparently Elephant, this girl in my World Geography (the class we were in at the time) got another girl upset at her in the morning. During lunch, Elephant ran to the lunch bathroom to hide, but the other girl, along with fourteen others, found her, pushed her to the floor, and started beating her up.
Elephant got a concussion and countless bruises.
The other girl got put in one of those places for 'troubled teenagers' or something.
All I saw of this was about fifty guys run into the girl's bathroom to watch. It was... quite a sight. When the teachers went in to get everyone out, so many guys piled out the restroom and ran, laughing, back to their table. Apparently fights are funny?
A girl took a video of it on her phone, and uploaded it onto the internet. Then her phone was taken away cause it wasn't supposed to be out.
Elephant didn't go back to class after lunch.

Bluecoats and the Wedding

You see this trailer? Yeah? I touched it.
It's the Bluecoat's trailer. The Bluecoats is this marching band that competes in the Drum Corps International and probably has the best percussion section in America.
It was doing something across the street from where I was playing at the wedding, and when Ch1k3n saw it he went crazy and went to take a picture with it. He didn't touch it, but I did. But, then again, he got a picture with it, so I guess that evens out.
About the wedding... I played violin and flute while Rayne played piano. I totally bombed the violin part, but did really, really well on the flute ones. It was really embarrassing how bad I did on the violin... But the flute made up for it.
It was a weird wedding. It was this Burmese girl, and all her Burmese relatives and friends brought all the little Burmese children. There were so many of them... There were probably at least forty that were there. And there were these two specific kids who went up to the pastor, bride, and groom, and started walking around. Their parents didn't even care. Then the little boy started stomping on the bride's trail from her dress, and then he ran up and hugged everyone's leg.
After the ceremony, there was a dinner. Nothing fancy, just one of those Asian food-on-big-long-tables-lined-up-and-they-don't-even-match-so-get-whatever-you-want things.
That's pretty much it.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Wrong Video!

Ch1k3n was chatting with a friend when his friend sent him a video link:
(again, I know you can't click on the link.)
He watched it, and it's this random old-ish dude being funny or something.
And he goes back to the chat, really confused as to why his friend sent it to him, only to see that his friend typed, "Wait, sorry, wrong person."
I think someone's a little confused. Don't you think?

Amazing Picture

This picture is so cool...


My dad's getting annoyed at me cause he says I've only been bloggin... um, no!!!!! He wasn't even here! He can't say I did when he doesn't know it!

Club Penguin!

I'm playing Club Penguin in German! I don't know what to think of this...

Club Penguin... in German?

You can play Club Penguin in German. Mind blown.


My cousin, Rayne (Elizabeth's sister) came to rehearse wedding songs with Ch1k3n and me. We're playing at someone's wedding at my church tomorrow...

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Locked Out

I was locked outside today. Why? Let me tell you the whole story.
The bus didn't come until 4:30, almost thirty minutes late. The bus driver was TERRIBLE, and kept screaming at the kids in the back. "There is a video camera in this bus! I will take this video to the principal tomorrow morning! They can see your face and what you're saying!" Anyways, my mom called and asked where I was and if Ch1k3n was on the bus. I forgot he wasn't, so I said he was. Then she asked him if he had the key, and he had said he did, so I told her that he did. Originally, cause she was going out to teach dance class, she was going to leave the key out where I could get it and go inside, but then she decided the just because Ch1k3n had they key she wouldn't leave one for me. I didn't know that, though. So I got off the bus and walked home with Toby, the adorable little kitty that walks around our neighborhood. Before I went inside, I took picture of him on my phone. Then I went out back, with Toby still following me, and looked for the key where she said she would leave it. It wasn't there. Then I thought that it would be okay, because Ch1k3n would be home soon. I sat at the outdoor table in the backyard and did my homework, while Toby was trying to eat the eraser off of my pencil. Then he saw my cat, and they hissed at each other until I finally managed to unhook Toby's claws from the window screen and drag him away.
I was done with my homework and had already been outside for thirty minutes, so I started wondering where Ch1k3n was.
I started to write a little note to him saying I'd be at my friend's house across the street, but when I was trying to figure out the best way to hang it on the door, his friend drove up in a truck and Ch1k3n jumped out. Why was he so late? His friend was at a Quidditch team meeting.
So, basically, and hour after I got home, I finally got to go in the house.


