Monday, April 25, 2011

So ABOUT that Track Meet...

Finally. I get time to write about the meet.
I haven't gotten time to go to track practices ever since that first meet, so when Coach Brad sent an email with the list of who was competing in which event and my name wasn't on the list, I thought that they took it as I just quit.
So I was mad. Very mad.
After violin lesson, Mr. Glynn called and asked where I was.
I was supposed to be at the track meet. In San Ant. TWO HOURS AWAY!!!!
Zoom! we go home and pick up my stuff and head over to San Ant.
I get there in time for my 800 and 400. I got 6th in the 800, and nothing in the 400. I could have gotten placed in both Triple and Long Jump if I'd been there in time, but, obviously, I wasn't. So I missed at least five points for our time. Which, by the way, was just Nikki and I. But she got two 1st places, one 2nd, and two 3rds. So, yeah, she did most of the work.
And out of the schools with, like, 20 kids, we tied for 4th place. But if I didn't get that one little 1 point from my 800, we would've only been tied in 6th place.
So it's good to know I didn't at least something.