Monday, May 9, 2011


So I get home today, and after a little while Ch1k3n has to go to marching band practice. After my mom sends him there, she calls me down.
"Let's go, Mr. Style said that he wants you there."
"Me. At marching practice?"
"Yeah, they're starting with the eight graders. You have to go."
So I got there really late and basically all we did was awkward marching positions and followed orders of this guy over the speakers.
After I packed my flute up I went in search for my shiny green water bottle.
And guess where I found it.
Mr. Style was emptying it on a tree.
So I try to seem casual until he put it down.
"Huh... What? Yes?" Why was he talking to me?
"See you tomorrow."
"Okay." He wasn't going to let go of my water bottle. Time to stall some more. "Five o'clock, right?"
"Tomorrow, Wednesday, Thursday."
"Okay. Um... Is that my water bottle?"
*blank stare*
"Cause I put it over there..."
"Yes, I found this over there."
"Yeah, that's mine."
So turns out he wants me in the band. Problem- I was actually planning on being in the orchestra, and I can't really be in both. But apparently he has everything all planned out, so we'll see how it goes.
To sum it up, today was a random on-call day of marching.