Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Please Don't Talk To Me

Lots of times, when I get home from a long day, my parents talk to me and ask questions and really just everything, and it completely drains me from what energy I have left. I don't mean to be rude or angsty, but it's really, really just that when I come back from an exhausting experience, I need to be by myself to simply chill and really be in control of how I spend my time until I'm back up for being social.I probably come off as like angry or annoyed (and that's partially because I usually am, at that point) but I don't really mean to. I just really don't need to have to be talking to someone at the moment... If I don't have the energy to carry a positive conversation with you, don't try to "cheer" me up.
And usually it actually does take until I go to bed and then wake up the next morning (not even then, because I actually also hate when people talk to me too early in the morning, before I've been able to prepare myself for facing the world). I know it sounds like you really just can't ever talk to me, but... I promise that's not what I'm saying. You just gotta get me at the right time, if you catch me while I'm out doing said exhausting activity, I'll more than likely be pumped with energy and I'm all yours.
But as soon as I hit the finish line and I'm free to collapse and be alone, that is what I will want to be doing.
Also, I don't expect people to abide by these guidelines. I know that it would be completely unrealistic for me to think that I deserve to be treated in exactly the ways I want... like, that just wouldn't be fair for anyone. But for as long as I have the time I do have to rant about these things... I will.