So there was this performance celebrating the Chinese New Year (it's the year of the rabbit) and it. was. hectic.
First I had to sit in this room full of elderly Asians who just were sitting in their fold-up chairs, all facing forward, and eating. And staring at me. It got very uncomfortable, so I was glad when the little performance started. I had to, once again, to up to the front to motion the movements to my little minions, and they did pretty well. :) But that little tiny performance was only three dances, all little classes.
So then came the bigger performance, first half. Carebear, the other assistant, and I sat at the front again and motioned the movements to the minions again. Some did well, others...
The lion dancer team is getting worse every year. I think they lost their good people, cause they're just a group from the university.
The second half, where I performed in, started after the lion dance that seemed to last FOREVER.
My class completely failed on the dance we have red ribbons on. Argh.
And at the beginning of the second dance, my shoe gave out on me. Like the whole top part un-sewed itself. At the beginning.
Then came the yoyo. I am not even going to try to explain how the rest of the troop has no sense in performance at all. I mean, they didn't even get off on the right side of the stage. So every, except for me, was all clumped in the far right corner of the stage when they weren't 'on,' and they just were standing there, talking. Um?? And when they messed up they didn't get off like they were supposed to, but kept trying/failing and at the end we ran out of music. Wow.
I don't like our yoyo troop. Supposedly I'm grouped at the bottom, with Miss Shell. Who is nine years old.
But I'm the only one that practices during class. All the other people sit down and group around an iPhone or whatever. With what's in me, I could be one of the best, but I'm always overlooked and my teacher doesn't even know any more tricks than I do. Meaning I have to make up my own. My solo is something I made up. Well, I smashed two tricks together smoothly, but I guess that counts.
Anyway. What do I get? A Chinese red envelope with my least favorite flavor dum-dum, some cheap candy called, "Sassy Tarts" and two tickets. Two. Tickets. You can get two for one dollar. Even a tiny cookie costs four. *sigh*
Not a good day. NOT. A good day.