I then went to my orchestra concert. The concert started at 2:00. My orchestra's call time was 3:00. That was because all the younger orchestras just take that much time. (No, they really don't, but there were five before us and none after us, so...)
I was getting out of my car, holding my violin, Skandie's book, and my orchestra binder. I was trying to close the trunk when my binder fell out of my hands, and somehow managed to unclick itself, so ALL my music came out of it and fell all over the ground. And remember, it was RAINING. So there I was, staring at seven year's worth of orchestra music getting soaked up in the water. I stopped thinking and just started picking it all up, although it was hard to cause it was asphalt and the paper was wet. I shoved it back in the trunk and began to walk to the building when I realized that I had just been kneeling down on the ground with rivers of rain flowing downstream.
Needless to say, I was SOAKED. All throughout rehearsal and the concert, my legs were freezing, cause my socks were all wet and the air-condition was on. So as soon as it was over and I got back to the car, I changed clothes. Whew!
Now let's just hope that all my music is okay... I kept that for a reason...