Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sound of Music Rehearsal

Again, we had a Sound of Music rehearsal tonight.
We didn't go to the pit, but it was still fun.
We had this twenty minute break in which Hale told me something completely amusing and Mae licked and sucked on my arm because it supposedly smelled like garlic sauce. ???????
Then back to work.
We ended forty minutes early, after "My Favorite Things." That song actually sounded pretty great!
Nikki and I kind of walked around... And Ms. Murry got mad at us for being on the elevator. NOT MY IDEA!! Haha... really, though, it wasn't. It was fun doing that ninja roll... different story.
Well, it didn't really have a story. So, yeah.
Then Nikki used Plard's sticker-printing machine to make a sticky that said the "Missing In Action" thing for me. Then she peeled off the original "Lost Music" sticker and put my sticker up. She stuck the "Lost Music" thing on my arm, which Captain thought was amusing.
Speakin of Captain, I wonder if he's going to get a haircut. Cause that one haircut last year... Yeah, not good. I still laughing at that...