Don't joke about my race. Don't joke about my inclinations with theatre. I wish I could think of a third one just for rhetoric purposes, but I can't think of one. These are the two that I come into contact with far too many times.
Don't joke about these things, because I get that you're kidding, but I'm not.
Especially theatre, don't tell me that I'm wrong when I research the daylights out of a show I'm about to see, don't tell me that I'm wrong when I go to an audition I know I don't have a chance for, don't tell me I'm wrong when I look up to Broadway performers. ESPECIALLY if you aren't even cultured in the current theatre scene... and EVEN MORE ESPECIALLY if you don't know a thing about theatre. I get defensive about these things, because it's my passion, and I don't need someone's light hearted jest to imply that I'm wrong on a subject regarding my opinion on something that occupies a large majority of my efforts.
And don't joke about my race. I know I'm half Asian. But don't stereotype me. Actually, it shouldn't even make sense for me to be placed in a stereotype because I'm half, and there aren't stereotypes for half cause no one really acknowledges us. I NEVER get labeled with a white stereotype, it's always an Asian stereotype. But whatever it is, do not joke about it.
I respect race and theatre far too much to make jokes at it. And if you grind my gears about it, I WILL call you out and I WILL abruptly stop the "for fun" conversation to chew you out on it.
My boundaries are pretty far apart, there's a lot that flies, but these things do not. There are many things I can "take a joke" about, but never these things. Do not try me.