Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dance Classe A La Munchkeens

So. Dance class.
I taught the class with Sammy (not the Sam that reads this blog) and her sister, Care Bear.
Right before the first class started was very busy. There were two new students whose mothers kept asking me questions.
One of those kids sat there and refused to do anything. The other did really, really well. I think after a while she can move up to the next class.
I'm glad we didn't run out of things to do.
The next class started out with only three kids. Twenty minutes later, another walked in. By the end of the class, we only had seven kids. It didn't go quite as well as the first class did. It didn't go badly, it just... well, Sammy kinda confused them a lot...
So, yep, day one was successful.
Now about day two...