This track season is... different. Coach Jordy isn't coaching us anymore. Which I am somewhat happy about. And we have four coaches- Coach Brad for field events, Coach Long for long distance, Coach Middle for middle distance (the guy whose most famous line is, "Jared... I, just... Jared, just... just, Jared...") and Coach Sprint for sprints. I actually don't know his name yet.
But Coach Brad, at the beginning, when he was splitting us up into our groups to work on our events, he said to me, "I know where you go," and put me with Coach Long. I do not belong in long distance. The middle distance people were having a lot of fun... And Coach Long likes Peely a lot better than me, but then she realized that Peely was running faster because she was listening to her iPod. So it got taken away from her, and she got slow.
Basically, all we did in "long distance" was 30 second run, 30 second walk. 60 second run, 30 second walk. Coach Long gave Peely the timer, and Peely messed the times up. *applause* It was supposed to be a 'Fartlek run' but it... wasn't. In cross country, a Fartlek run meant half a mile run, half a mile walk. Mile run, mile walk. No "seconds!" kind of playing around.
Anyway, after practice I asked Coach Brad if he was sure I wasn't supposed to be in middle distance, and he said, *insert Coach Brad accent here* "Yeah, I kno, I pud you in the wron wun."
So next time I'll get to go middle distance, where they get to run up onto the boat in the playground. :)