Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Cat Video!!

I just finished making this amazing video (a project for English class).
It's a commercial for cat food, and it has all my cats (including Toby) running around and then eating food... and then I'm going to have Avalon from across the street record some lines and add them in at the end.
It's so amazing!! I got to use my dad's huge, expensive, professional video camera, and it was really good, but reaaaaaally heavy!
Then I used AdobePremeire to edit it (that's what I use for all my videos now) and my dad showed me how to adjust the colors so that they're balanced and don't contrast as much during the switches from outside to indoor.
And then, because he wasn't in the room, I looked around for audio clips that I could put it, so I used one of those programs where you buy the audio clips and you can use them for anything (I think as long as you don't sell what you use it on).
I have to put it up on YouTube for my English teacher, so I'll tell you guys where you can find it.
It's pretty awesome, though!
I hope I get a good grade, because I was outside in, like, fifty degree weather with a t-shirt, jeans, and flip-flops trying to film a cat who was sticking to me like crazy.
I was also pretty disappointed that Arista wasn't doing what I wanted her to do, so she only ends up in the video, like, once, except for half of her tail in the upper corner or another shot.
Cassie was really good, though... Her and Toby are good kitty actors!! I am proud to call them my cats!