Sunday, March 6, 2011


So... PSIA. I was in On-Site Drawing. I left the house at 7:00... And the set was HORRIBLE. I mean, it' wasn't even set up artistically. Nikki sat on my right and Mango sat on my left. I think Nikki had the worst view of sitting. The set is covered when you walk in, so you can't choose your angle. So, as you can guess no one had a good composition.
Nikki, Hale, and I got permission to stay in the bridesroom to practice their speeches. And talk.
For a while. Until Hale's Prose verification. She was looking up the times of her Prose finals and wondering if she had any conflicts and talking about the finals. So anyway we go with her into the hall and wait for her to come out. And when she does, she's crying. Turns out that she was the only one from Brentwood who didn't make it. It's hard to get into the finals, by the way. Just saying. So she went into the bathroom and Nikki and I told her we'd meet her at the Woods of Brent table in the gym. Then the two of us took off and quickly picked a scrawny arrangement of flowers and grass. We were still trying to figure out how to tie it up when Nikki had to go to Impromptu, which Haley also did.
I found Deer and we went up into a staircase area that was just a flight of stairs with walls right up close and a wall so that it was like a box with a door at the top and stairs going down. It was a private place, and IT WAS FUN sitting up there.
Then I heard people announcing the results for On-Site Drawing just as I had to leave and go outside. So I stayed through their agonizingly slow process of reading off names for seventh grade. They finally got to Eighth grade, and this is how it went-
"In sixth place we have, from Brentwood, Mango."
*Nikki and I glance at each other*
"In fifth place, ---blah blah blah--- not us..."
*Nikki and I look relieved at each other, glad we weren't getting too low*
"In fourth place, -not us again-..."
*Nikki and I look questioning*
"In third place"
*Nikki and I are restless*
"-not us AGAIN-"
*Nikki and I look hopeful/glad at each other*
"In second place we have ---NOT ONE OF US!!!!!"
*Nikkii and I look at each other anxious, but with sudden competitive-ness*
"And in first place we have--"
*one last glance*
*Nikki and I l,ook at each other with looks that clearly state, "How is this possible? Mango beat both us??*
Then I left.