Saturday, December 10, 2011


Okay, you guys know that I'm not usually a huge fan of shopping. Elizabeth especially knows this.
So whenever I want something, I know what exactly it looks like. I look for it wherever I go, and if I find something close to it, I don't get it. It was to be absolutely perfect, just the way I pictured it in my head.
I don't do the go-out-and-get-something-bring-it-back-home-and-not-like-it-anymore thing. It has to be perfect for me to want it.
So I went to Kohl's in search of a jacket.
I saw flip-flops that I really liked. They were navy blue, "So" brand, and they were those kinds that has the wide straps made out of a canvas-like cloth. I loved them and they were usually really expensive, but they were half off. So I pulled my mom over and showed her, and she said, "No, wait till they're 50% off."
"Ummm... they are."
"You really want those?"
"Merry Christmas, then."
"But I don't know whether they'll fit in the summer. The next size up is pretty big."
"Don't get them, then. You'll cry when they get to three dollars."
So I didn't get them. I'll just wait. I think they'll still be out sometime later. I really like them, though.
Instead, I found this white jacket. I really like it-- and, again, as I said, it had to be perfect for me to get it. It was perfect. I loved it.
So we waited in the long line (which really didn't take that long cause they had one line for four registers.
I love my jacket!