So, as you guys all know, I visited the Woods of Brent today. I was really upset that I was only allowed to visit for lunch. But at least that' better than nothing.
I got to school at around 1:00, and I had about fine minutes to get up to the lockers.
My original plan was to wait outside the band hall until Nikki came out. But while calling Nikki yesterday to find out when lunch started, she told me that she wasn't going to be there today. That made me sad...
So I decided to wait outside the theater classroom until either Sam or Hale came out; then I would jump on them.
I asked Mrs. Reed where the drama room was (I wasn't sure if it had moved), but she said, "I'm sorry you wouldn't be able to join them today, because they are on the stage." I wouldn've explained to her that I wasn't going to 'join' you guys, but I had only two minutes to get up to the lockers.
So I got up there, and when the bell rang, Deirdre came out and went to her locker. She didn't see me, so I snuck up on her (and avoided Mollypop on the way, which made me feel bad) and gave her this huge hug. I momentarily forgot that she disliked hugs, and she screamed. Then she turned around, saw it was me, and screamed again.
And then Snickers walked out of nowhere and screamed, "MIA!!!!" and gave me this huge hug. Hale had the same reaction.
A lot of people just kind of looked at me, then looked back again... thought... and then realization hit them as they went, "Mia! What are you doing here??"
It was a lot of fun. So I followed Hale down and out the door, where I saw Fizzy, Rachelle, Ya-Ya (that's her nickname, apparently... she may like to know what it means "duck" in Chinese...), and Jestar coming up. And, by the way, Jestar, you looked reaaaaaaally confused. It was quite amusing.
At the lunchroom, we... ate. Well, I didn't eat, cause I already had lunch. But I watched everyone eat. At one point, a random tray appeared right over my shoulder... Sam.
Then for about ten more minutes, we watched everyone play basketball. It was nice. Cause I thought, "This is their high school life... Kinda like my middle school life. I'm really going to miss it." It was kinda a reminder that if I ever get to come back, it's all going to be the same.
I had to go after lunch, but even so, Hale tried pulling me to her Spanish class. I stayed with her until Coach came after the bell. Then I left.
It was a good visit.