Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I read Sammie's blog, and it reminded me to post about the swimming thing we had.
I didn't want to see X-Men, and I probably wouldn't have been allowed to, anyway. So I met up with them at the theater, then we drove to their neighborhood pool.
On the way there, I was reading the book on Akiane Kramarik. It's so amazing... I personally believe everything she says. How can someone that young have such insight on everything? Sam also let me borrow "Antic Spring," a one-act play, and two duets, "Sure Thing" (which I really don't get, and really don't like) and "Missed Connections" (which I did like).
When we got there, I saw the pool and thought, "Wow. Fun. This is so small!"
We kind of sat around and talked for about thirty minutes, partly because I didn't really want to swim right then, and Invisi didn't have her swimsuit, so I decided to just talk to her... Then when I did want to swim, I went to find the bathroom. And it was OLD. It had one of those lights that had a timer on it, so I set it for twenty minutes.
Then I was curious on how I wanted to jump in. I thought of many things before just jumping in. Yep, creative. Exactly what I was going for. Then Sam explained that the broken-down wooden box on the edge of the pool served as the diving board.
I wanted to see more of the pool, so I put on my goggles and looked underwater. It was one of those pools that sloped from five feet to nine.
Then I was thinking about attempting a dive off the diving *ahem* board, but diving's one of those things where the more you think about it, the less you want to do it. Like a hurdle. But after you do it, you're good with it.
"Just go, Annasophie!" -Sam
"Just go, Annasophie!" -Invisi
"I'll push you in if you don't go!" -Jestar
So I was about to just cannonball when Jestar ran up behind me and shoved me in.
Eventually, Sam and I start to take turns dramatically falling into the water. You know, like in movies, how they slowly go all *floating magically down*. Sam went, and she kept going down, and down... then she sat on the bottom of the nine-foot pool, then sprung right back up. It was hilarious! It was really fun, too.
Then Invisi got her swimsuit, and we all played with the noodles and everything. We all left about thirty minutes after we were supposed to.
Jestar was supposed to leave at 5:30, but he stayed until 6:00. Invisi and I were supposed to leave at 6:00, but, instead, we left at 6:30, all thanks to parents being friends!
So, yay, that was what we did.
It was fun.