Going to bed now. It's early. 9:15pm. Have to get to school at 7:00 or so. Earlier than the Woods of Brent. Huh.

Chair Tests and Whatnot...

I got 6th chair in my not-school orchestra chair test. And guess who got first (in the second violin section)? Joy. Don't you think it just a liiiiiiiiittle weird that she never told me about the chair test (she knew I wouldn't be there that day!) and ended up getting first chair? I'm kind of wondering if she did that on purpose... Well, I don't think she would do that. Yeah, she wouldn't. But I'm really wondering why she never even told me about the test...

And as for school orchestra, I just finished recording my chair test. How was it? Terrible. I didn't get to use the professional recording device this time, so I had to use this super-sensitive Webcam. It was so sensitive that I had to put it all the way across the room and go into the hall and it still had points in the recording where it was too loud and has a buzzing sound. Then again, though, it's not like I'm expecting a high chair. It's school orchestra. I'm second to last in the first violin section. Everyone just thinks I'm only lucky to be there. So what does it even matter?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Best Video!!

I think this is quite possible the funnies video I've ever seen!
(I'm sorry, I know you can't click the link...)


In a computer media class called DIM, my two assigned partners, Pistachio and Martin, and I worked on a video. It's a ninja video, but Pistachio, who wanted to be the ninja, wouldn't wear anything but his blue jeans and one of Ch1k3n's long sleeved black shirt that I forced Pistachio to wear. He didn't have the trademark head thing. I mean, what kind of a ninja doesn't even have that? You couldn't tell at all.
The filming went okay, but I didn't think that we got enough shots (now that I think of it, Martin was supposed to be the director, Pistachio the cinematographer, and I just the editor, but I guess that didn't quite work out, cause Pistachio ended up being the main character and... I kinda took over the directing, and Martin ended up shooting the video) so we're shooting the whole thing again next class, with me being the ninja. Pistachio just... didn't work out as a ninja.

A Post...

This is a post.
A what?
A post.
A what?
A post.
Oh, a post.

I miss theatre soooooo much... I absolutely love the glow of the lights and how they almost completely block the audience from view... The thrill of the moment just before you go onstage to the relief that washes over you right up at the last second... And the lights dim down, the applause roars like thunder, and you know that you've done well.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Writing Time!

FINALLY got more time to write on 'Saving Professor'! I wrote five pages tonight. :)

Great Going

Ch1k3n asked if he could "quickly do something on the computer", which is usually print out homework or something.
But, no, he went on Facebook and some band website to download marching band videos.
Great going, Ch1k3n. Great going.

A Change, Maybe?

Did Blogger change? There's more... blue instead of orange on this text box...


I found a list of phobias...
And I thought this one was funny--
'Bathophobia' is the fear of jumping off a high building or platform and dying.
BATHophobia. 'Bath'-ophobia. Hmmmmm... No. I don't get it.

Movie Cat!

While I was searching up a picture for the next post, I found this one.

This cat looks like it's in an intense movie dialogue scene... You know, one where he finds out he's been betrayed or something?


(Okay, that's not a real picture of Toby, but it's the closest I could get.)


Racket made All-State... surprise, surprise.

Monday, November 14, 2011


WHY is my Dad listening to a little kid rap/sing in Thai?
That's weird...
Hey, this kid has good rhythmn...

Okaaaaaay, now that's just getting annoying...

Ohhhhhh... TwilightLover.

This is TwilightLover.
The next post (the one I just posted) is a reaction to this picture.

(A Quite Amazing) Facepalm

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Sunday, November 13, 2011


I was at Subway today and there was this lady behind me yelling at the phone in a British accent! It was so cool!

Whoa... Scary

So I was just downstairs and was about to walk up the stais when I blinked, and RIGHT before I blinked I saw this black figure walk into the kitchen. I mean... it was kinda like a blur of someone wearing black (I only really focused on the legs) walking really fast into the kitchen. And when I opened my eyes, it was gone, and there was no one in the kitchen, cause everyone was already upstairs.
It freaked me out.


It's so annoying when my dad comes up behind me when I'm on the computer and just stares at whatever I'm doing!!

Chair Test Tomorrow!

Uhhhhh... yeah.
Chair test tomorrow.
Which I didn't know about until last Wednesday.

