Thursday, May 26, 2011

Bear Wit and Lit

So the new annual Bear Wit and Lit magazine came out. I have six whole pages in it, which Captain beat by about... ten or so lines.
It's a lot better looking than last year's. It's actually full-sized paper.
But the thing is, they named my work for me. The poem I named 'Fantasy' they named 'Paintbrush,' what I named 'The Power of Music' they named 'Heart's Love,' and 'The Power Within' they named (get ready, this is the WORST)-- Prologue and Epilogue. Why? Possibly because I had a prologue to it, and an epilogue to it. Does that mean that's what it should've been called? NO!!!!! What PERSON would name a story 'Prologue and Epilogue'??
I guess I should've actually typed the title out, cause the title was the name of the document. But oh, well, it's like that now, and I can't explain myself anymore.
*sighs* Although it's still kinda funny...