This is a good book. It's amusing and overall just fun to read.
It's about a guy, Jaiden, whose parents are killed by an accidental microwave malfunction. The company that made it adopts Jaiden and raises hin. He meets a girl who he likes and tries to keep his true identity from her. Not long after, she finds out and tells Jaiden that her father wants to crash the company raising Jaiden. Jaiden then discovers the reason why-- the company, NECorp, is releasing mercury into local water streams in the process of manufacturimg a new product. Jaiden has to choose a side-- what he knows is rightm or the "family" he's always known. It seems predictable, but at the end, the story takes a big twist at the end.
Here are two covers that you can find. I read the one with the guy that has dark hair, but there's apparently another cover, too. I guess they both have the same idea...
And my cat os still sitting on my left arm, which means I typed this whole thing with one hand. It took a very long time. You're welcome.