Ice Skating and Birthday Cake

I went ice skating today.
It was fun.
There was this little (like... really little) girl who was really good... she'll be famous someday.
I like ice skating.
About thirty minutes after I got home, my grandparents came and we had dinner and an amazing German chocolate birthday cake for Ch1k3n and my dad.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Toilet Cat!

I'm going to toilet-train my cats!

Why Is...??

Why is Yahoo my homepage? I DON'T WANT YAHOO TO BE MY HOMEPAGE.

Birthday Party

Today's Ch1k3n's Spongebob 16th birthday party... ohhhhhhh...

Friday, November 11, 2011


I have a piece of paper that has a list of names my dad thought about giving me. Here's the list, along with comments I have--
Aimee/Amy (too popular a name)
Alicia (I like!)
Amalia (What's an Amalia??)
Amelia (It's... okay.)
Anita (Eh.... too old-lady-ish.)
Christiana, Christine (Hmmmmmm... no.)
Elena (NO.)
Francesca (I like! Sounds Italian.)
Hannah (Waaaaaay too plain.)
Elise, Ilise, Ilyse (What's up with these wacky spellings? I don't even like that name.)
Juliana, Julianne (I like! I like Juliana better than Julianne, though.)
Karen (NO. WAY.)
Linita (What? No! Sounds like some sort of washing machine soap!)
Lucette (Waaaaaay too 1800's.)
Nancy (No. Just... no.)
Natalie (Ehhhhhhh...)
Oriana (What?? Sounds like a whale constillation...)
Tanya (I like it, but it's really old sounding.)
Tiffany (I like! But it sounds really Asian.)
Viviana (Ohhhh no.)

And for names that Ch1k3n was almost named--
Abel (Reminds me of Cain and Abel...)
Allen (Well... this is a family name, so...)
Ariel (I think this was supposed to be on my side...)
Arthur (Can't stop imagining an aardvark.)
Christian (I've never liked the name.)
Daniel (It's okay... really popular name, though.)
Dominic (I like this one!)
Grant (I like this one, too!)
Jonathan (Ummmmmmm... it's okay, I guess?)
Mason (I like this one.)
Matthew (Too regular.)
Michael (It fits Ch1k3n... he looks like he could be a Michael.)
Nathaniel (Pretty close...)
Oliver (I like it, but it's so not Ch1k3n.)
Owen (NO WAY.)
Prentice (Haha! I like it! Sounds like 'apprentice.' Skandie, you should use this name in your books.)
Reuben (No. No. No.)
Terry/Terrence (Uh... yeah, no.)
Vincent (NO WAY.)

So, there you go, that's the end... and I will say goodbye for the night!

Grauman's Chinese Theatre

I want to go there!

Shirley Temple

Looks like Jo-Single, right? I think so.

The Incredibles

We were watching The Incredibles in Speech class today, and I think that girl who plays Violet (I don't know who it is, but I'm about to go look it up) has a really annoying voice.
I know I probably can't do much better, but, seriously, I'd think they had a better choice than that!

Sorry... I'm being really critical...

Okay, the person who plays Violet is FORTY-ONE YEARS OLD!! That means she was only thirty-three when they made that movie...
No wonder!!
And get this-- you know Edna? That one really short, pushy lady with the huge glasses who made their suits? She was played by a forty-seven-year-old MAN! I mean, he was forty-seven when he played her, cause he's now fifty-four! He was the director of the whole movie, too.
This is interesting...
Movie business.
Makes me wonder.
Straaaange, strange.



Stop it, Cat!

I'm trying to eat ice cream, but my cat's on the table and she keeps sticking her tail in my face!!
This is chocolate ice cream, not cat fur ice cream!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

'Love Gives Me Hope' Post

This is from Love Gives Me Hope, a website that I like:

"I am a tomboy. So I'm not exactly 'favored' by boys.
Yesterday, one of my guy friends got up on the cafeteria table and yelled, 'I want the most beautiful girl in the room to go out with me.'
I was looking around for the girl when he threw an empty juice box at my head and said, 'I was talking about you, Sky.' Cole, your LGMH."

'Gives Me Hope' Post

When my brother was little, he had just learned what the word sister meant, but didn't know brother yet.

Trying to teach him brother, I asked, "If I'm your sister, what does that make you?"

His response? "Happy." His love GMH


I accidentally just called someone's wedding a funeral...

