Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Today I have a performance in the PAC.
So today we had to get to school at 6:45 to play a concert for the faculty meeting, which was at, like, 8:00.
So... after that we had about an hour before school started, so I played Racket's violin and it. Was. Amazing.
And that's not even the best part-- Mrs. Violin said, "You know what, guys, I'm really not interested in rehearsing."
So the rest of the two or so hours we just played Ninja, played violins, and sat around and talked.
Oh, yeah, and when I was playing Submarine's violin, Racket gasped, took it, and started 'straightening' the bridge. And we're like, "NO! RACKET! DON'T BREAK THE STRINGS!" and he's all, "I won't! Calm down!" and then, what do you know, the E string pops.
It was one of those when-Nikki-broke-the-$200-lizard-cage moments. Then Submarine says, "You did not. Just. Do. That. You're going to have to pay for it!"
But, him being Racket, he had an extra string in his backpack.
So all is good.
Except for the concert.