So about our NJHS trip to Rosedale.
That was the day of our band concert, so Mr. Plard made Nikki, Rice, Read, and I stay for High School Band.
And we miss the egg-hiding part.
So we get there in time to 'pair up' with kids.
I gotta admit, some kids I just... did not want to be paired up with.
Eventually... Nikki, Hale, and I went to this one kid named Jay who was in a wheelchair. He had a lady pushing his wheelchair, so he pretty much had four people on him. He didn't seem to pay any attention to us, so the Easter egg hunt went as follows-
One of us picks up and egg and puts it in front of him. "Look, Jay, I found and egg! Want to put it in your basket?" then attempts to put it in his hand and somewhat aims it at the bag. He missed about 96% of the time. We ended up finding about twelve eggs, one of which he had a possiblilty of maybe actually seeing himself.
Then we played Bingo. No luck. He had this recordy-thing that Nikki, Hale, and I recorded all three of us saying, "Happy Easter!" on.
Then we left.