Saturday, February 19, 2011

Opening Night!

Okay, opening night was... exciting.
Behind the black curtains, we watched all the peopleses come in... I saw you, Sam! :)
Our play went okay. The Guinneapig was the only one who messed up, and he messed up pretty obviously.
I don't even notice the audience. It's no different.
Oh, by the way, Deer asked for me (I didn't tell her to, it was her idea) to just be writing really concentrated on my notebook, completely not noticing the little Hollingsworth kid. Yay! So I don't have to do that anymore.
Anyway, I don't have much else to say.
We're going to perform again today.
Okay, no one even told Mrs. Nest about the whole IHOP tradition. So she was all clueless, like, "Well, it's a free country, you can eat wherever you want to..."
But she's teaching a Bible class the next morning, so she's not going.
I'm not even sure if anyone will. I want to, but I probably won't eat anything... At, like, 11:30 at night...