At the Library

I saw Rodd at the library today.
The library.
I was in a study room, having my Geometry tutoring class, and she walked by with a weird expression.
Then, when I got out, I found Ch1k3n and I said, "I think I just saw Rodd..." and he said, "Yeah! She just walked by!"
Then, after a while, when I was waiting for Ch1k3n to come out, she came out of the study room she was in. She was talking to this man... but she didn't have books or anything... I'd really like to know what she was doing. She sounded like a tour guide, cause she was talking about how wonderful "it" was, whatever that thing was... maybe it was the library, cause whatever it was "has a wonderful children's section and even a little bookstore." She saw me and kinda looked surprised and waved...
I really wonder what she was doing there.
Bet she wondered what I was doing there.
But she will never know!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Okay, apparently I have a chair test in my other orchestra, and I wasn't there cause I was playing in the orchestra at NHS induction at my school.
Why didn't Joy tell me this????
Now I don't have time to practice it!


I'm looking up different Sound of Music scenes, and they're all horrible. The acting is terrible, there's not feeling to it, and the audience doesn't laugh! I don't blame the audience-- the actors aren't a bit funny!
Even the ones that have real adults as the adult roles are horrid. Like in one video, in the scene where Maria (by Kayle) says, "Thank you, Captain. Oh! I forgot to return your whistle-- Captain. I won't be needing it... CAPTAIN!" the lady in the video I watched just kinda went, "Thank you, Captain. I forgot to return this, Captain. I won't be needing it. Captain." And the Friedrich was just like, "I'm Friedrich. I'm fourteen. I'm a boy." Just plain, flat, monotonous. And the Kurt? "Brigita. You mustn't say a thing like that. I'm Kurt. ALMOST."
Wow, the Woods of Brent really IS a whole lot better... I'm glad I got to play in a performance with actual VALUE to it.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Cool pictures!


There is a cat at my house.
Or in front of my house.
It came Sunday night. We pet it (there were people at our house) and when they were leaving, they let the cat in!
My cat, Cassie, screamed at it, so I scooped it up and put it back outside.
And it's back?
I named it Toby.
It's not my cat.


Umm, this is my one-thousand-thirty-third post... Whoa!

Teen, Inc.

This is a good book. It's amusing and overall just fun to read.
It's about a guy, Jaiden, whose parents are killed by an accidental microwave malfunction. The company that made it adopts Jaiden and raises hin. He meets a girl who he likes and tries to keep his true identity from her. Not long after, she finds out and tells Jaiden that her father wants to crash the company raising Jaiden. Jaiden then discovers the reason why-- the company, NECorp, is releasing mercury into local water streams in the process of manufacturimg a new product. Jaiden has to choose a side-- what he knows is rightm or the "family" he's always known. It seems predictable, but at the end, the story takes a big twist at the end.

Here are two covers that you can find. I read the one with the guy that has dark hair, but there's apparently another cover, too. I guess they both have the same idea...
And my cat os still sitting on my left arm, which means I typed this whole thing with one hand. It took a very long time. You're welcome.


My cat is sitting on my lap. That means I am only typing with one hand.

When was It...

Today my teacher asked when the War of 1812 was. I didn't know.

(I know now, don't worry. :D )

Feed Kyle

A kid named Kyle in one of my classes has this shirt.

Lollipop, Lollipop, Oh, Lolli, Lollipop...

I'm eating an organic lollipop!

Monday, November 7, 2011

NHS Induction

My school orchestra played for the NHS Induction at our school.
It was so boring, and we didn't even practice the pieces that we played ever since the concert, which was, like, a month ago...
It was pointless for the orchestra to be there.

W-O-W, So Very Smart of Me

Elizabeth, I just sent a message to Rayne on Gmail chat asking if you were there.
Kinda forgot she's at college...
And pretty much in the city I'm in, not three hours away, at your house...

Ch1k3n Looked Different...

Ch1k3n finally got his braces off!
It really didn't seem that long ago when he was complaining all the way home from when I was getting a uniform skirt... He was still in eighth grade!!
Wow, that was a really long time ago, but it doesn't seem like it.
How come Ch1k3n has such white teeth?!
I use the 3D toothpaste and my teeth still aren't as white!
Well, anyways, Ch1k3n looks a lot better now...

Don't Like This...

Okay, I just figured out that I don't like the new look.
(Read the next post.)


