I had Circle Stone band tryouts today.
Except I'll be in orchestra, not band.
But my teacher wants me to try out anyway. For the top band.
Okay. Extremely hard here. Top Band (Wind Ensemble) is... top top. Like first choice of the director. You have to be like first-or-second-chair-in-region good.
Which I'm not.
So... I get there. My mom comes with me. What?? Someone (Zest) gives me a number. I practice for a while, and talk to a couple of people. Zest calls me upstairs. I go.
Zest asks me what speed I want my scales at.
"Um, well... these two scales I have to go slower on..."
"Then how about just bump all slower, cause you can't change the speed."
"Okay, then I'll go at 140."
Then I wait and practice the fingerings on my flute silently. Wait until my turn. Ask a girl waiting whose teacher she is. It's something like "Bo." Okay, thanks. How am I supposed to know who 'Bo' is?? Apparently everyone else does...
Then it's my turn. Bo's student walks out. These people are very emotional. She and Zest hug and then she turns to me and hugs me, too.
I'm like--
... ... ???????????????
It made no sense. Anyway, I get in there and Zest tells whoever's behind the curtain that I want the metronome at 140 for my scales. So he says, "Okay, I am putting the metronome at your requested speed," etc. and I'm thinking, "I'm not supposed to talk. This is awkward!!"
The metronome starts and I start. But then it cuts off so I stop.
"This is nothing you did, but to try out for Wind Ensemble you have to go at least 148. I just assumed everyone knew that..."
Then he sets it to 148 while I panic.
Cause two of my scales I didn't practice at 148. I thought I wouldn't have to, that's what my teacher told me... I panic and decide that at least one of the scales might be pulled through.
So I play the scales, then comes the hardest.
"Don't panic, don't panic..." and believe it or not, I do good the way up. The way down, though... Mess up. Um... ... ... brain freezes. Oh, whatever, I'm not going to be in band next year, anyway! So then I just finish it as best as I could.
Chromatic scales. Three octaves, starting from the lowest possible to the highest possible.
"So for the chromatic scale you requested it at 134, which was faster than required."
Um, really? Oh, no... I had no idea how fast that was, I just guessed. I could have gone slower? Awww......
It's actually okay until the top. But I guess I pulled it through.
Etude number one.
Etude number two.
Then I'm done.
Zest didn't look all that happy, but it was probably just my imagination. Cause she doesn't even know me, why would she care...
But, yeah, that's how it went. I probably just made Symphonic, which is the second band. Better than the Concert band, which Ch1k3n's in. He only tried out for Symphonic. Haha, I outdid my brother. :)