And here is the post about the High-School Band trip.
We left around lunchtime to go to VCA to play for the old peoples. I was stuck in the back of the bus, and every time we went over a speed bump (about 27 times) the snare would rattle and, like, five cymbals would crash. Plard would let the front wheels slowly over, then stomp on the gas and send us flying into the air and screaming. Headache! But fun.
So our first stop was Mighty Fine for lunch. It was packed. Sometime in the line Tiff and Dani-Reed decided to tell everyone to use their middle names for their orders. Okay.
So I get up there and I tell the lady, "Amanda" although that's not really my middle name, but I guess I've just kind of adopted it for my "food line" name. Like at TCSIT.
The orders actually came out pretty fast.
Tiff. Oh, Tiff.
She had told the person her middle name (I think it was "Hong") but made them spell it Qhon5g! "With a silent Q, a silent 5, and a silent exclamation mark."
So when the guy announces her order he actually says, "Hong with a silent Q and a silent 5."
After we ate we went to VCA. They liked it (of course) and asked for an encore, so Polly and I played our duet.
Afterwards, Ork and Guinneapig found this synthesizer organ and started messing around with it. Nikki kicked them off and started playing around with it. Then she shows Plard, and HE started playing with it.
When we finally got back outside, there was still about forty-five minutes to spare, so we decided to go to Culver's to waste time. So we get there and I get a mint chocolate chip mixer. It was very, very green. I was a bit scared to eat it.
And then this waiter comes around, holding a raspberry mixer and asks if it's anyone's. Nope. Then about two minutes later he comes back and says, "Okay, I'm just going to set this down and whoever grabs it first gets it."
Of course Twilight-lover gets it, but then we tell her to give it to Polly, who didn't order anything.
Then we went back to school. The End!!
(And please remind me not to post about this again.)