Don't feel alone, Jestar. I'm in trouble, too.
After the funeral, I went back in the room to get my jacket and had my cousin, Elizabeth, hold my flute. Then when I got it I didn't bother get it back. I should have. Because when we were waiting at the car for my other cousin, Rayne, to get there cause she drove, Elizabeth put the flutes down.
We got into the car and as we were backing up, we felt a bump. Then, for some reason, Rayne decided to be smart and roll over it AGAIN.
Then we realized that Elizabeth had left the flutes behind the wheel.
We ran over them.
My flute is worth a car. Plard would trade me BOTH his flutes for mine. That's how good it is.
We ran back to check them, and they were fine. Whew!
Then we were questioning Rayne why we ran over the twice, then Acer said, "We ran over them the second time just to make sure they were there!"
So. At band today. I get out my flute. The footjoint doesn't fit. Not only that, but the whole right pinky key is jammed down.
I nervously ask Plard to borrow his flute, and I do not tell him what exactly happened. Maybe tomorrow.
But then Grizzly pointed out that another key was squashed down.
How much is this going to cost?
Oh, I don't know, maybe only A COUPLE THOUSAND OF DOLLARS!
So I get home and call my mom, who's still at my cousin's house.
She. Freaks. Out.
You know my mom, you know how scary her freak-outs can be.
This is WAY worse. She's yelling at me over the phone, in front of my cousin's whole family. Except for Elizabeth, she was being brought to dance class.
You probably don't want to know the whole sequence of calling people and working things out, so anyway, my mom told me not to worry. Yeah. Yeah, right. No worries.
Just hope this works out.