Many people are arguing for taxes helping pay for college educations. Many people are COMPLETELY AGAINST IT.
The people that say "these kids are their own problem" did not have to pay thousands upon thousands for college. It wasn't this expensive back then.
Also, THEIR generation is the one that made it absolutely imperative for someone to have degrees - sometimes more than one - to even stand a chance at getting hired. The way it has become in the last couple of decades, you can rarely get a job without proper education. That is not the fault of young adults. Young adults go to college because of the standards that have been raised by the current middle aged generation.
I've heard the arguments, "But I didn't choose for this college kid to go pursue a degree that isn't relevant enough to get them an actual useful job for them to pay their loans with." First of all, I wonder if these people know exactly how much student loans cost. There are very few degrees that will provide a young adult with the privilege of easily paying them off.
But the thing is, people go to college to get education that they will use in their workfield, and their workfield is probably going towards making advancements to help the society. It could be creating innovative technology, more efficient machines, inventing medical cures, etc. College does not end at college. Helping pitch in to pay for college tuition goes towards empowering the generation to become more educated, more innovative, and more equipped to create new advancements with the purpose of aiding society.
The fact is, college is hard. Paying for college is hard for young adults to do. The words, "I'm not going to college" receive a negative connotation, so, middle aged generation, please do not complain about young adults choosing to pursue the education that you made necessary.