Saturday, February 6, 2016

wOW mY fRiENdS!!1!!1

There's this "Friends Day" going around on Facebook right now, and Facebook has created yet another video specific to each user, where it pulls photos and creates a cute little snippet.

Everyone is sharing theirs.

Everyone is sharing theirs with a caption along the lines of, "Aww so this is kind of cute."

Okay but why do you have to share yours. People are obviously going to find their own video way cuter than yours, and yea I get that it evokes feelings for you, but other people aren't going to have those same feelings. They aren't you. And the video is for you.

Half of my current Facebook feed is people reposting their own video. Like... chill, you're not special, and nobody wants to watch your video (unless, of course, they want to see if they're in it).

This isn't very compassionate of me. But it's getting the treatment it deserves.