Sunday, May 1, 2011


Orchestra concert today!
How did it go?
While we were practicing beforehand, it was terrible.
On the way to the stage my old standpartner and favorite yet, S-Mart, said, "Feels so good out here! Maybe I'll go fishing later..."
"Um... Where would you go? Just drive around till you find a lake and get in a boat with your pole and bait?"
"No, my gramma owns some lake around... so, yeah."
I'm guessing he's fishing now. Probably not, but maybe so.
Skip to on-stage.
First song. Better than rehearsal.
Second song. SO LONG! (No, really, probably ten minutes. Longer?) This song... okay. Let's just say that my standpartner loves playing really really loud on this one spot where we are actually supposed to play really quiet. It's embarrassing... And her bow kinda flashes literally one inch before my eyes when she goes on G string, and it's really quite dangerous. So we get to that one part, and sure enough-- plonk! --her bow hits my forehead and she immediately scoots her chair, like, a foot away.
It was actually pretty hilarious, and I couldn't stop laughing...
Third song. PIZZA-BY!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sigh* It was SO AMAZING!!!! I'm sorry the song was so short... but it was really funny, cause he makes all these wierd faces and sings along with the orchestra... someone should really catch that on camera. But no one except the orchestra sees it.
After we finish, my standpartner turns to me and says, "You have a good summer."
Um. No, "Sorry!" That's okay, though... *haha* It was really funny anyway.
But that's not the only impoliteness I experience. I hold the door open for a Wright Brother who plays the trumpet, and he didn't even say "Thanks"! :{
...people these days...