Saturday, December 17, 2011

Wedding... again.

I'm playing in someone's wedding again today.
I switched two songs that I played violin on to flute for this time, and exxed-out a really hard on that I did on my violin last time. Then I added a new one for violin, so now I have:
Two flute songs
Two violin songs (CH1K3N, TURN YOUR MUSIC DOWN!!!!!)
(repeat top two if necessary)
Song when bridesmaid/flower girl/ringbearer come in (flute)
Wedding song (flute)
During the candle-lighting thing, one flute song
The wedding march--violin.
(I bet you didn't even read every word of that list...)
So, yep. I have a lot more flute songs than violin, cause I totally failed my violin last time... And the weather was probably affecting the sound and making it sticky... But today's a sunny day! It shall be good. :)