Saturday, April 9, 2011

TCSIT Friday

Friday. Wake up 6:15, eat breakfast, head to the campus. We were assigned to this gym with no air conditioner, so Sam, Mango, Nikki, Grizzly, Haley, and I walked around. We showed Sam and Mango cool things, including the third floor balcony of the Business Center, Jacob's Dream, and the Globe Room. Then Sam left for her Poetry competition, and when we got back to Command Central (The Woods of Brent's place) Mrs. Weid told us that we were moving to a room with actual air condition. It was kind of in the back of the Bean, or caferteria. We shared it with another school... We pretty much sat around until I went with Grizzly and Mango to out Picture memory. Then Grizzly and I met up with Johnny for Music memory. Then I rushed to Bible Reading. But no one's there. *blink, blink* Then I see two girls with their Bibles, and, yeah... "You guys in Girl's Bible Reading?" "Yeah. What school are you from?" "Woods of Brent." "OH! Do you know Sladvick?" "Uh... yeah..." "He's my uncle!" So, yes, I met Sladvick's neice. And it turns out I was thirty minutes early. Grizzly leaves and Hale comes. So I do that event. Then go back to Command Central and sit around with Sam. Then we dared each other to do things. I told a cashier I liked her hat (plain black visor), asked someone their name (not so devildare, otherwise I would have had to pet someone's hair), and... sat down for about three seconds at a table with people I didn't know. Grizzly was being scared, but we finally managed to get her to stick her head to a wall for forty-five seconds. Sammy had the most impressive list. She ran up to random people eating their lunch, threw a piece of gum down, and yelled, "PICKLES!" and ran away, smelled five salads from Einstein Bagels (Sam, please tell the story), and asked for a burger at Quiznos. At some point during the day, Grizzly went with me to the Globe Room and the Chapel of the Hills (which, by the way, Sam, if you didn't see you have to next year. It's just through the big, wooden double doors in the Globe room.) and I made some videos/artistic pictures on my phone. Then was time for watching Humorous Interpretation Finals for High School. The Woods of Brent had Rice doing his and Kail doing hers. Kail went first. It wasn't very funny. Then was... other people, like the scary Wildcat person, the girl who won last year, then Rice. He. Was. HILARIOUS. The first line in, everyone was already falling over in laughter. One of the contestants had his head buried in his jacket and was rocking back and forth in his chair, he was laughing to hard. And once Rice got to his climax (WAKE! UP! AMERICA! THERE ARE NO WEATHER BALLOONS! THEY ARE ALIEN BEINGS! THEY ARE ALL AROUND US!) and he was completely yelling at the crowd, and no one could hear him cause everyone one was falling over laughing at the way he said it and the way he was all jumping around and exploding. There was so much applause after that one section. Anyway, the guy who went last kinda gave everyone a headache. He was playing an old guy, who yelled and laughed a lot. Bad selection. It was really good acting, and the character was really strongly built. Then I found that I got into Girl's Bible Reading Finals, so yay! When we got back Command Central, Mr. Cosmos found a Boy's Spanish Bible Reading binder. Since he was being busy, I told him I'd get it to whoever's it was. Meaning either Howl, Franc, or Bretz. Howl said it was probably Franc's, but he wasn't sure. So on the way to the bus, I saw Kronkenator and asked if the handwriting inside was Bretz's. "Um... I don't know, I don't think it looks like Bretz's handwriting... Yeah, I don't know." So it was Franc's. I ran up to him and asked if it was his. He opened it and said, "No... what selection is this?" "I don't know. It's in Spanish. I don't speak Spanish!" (Which is proven because at the hotel the first night, I yelled "Me llamo Espanol!" at Grizzly when what I meant to say was, "No habla Espanol!") I don't know if they found the owner of it. Gatti-land next. Just... plain ol' Gatti-land, nothing too great. Hotel. Good-night.