So today was my little munchkin's first dance performance, and I had to sit at the front of the audience and sign them their movements. Cause they're, like, four, and can't remember any of it, except for Telly, who's practically a genius. And she's the youngest, too.
Anyway, I missed a part, but no one could tell except for the kids who remembered. Oops. (They were doing the Jasmine Flower dance, just in case you were wondering, Sam.)
It was at this culture place where there was this other dance group, and guess who was dancing?
Come on.
No, no... last guess... and no.
It was *drumroll, please...* Dominator. Yes. Dominator. Dancing.
IT WAS HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sam, you should've been there.
Anyway, that's the end of the little tidbit about my little munchkins... Bye!