Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Caution: Massive Loads of Frustration Ahead!

*sigh* Today was not a good day.
Okay, so when I get to school, Deer looks at my shirt curiously. And guess what? I'm wearing a random t-shirt. (From my church.) So it's this big mixture of panic, disbelief, and hilarity. Mostly hilarity. I'm just there for about three minutes before the bell, trudging around, saying, "I can not believe this is happening!" while laughing and asking people if they had another polo, while they say, "Uh, no...-" and then realize what I'm saying as their eyes grow huge.
Morg-in- "I think I might have something."
Hale- "I don't think it'll fit..." *giggles*
Me- *zips up jacket quickly*
The bell rings and we go in. And guess what Morg-in has? A tiny BCS Athletics sweatwhirt. And NOW Hale says, "Yeah, I don't think it'll fit..."
While I'm searching through my 'extra clothes' bag. Which has come in handy, not for the first time. And behold- I find a green polo! Which I got at a uniform resale from Nikki!

That ends well. This one doesn't.

I did really, really bad on my band playing test. I think Laura did better than me. Which is bad. Cause she's pretty bad on a regular basis. I have not idea HOW I messed up so much. And what I don't like about Mr. Pollard is that he sets standards to low for others but so high for me. So you could play HORRIBLY on a regular basis and do bad on a playing test, and get a 97 or whatever. Whereas, you could also play well on a regular basis and do okay on a playing test and still get a 97.
Effort shouldn't be the whole grade.
Impression shouldn't be the whole grade.
Sure, they can be part of the grade, but it at least has to sound recognizable, not like a blur of notes.
Anyway, I'm really upset with myself right now...

Here's the 'frustration' that the title's referring to=
;jg arkljt'lakrjg;klffdddddddddddddddddflajdflkjidjifjdfkajf;fuap4594834888888888

(I had to stop shortly because-

  1. My computer started beeping somewhere inbetween those 'dddddd's .
  2. Therefore, I had to type slowly.
  3. Meaning it's no fun.

So bye.)