It was quite amazing.
The first performance we did warm-ups ('we' meaning the orchestra joined in with the cast and crew) and they. Were. So. Much. Fun.
They were really dramatic, and it would be embarrassing if you were by yourself, but because everyone was doing them it was just pure fun.
I looooove the 'Bananas of the World United'...
"Form the cow! Form, form the cow! Form the cow! Form, form the cow! Now tip the cow! Tip, tip the cow! Tip the cow! Tip, tip the cow! Now HAVE A COW! HAVE, HAVE A COW! HAVE A COW! HAVE, HAVE A COW!!"
(I honestly have no idea what it means to have a cow, but apparently it's an expression...)
I also love the "Form the house--in the house--rock the house!" one. But I really like, "There's magic in the theatre and the theatre is magic. And truly blessed are those who are able to share their talents with others."
Another one of my top favorites is when we all put our arms around each other and do the "What time is it?" "IT'S SHOWTIME!" "What time is it?" "IT'S SHOWTIME!" Cause we're all yelling so loud that it seems the building could fall over...
The first performance was okay. I mean, it was just little kids and their parents, with old people.
Before the last one, we did warm-ups, but didn't get to do 'Banana.' :( When we did the SHOWTIME!! one there was just so much energy and emotion, cause it was so many senior's last performances and every was really emotional, so we turned it into spirited yelling... And then a lot of people cried afterwards...
But our last audience was so good! They clapped loudly and was the first audience to scream along with clapping, and they laughed at a lot of stuff, even stuff that wasn't even that funny. I heard that it was almost a full house. Or... at least, two times more than what we usually get.
It was sad... cause it was the last one.
I mean... I was excited to go to IHOP afterwards, but... I didn't want it to be over.
We had to clean for a long time afterwards before we went to IHOP.
IHOP was fun. Mini John Travolta (most adorable little seventh grader ever!) sat at our table and got a bowl of fruit, then he only ate, like, seven pieces. I was surprised his parents let him go... Gretl went, too. It was late, though...
And at one point Mrs. Rod came and kidnapped Nikki's camera. When she got it back, Nikki made Hale go and take pictures of every table. When she got to Captain's table, she said, "Okay, I'm going to take a picture of you guys's table, okay?" and Kronkenator was being camera-shy and said, "No. Everyone except for me." Hale kinda got upset and said, "Okay, then, I'll take a picture of just you, then!" and he took off his hat and put it in his face, and that's when Hale got a picture that was quite... strange. I guess she got what she wanted? Well, it probably wasn't enough, or maybe it was too much fun, so she TOOK the hat and THREW it in a random direction... which happened to be at me.
Okay, I WAS just standing there and laughing at the scene, but suddenly his hat is in my hands (I'm serious, it just flew into my hands) and everyone else watching just looked at me, which was intimidating, cause... I don't like to be stared at.
Kronkenator was still yelling, "TEACHER! TEACHER! TEACHER!" and trying to grab the hat from her when he realized that she didn't have it anymore. I wondered if I should be on Hale's side or be nice... I decided on being nice, so I gave the hat back.
I dragged Hale back to our table and she handed the camera to Nikki. We looked at the pictures, and appanently when Kronkenator stood up to get the hat from me, Hale sat down and took a picture of Captain... It was a funny picture. It was awkward. But it was a pretty good picture, considering the fact that he only had, like, half a second to smile.
I still laughed at the picture anyway.
Thankfully, after THAT huge thing about Hale, we left. Meaning... I went back in her car.
Next time I know-- don't let Hale get away with a camera or strange and embarrassing things happen...