FINE, Gmail, I'll switch to the "new look"!!

Random Post?

Here's a random post about... nothing. Just cause I wanted a post to be up for today.
Oh, did I ever tell you about the kid in Geometry class?
I was playing a Geometry thing on the computer and he kept grabbing my laptop (not MINE mine, just the one I was using cause we have laptops in just about every class) and trying to figure it out. It was annoying, and he kept messing it up even more. So I would have to get it back and then, most of the time, figure it out really quickly.
And what did he say? "You're a winner, winner, chicken dinner!"
Ummmmmmmm... ??

Sunday, November 6, 2011


I hope that I can get in my packet for the acting agency ready...
I've been putting it off, but finally my dad has my demo reel, so he can put it on DVD. That's the last thing that I don't have that I have to send it.
So I hope I can get it in by Thanksgiving...

Hidden Image in Painting

This is cool.
The artist who painted this had fun with painting the clouds and painted in a devil's face...

Just thought it was kinda interesting.

Birthday E-Card

I sent my dad on a scavenger hunt, and at the end he got a letter sayind, "Check your email," where he found the e-card...
He loved it...
I didn't think the card
was THAT funny, but apparently it was?

LAST Performance...

It was quite amazing.
The first performance we did warm-ups ('we' meaning the orchestra joined in with the cast and crew) and they. Were. So. Much. Fun.
They were really dramatic, and it would be embarrassing if you were by yourself, but because everyone was doing them it was just pure fun.
I looooove the 'Bananas of the World United'...
"Form the cow! Form, form the cow! Form the cow! Form, form the cow! Now tip the cow! Tip, tip the cow! Tip the cow! Tip, tip the cow! Now HAVE A COW! HAVE, HAVE A COW! HAVE A COW! HAVE, HAVE A COW!!"
(I honestly have no idea what it means to have a cow, but apparently it's an expression...)
I also love the "Form the house--in the house--rock the house!" one. But I really like, "There's magic in the theatre and the theatre is magic. And truly blessed are those who are able to share their talents with others."
Another one of my top favorites is when we all put our arms around each other and do the "What time is it?" "IT'S SHOWTIME!" "What time is it?" "IT'S SHOWTIME!" Cause we're all yelling so loud that it seems the building could fall over...
The first performance was okay. I mean, it was just little kids and their parents, with old people.
Before the last one, we did warm-ups, but didn't get to do 'Banana.' :( When we did the SHOWTIME!! one there was just so much energy and emotion, cause it was so many senior's last performances and every was really emotional, so we turned it into spirited yelling... And then a lot of people cried afterwards...
But our last audience was so good! They clapped loudly and was the first audience to scream along with clapping, and they laughed at a lot of stuff, even stuff that wasn't even that funny. I heard that it was almost a full house. Or... at least, two times more than what we usually get.
It was sad... cause it was the last one.
I mean... I was excited to go to IHOP afterwards, but... I didn't want it to be over.
We had to clean for a long time afterwards before we went to IHOP.
IHOP was fun. Mini John Travolta (most adorable little seventh grader ever!) sat at our table and got a bowl of fruit, then he only ate, like, seven pieces. I was surprised his parents let him go... Gretl went, too. It was late, though...
And at one point Mrs. Rod came and kidnapped Nikki's camera. When she got it back, Nikki made Hale go and take pictures of every table. When she got to Captain's table, she said, "Okay, I'm going to take a picture of you guys's table, okay?" and Kronkenator was being camera-shy and said, "No. Everyone except for me." Hale kinda got upset and said, "Okay, then, I'll take a picture of just you, then!" and he took off his hat and put it in his face, and that's when Hale got a picture that was quite... strange. I guess she got what she wanted? Well, it probably wasn't enough, or maybe it was too much fun, so she TOOK the hat and THREW it in a random direction... which happened to be at me.
Okay, I WAS just standing there and laughing at the scene, but suddenly his hat is in my hands (I'm serious, it just flew into my hands) and everyone else watching just looked at me, which was intimidating, cause... I don't like to be stared at.
Kronkenator was still yelling, "TEACHER! TEACHER! TEACHER!" and trying to grab the hat from her when he realized that she didn't have it anymore. I wondered if I should be on Hale's side or be nice... I decided on being nice, so I gave the hat back.
I dragged Hale back to our table and she handed the camera to Nikki. We looked at the pictures, and appanently when Kronkenator stood up to get the hat from me, Hale sat down and took a picture of Captain... It was a funny picture. It was awkward. But it was a pretty good picture, considering the fact that he only had, like, half a second to smile.
I still laughed at the picture anyway.
Thankfully, after THAT huge thing about Hale, we left. Meaning... I went back in her car.
Next time I know-- don't let Hale get away with a camera or strange and embarrassing things happen...


