Jazz under the stars. Was AMAZING.
So right after school I went to help and all I got to do was set up chairs eight to a table and spread tablecloths. Other people were setting up the stage and putting up Christmas lights.
Mrs. Corn had a meeting with us, basically telling us what to do. Then I had to go to marching band practice, which took three hours.
I got back to school at around 8:30 and went in. At this time people were already seated and we were delivering their plates, which had to quiches (small one-inch round pie things with... one was spinach and the other was ham. It's like a mixture of that and egg and I would guess cheese...) and cheese cake (one of each: chocolate chip, raspberry syrup, and New York style). I was going to help Jo with her table, but it was just full of boring adults (sorry, no offense!) who didn't even drink their punch.
So I decided to help Nikki in the kitchen. The procedure was get a clear plastic plate, drizzle chocolate sauce in lines on one side (Nikki actually took that job), put the two quiches on the no-chocolate side (which Codifer didn't do; some poor guest had to eat chocolatey quiche.) and one of each cheesecake cube on the chocolate syrup. It looked like a smiley face.
When we finished making them and everyone was served, I decided to attempt to help Sam. But she didn't really let me help, so I just stood in the back and watched the band play. DaniReed wanted me to take pictures, so I did, but people started to look at me like I was crazy so I gave the camera back. I bet she was disappointed. But oh, well.
OH YEAH and then I got really really really really really really really really happy (and, no, I don't tell any of you why)... Molly and Nattles tried to get me to tell them, and Grizzly got so excited about I don't even know what, so she started tickling me and got cheesecake on my hair, although it wasn't too noticable. And then Jestar came and I was then really really happy too for some reason and then... I went to go talk to Polly for a little while until the whole thing finished.
I helped on the strike (tearing everything down), meaning I folded the black curtains, cleaned up the pretty sparkly stuff from the table, snuck some cheesecake, folded tablecloth, snuck some more cheesecake, and set up the tables and chairs were they belonged in the cafeteria. Then snuck more cheesecake.
Molly was still trying to get me to tell her. She can read my thoughts. Not like words, but exact feelings. It's scary. And she can word something so that it makes something seem opposite of what it is.
At one point she randomly ran off and when she didn't come back and I ate more cheesecake, I decided to look for her. The drama room's light was on, so I peeked in a window. And janitor was in there, and she looked up and saw me. I took off and ran back. I bet she thinks I'm a creeper.
I stayed until about 11:00. So, yep. There was my day at the fabulous
(Jazz Under the Stars)