Thursday, November 17, 2011

Locked Out

I was locked outside today. Why? Let me tell you the whole story.
The bus didn't come until 4:30, almost thirty minutes late. The bus driver was TERRIBLE, and kept screaming at the kids in the back. "There is a video camera in this bus! I will take this video to the principal tomorrow morning! They can see your face and what you're saying!" Anyways, my mom called and asked where I was and if Ch1k3n was on the bus. I forgot he wasn't, so I said he was. Then she asked him if he had the key, and he had said he did, so I told her that he did. Originally, cause she was going out to teach dance class, she was going to leave the key out where I could get it and go inside, but then she decided the just because Ch1k3n had they key she wouldn't leave one for me. I didn't know that, though. So I got off the bus and walked home with Toby, the adorable little kitty that walks around our neighborhood. Before I went inside, I took picture of him on my phone. Then I went out back, with Toby still following me, and looked for the key where she said she would leave it. It wasn't there. Then I thought that it would be okay, because Ch1k3n would be home soon. I sat at the outdoor table in the backyard and did my homework, while Toby was trying to eat the eraser off of my pencil. Then he saw my cat, and they hissed at each other until I finally managed to unhook Toby's claws from the window screen and drag him away.
I was done with my homework and had already been outside for thirty minutes, so I started wondering where Ch1k3n was.
I started to write a little note to him saying I'd be at my friend's house across the street, but when I was trying to figure out the best way to hang it on the door, his friend drove up in a truck and Ch1k3n jumped out. Why was he so late? His friend was at a Quidditch team meeting.
So, basically, and hour after I got home, I finally got to go in the house.