Friday, October 29, 2010

Skipping Schooltime!

Okay, so as some of you know, Sam and I had a dance performance during school. I actually got out of class at 1:30, but my mom wan't there yet, so I waited in the high school office. Then it got really awkward because it was just Mrs. Tincan, me, and her fish, so I went to Mr. Plard's room. He was eating a green burrito the color of his shirt. Then my mom showed up and we picked Sam up from her Spanish class and we got signed out.
Then we drove for about ten minutes to the area. It took a while to find but we eventually got there. Some Mexican mariachi band was playing and singing really badly. In one of the songs they sounded like Mexican ninjas. We got our costumes on and walked over to the place where we were going to perform. Then we met up with Mrs. Snowy. She was going to be the back of the cow in our dance (don't ask) but she was wearing a dress and tights. The conversation between her and my mom went somewhat like this:
"Um... You know you're going to be dancing with us, right?"
"Yeah! I think I remember the moves... I'm going to be at the end of the cow, right?"
"Yes, but you're wearing tights and a dress. Cows don't wear tights."
"Oh, they can see our legs?"
Anyway, some people playing Chinese Pianos were before us in the program, so we watched them. There was a little nine year old boy who was actually pretty good. Meanwhile, I was failing at practicing my yoyo.
Then it was our turn. I was going to go first, but Mrs. Snowy, who was introducing us, said that my mom's Tai Chi was first. Which was wrong. So we corrected her and she started randomly saying wrong facts about the Chinese Yoyo.
I started my yoyo up, despite the sun that was really bright. Then they kept playing snippets of the wrong music, in and order that it sounded like Chinese techno music. Plus I was right by the hugs speakers which must have been turned to the max, so it was really loud. After a while, Mrs. Snowy says to the crowd, "I'm sorry, we're experiencing technical difficulties."
Then I was told that I had to use some other music because for some reason the song wouldn't play. So I started and was just doing random tricks. Which my mom tried to commentate on. Didn't work.
They seemed really happy, so I just kept, well... yoyo-ing. The light was blinding, let me tell you! But I didn't drop it and I was happy. So I did well.
Then my mom did her Tai Chi Sword thing...
And then it was time for Sam and my dance! We got into our spots, and there were more technical difficulties. Finally we got it to work.
It was good until the time we were supposed to get the cow. They weren't even IN the cow costume. So we just kind of did more improvising dancing, then went on to get the cow.
When we were pulling it to the stage they were still getting their head on. Then they stopped right at the corner, so we were just like "um, okay" and went with it. The rest of the dance was okay...
The we ate! Yay! We had brisket sandwiches, chips, and a cookie. We ate in the sun and watched this guy play the bagpipes. He had on a man-skirt (okay, it was a kilt), a beret (aren't those French?), and a knife stuck in his sock. Then when he walked past us we could see that he had a mohawk cut! HAHA!
Then we left and came back to school. :( So Sam could take her Biology test.