I've been posting Random Pictures of the Day ever since... forever ago.
But because I didn't have any time whatsoever yesterday to do that, I'll just stop. I mean, I'll probably post some every once in a while, but I'll just call it Random Picture.
Yesterday I was two hours away watching this dance show... It was cool. Kinda. It was an hour of the same stuff. The same interesting stuff. Like the dancers were on an inclined platform and tilted towards the audience, and they would just dance really slowly and the spazz out and then go back slowly again... They're called the Cloud Gate Dance Theatre Troupe, and their tour is 'Water Stains on the Wall.'
There was this reception afterwards for the people who were invited. We got to eat cheesecake. It was good.
And my mom started talking to the dancers, and she turned to me, pointed to one of the guys, and said, "All you need to marry is someone like this." Needless to say, I scooted wwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay away... AWKWARD!! (She was just joking... I hope.)
And she talked to the director guy, who was a bouncy old man who's probably a ninja.
We got home after midnight, so I couldn't post... yep.