Saturday, September 17, 2011


So we had one today at the PAC, and I had three things I had to do: Yo-Yo, Dance, and Orchestra.
I got there at, like, 2:00. Not many people were there. Then Shell, the other Yo-Yo girl came with her brother, Maximum. Then Virtuoso, the guy who's my standpartner in two of the songs (he's really supposed to be the concertmaster, but something happened and that did work out. So he had to sit with me, which was probably a pain for him cause he's really talented on his violin. And I've been playing a year longer than he has.)
Shell was off practicing her yo-yo, so Virtuoso and I just sat around the Greenroom and talked about... Irish stuff, Taiwan, Spongebob, and then he tried to convince me to go to Eastwind High School.
"Come on, you should come to Eastwind."
"Why not?"
"Why not?"
"Cause... isn't it a lot harder?"
"Okay, no."
Then I practiced yo-yo with Shell. We had this really short little routine at the beginning of the song (which, by the way, IS EXTREMELY AWESOME!!!!!) so we practiced and practiced until we got it completely down.
I ran through the dress rehearsal, so I had to change clothes so. Many. Times.
Then came the real performance; Yo-Yo was amazing for Shell and I. We were nearly perfect. (Nearly meaning that we weren't entirely synchronized, but we didn't drop the yo-yos.) Robert, our new yo-yo teacher, did really well, except for the time he dropped it at the end.
While Robert was yo-yoing, I saw my class already coming out to wait for the dance. Whenever Robert would change his yo-yo, I would start to stand up, thinking that it was time to go out on the stage with him. I guess I was too nervous, cause I did that three times, and Maximum had to grab my arm and pull me down.
After we got off the stage, I ran to the Greenroom and changed into my Taiwanese Aboriginal Dance clothes. Well, it wasn't really changing... it was more of putting the costume over what I was already wearing. Yeah, it was kind of like that.
I got there in time, and everyone backstage (including us) was getting annoyed at how loud the bells were.
The dance went well. Not much I can say about that.
After the dance, I had to change into my orchestra dress and start rehearsing with them. Our conductor was way too nervous, so she kept making us practice.
Then was the time for the orchestra performance. We went out on the stage, behind the curtain. Then we practiced standing up when our conductor walked on stage. My favorite time of that part was when the lights went off and everything got quiet, then someone said, "Let's practice standing up!" and we all stood up, and it didn't matter, cause no one could see anyway. Then the curtain went up and the bright lights shone down and drained the audience out. It was amazing thinking how we were still in the same exact spots we were in. The curtain being raised made all the difference.
The concert was good. Really good. I liked it. It was a good concert.
And after that I could finally change back into my yo-yo costume for the curtain call. We were going to rehearse the curtain call, but we wouldn't find Maximum. We searched for him for about fifteen minutes. Robert checked in all the boy's bathrooms, and Shell and I even checked in the girl's dressing room.
Eventually, he appeared out of nowhere and we practiced the curtain call.
When we went back in the Greenroom, Robert's friends were there. There was this one guy who had a REALLY creepy laugh... And it didn't help that he was watching a funny video or something.
The curtain call was okay. Yeah, except for the fact that I dropped my yo-yo and it rolled OFF THE EDGE OF THE STAGE!!!!
I got it afterwards, don't worry! (Not like you would worry, anyway...)
Cleaning up time was... busy. We were all throwing water bottles away. Eventually, it was just my family (they were loading things into the car) and Virtuoso's family.
Virtuoso found this disgusting comb that had white crusted... stuff... on it. He eventually picked it up inbetween two pieces of paper and threw it away. Great going, Virtuoso, great going.
Then I found an iTunes gift card. He took it and said he was going to give it to his sister for her birthday. Yeah... that gift card was probably used up. Nice gift, huh?
And now I an happy to be home. It's almost midnight, and I still haven't had supper...