Thursday, October 27, 2011

Dress Rehearsal

I wish I could say that tonight was the Final Dress Rehearsal, but it wasn't.
It was simply the dress rehearsal.
It was the usual until after dinner. (I didn't eat there-- I ate before I got there.) We were SUPPOSED to start rehearsal at 6:00, but for some reason they were being really, extremely slow so we had to wait.
Nikki, Skandie, Nemo (Mollipop's little brother) and I stood around the top of the staircase leading down into the orchestra pit. Nemo was complaining that everyone was poking his stomach, which really only made us poke it more...
Poor Nemo.
That's actually what Plard did. When Nemo told him, "Plard! Everyone's poking my stomach!" Plard said, "Aw, poor little Nemo!" and poked him right in the ribs.
COMPLAINT--Nemo is taller than me!! Last time I saw him he was short!
Okay, anyways, when we started it was okay.
And then there were some bad things happening.
As in... Ty-Ty singing off-key, making the orchestra unable to accompany them for one song.
And... People forgetting lines. Especially Captain. He forgot a lot.
And... People missing cues.
We eventually got through with it... An hour late.