I was sending an e-card to my dad for his birthday, so I unchecked the things saying I wanted to get advertisements from them, and I previewed it, but they checked it back for me...
Ugh... I guess I'll be getting stuff from E-Card company? *sigh*

Friday, November 4, 2011


It's so late and I still have to practice violin cause I have lessons tomorrow and I HAVEN'T HAD TIME TO PRACTICE and I have two new songs and... yeah.


We had a good crowd tonight. There were a lot of people, and they laughed a lot.
Afterwards, we waited outside for our rides. This car came up, the window rolled open, and someone started waving at the teachers. They said, "Hey. Hi. What you doing here?" and they go, "Ummm... who are... OH! JAMIE! What are you doing here?"
And, so, yep, it was Jamie... who graduated, like, two years back. Wonder what he was doing at the Woods of Brent...
Anyways, I didn't get picked up until 11:10. I was the last one... Which is humiliating, cause all the teachers had to wait for me... They were so mad... Well, I bet they were mad, but they just didn't show it.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Elizabeth put this joke on her blog--
"Why did the girl drop her lollipop? Cause she got run over by a bus!"
She told me this joke over the summer, and then I had a dream that night that Nikki got run over by a bus... >:( I am not on good terms with this joke!
(Haha... it's okay, Elizabeth, I'm not mad.)

Somewhat Creepy Thought

Today in Speech class this girl gave a speech about how her dad died and then came back to life.
His intestines were falling apart, and he was in his hospital bed when he actually felt his soul leave his body and from above, he could see his body still there in the bed.
Then there was this tunnel with a really bright light at the end, brighter than any light he had ever seen in his life.
And then he felt the hand of God reaching down and pulling him out.
Then he was back alive, in the hospital bed.
This has happened to quite a few people. And the non-believers who wouldn't have gone to Heaven felt this intense burning, and then the hand of God recuing them and giving them a second chance.
They became Christians.

Just a little thing for you to think about...
I used to wonder what it was like to die. Not wondering in a bad way, just curious about it. I never ever wanted to experience it, of course, but I would sometimes just wonder, cause I hadn't heard anything about it before.
I guess now I know?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I'm typing with one hand cause I'm eating duck with the other...

About the Random Pictures...

I've been posting Random Pictures of the Day ever since... forever ago.
But because I didn't have any time whatsoever yesterday to do that, I'll just stop. I mean, I'll probably post some every once in a while, but I'll just call it Random Picture.
Yesterday I was two hours away watching this dance show... It was cool. Kinda. It was an hour of the same stuff. The same interesting stuff. Like the dancers were on an inclined platform and tilted towards the audience, and they would just dance really slowly and the spazz out and then go back slowly again... They're called the Cloud Gate Dance Theatre Troupe, and their tour is 'Water Stains on the Wall.'
There was this reception afterwards for the people who were invited. We got to eat cheesecake. It was good.
And my mom started talking to the dancers, and she turned to me, pointed to one of the guys, and said, "All you need to marry is someone like this." Needless to say, I scooted wwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay away... AWKWARD!! (She was just joking... I hope.)
And she talked to the director guy, who was a bouncy old man who's probably a ninja.
We got home after midnight, so I couldn't post... yep.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Spaghetti Tacos

Spaghetti tacos (like in iCarly) are actually pretty good...

So Many People...

Today the world population hit seven billion people... according to my World Geography teacher.


Elizabeth, remember that Elmo CD that we used to listen to when we were, like, seven?
I just found it an I'm reading the lyrics and I remember the melody to each and every song!
I don't know if that's normal or not... Haha!

And I Am...

It is Halloween.
And I am at home, about to do my English project.
I've never been trick-or-treating.
Nope. Never.

Random Picture of the Day

It's kind of hard to imagine that this person is the voice of Elmo...

Sunday, October 30, 2011

More Pictures from my Dad

And, for Elizabeth--