Monday, July 11, 2011


Today I helped with Elizabeth's church's VBS setting up. The theme was Gold Rush, and they have all these awesome mining... things... that they made out of cardboard.
One of the first things that (my uncle just asked me who I'm talking on the phone to. I'm on the COMPUTER.) we did was paint a mining cart brown. Although it was already brown. But anyway. Elizabeth was being a genius (I'm not being sarcastic) so five minutes later we were smearing the whole thing with brown paint on our hands. I felt like a four-year-old again. Then we ran out of brown paint.
After that, though, we really didn't do anything much else. We played volleyball with a... not volleyball, but the youth minister's little kids wanted to play, and they didn't even KNOW it was volleyball, and didn't get the concept.
The next thing we did after that was putting up fence-design wallpaper in the halls. But it was kinda hard for us to get it up by ourselves, so we had to get someone named Tongue to help. That worked better than one of us slipping off a chair and getting hurt. But then Elizabeth had to leave for tennis lessons, so eventually it was just my cousin Jojoba, Elizabeth's friend Elaine, and me left.
So Elaine and I played a little of badminton, and then snuck "a little bit" of ice cream.
And then... we went home. After putting up more stuff on the walls.
I guess it was a little like setting up for Homecoming, but it... wasn't... Homecoming.