Thursday, October 28, 2010

NJHS Ceremony

So... today... I wore my black dress for the NJHS Ceremony. The morning was pretty uneventful, but then at 11:30, jsut a little bit into 4th period, we got to leave. I was in Jello's car, and we didn't really talk. Her dad had a C.C. of music from the '60s on and was singing along. Okay, he may be a model, but he's definitely not a singer!
Then we got to Cold Stream, and we were the first ones (besides the official people) to get there. The whole restaurant was decorated with spiders and rather disturbing decorations. Then we got to our big formal room, where our chocolate mousse cake was already set out on the table.
Nikki and Hale came shortly after, and we chose our seats. Then I noticed that the cake for the seat across from me was bigger than my slice, so I nudged them until I had the bigger piece. Which I really regretted later.
There was also bread and butter on the table, which was really good. Actually, I think it was just the butter that was good. The bread was average. Nikki ate half the loaf for our part of the table... That's a lot of bread.
Anyway, after a lot of official-sounding talk, we were served our lunch. It was heart-shaped chicken chipotle that was really tender, 'smashed' potatoes flavored slightly with garlic, and buttered asparagus. I ate all of it, but I was the only who did. Syd ate her chicken, one asparagus, and left about three spoonfuls of potatoes. Nikki left about a spoonful of potatoes and all her asparagus. Then she started to eat her cake. Then when she was done, she asked the adults for their bread. So overall she ate probably more than a whole loaf.
I was still on my cake at that point. It was really good at first, but I would have preferred ice cream... It was good, though. Until I got to about more than half. Then I started feeling like I was going to throw up. I barely got through because I didn't want to leave anything. (I feel guilty when I do.) Then I thought I could not ever see that cake anymore, especially the white stuff. Just then I see Hale scoop up all the white mousse on her fork and shove it into her mouth.
After the rather boring speeches we saw the officers try to remember their speeches about the candles. It was really amusing because they couldn't remember what they were supposed to say.
Nothing else really happened...
We ended, took pictures outside, and we went back to the school. Jello and I talked more about getting our roles in the play. Then we got back to school and since I had art in 7th period, I got to wear a huge t-shirt serving as an apron. Yay! I also finished my abstract landscape painting.
Anyway, in band, Fizzy had guaze wrapped around her hand because she hurt it playing soccer. She was complaining that it hurt, but refused to tell Mr. Pollard.
Then I was signing to Leigh how many minutes until the bell rang because we were excited about seeing our drama audition results.