Sunday, April 10, 2011
TCSIT Saturday
On Saturday Nikki really wanted me to do her hair, and she told me to get to her room early enough. I get there at 6:30, and everyone's still not even close to being packed. So I have to wait so long that I just tell Nikki to bring her brush down to the breakfast room. Then I go back to my room, hoping the Grizzly and Hale didn't leave without me. And guess what? Hale has all her stuff all over the table, adn Grizzly way far from being packed up. How much time do we have left at this point? Oh, plenty, ABOUT 46 SECONDS!!!! I bring Grizzly down first. When Nikki comes down, I do her hair. Which I don't take too long on, as long as it passes the requirements of Princess Nikki. "Can you put it a little higher? No, that's to high now... But can you do something from the side? I don't know... just think of something." Well, guess what? I've been 'thinking of something' forever now, except you won't approve. So I just clipped it up and the asked Tuna to do my hair in a french braid. Then we leave to go to ACU. Once we get there, Grizzly and Hale come with me to my Bible Reading room. We're there early, and when we get into the building it's just us and Handy-Mandy. But is wasn't long at all until another school came in. Grizzly and Hale took my Bible and started reading about Abimelech (don't ask me where they found that) in Indian accents. We went in when it was time, and I had no idea when I was going, so I kept getting nervous that I would be next. Major torture, cause it turned out I was last. Some contestants were good, some were okay. I thought I did well... But the judges were so slow. Majorly slow. They were just college kids judging us for extra credit in their classes. One judge was eating yogurt, another was slurping his little fruit punch juice box in the middle of my reading. Way to pay attention. They took at least five minutes writing comments after every presentation, so I didn't get to go see Humorous Duet Acting. Sorry, Sam. When we got out of that event, we rushed to see Hale and Nikki do their Original Oratory. There was one kid who did something about how schools should have more art courses, and he was really good. Hale did amazing, and Nikki kind of... well, didn't reach my expectations. After that, we went to the Bean and I got a cheese pizza bagel at Einstein's Bagels. I told the cashier that my name was Amanda. But when he called it, I didn't hear it, so Hale said, "Hey, Amanda, yours is up," but Grizzly the genius says loudly, "Annasophie, it's yours." Apparently the cashier thought that Grizzly was talking to Hale, because Hale's was next. So when she picked it up, the cashier asked, "You sure you're Hale?" We ate. Too much cheese! But we beat the huge mob of people after us. I feel sorry for the people that didn't get their order because they were too late. Then at 11:45 we got to the auditorium for the Awards Ceremony. The first award given was for the One-Act play. I was positive it was going to be Brentwood, but it was Oklahoma, What?? Meaning that Mr. Creepy Wildcat Guy got to go up there and get their trophy and do his wierd nod thing. How is it possible to nod your head to fast without burning up your neck? I'm telling you, this guy has rubber bands, not bones! Then the Junior High stuff. Grizzly and I sat up when the announcer called up the finalists for Art Memory. Nope. Not one of us. Okay. Then Music Memory. Johnny and I were in it. So we go up to the stage, and before we're about to go on, I look back up at the audience. So many people... I look up at our school. Then it's time to go on. Johnny and I agree that we for sure only got 6th and 5th place. Nope. Nope. Nope. Not 6th, 5th, not even 4th! Then I realized that the three of us left tied, because the announcer stopped and said, "And it's clear that we have some very good Music Memory people up here, because all the three remaining students got all of them correct- but because of spelling errors, only one got a perfect score!" Johnny got 3rd. Four spelling errors. Second? I was waiting for the beginning of "Woods of Brent" come frome the speakers, but instead, she called someone else for second! One. Spelling. Error. Announcer- "And our last remaining person got everything on the test right, and had no spelling errors. Congratulations, from the Woods of Brent, Annasophie!" ... --- ... !!!!!!!!! --- ... --- I couldn't believe it. The Woods of Brent section and other people were deafening! I couldn't even walk in a straight path. The guy who handed me my medal said, "Nice job!" I got it, put it on, and when I got back to my row... I don't know, a blur of huge smiles, a lot of people saying, "Good job!" and people patting me on the back. Maybe people held out their hands for me to slap, but I don't know, I was in such a surprised blur I probably left them confuzed. Bible Reading? Sixth. Only. At least it wasn't Honorable Mention, but it dampened my good mood majorly. But guess what? For the First. Time. EVER in TCSIT history, the Woods of Brent won for Junior High! Why am I not saying this so excitedly? Cause we didn't win High School. If the Garden was still at the Woods of Brent, we would have. The Woods of Brent practically own the whole meet. We're supposed to win. We always do. It's kind of depressing that all the TCSITs I've been in, I've never known that thrill of our high school winning. I mean, we're supposed to! We're the only school that's not at all satisfied with anything below first. We're either bursting with joy for first place or depressed for second or third, or completely deflated and humiliated if we don't get anything. But believe it or not, we actually got to take our group pictures on the amphitheater. Other schools didn't hog it this time. So at least I've gotten to experience that part of the TCSIT Traditions for the Woods of Brent. We went back and stopped and The Woods Under, also tradition, for lunch/dinner. We got to see our grading sheets. Grizzly missed 8 points on her Art Memory, and I missed 4 points by putting the word "A" in front of two things that it wasn't supposed to have. Meaning I got somewhere between 9 and 7 place. Big whoop. Guess what Mango got? *drumroll, please...* a -40. Yes, it is somehow quite possible to receive a -40 on an Art Memory test. I joked that I wanted to see what I missed on Music Memory. Haha. Haha. Yeah, then we went home.