Sunday, January 30, 2011

Homecoming Court

So, yeah, you guys know the whole Homecoming thing.
I voted for Bretz and Tori...
Bretz is king (YAY!) and Lyss is queen. (Oh, well...)
But after, whenever they were playing the Cha-Cha Slide, Bretz was just all by himself. In the corner. Just- looking at everything happen. I mean, like, no one went to talk to him, really... He seemed so lonely. I would have gone over, but that would have been awkward, cause, first of all, the music was so loud you had to over-yell, second, he doesn't like Junior Highers, and third, considering the whole paper-ball incident, yeah...
I was disappointed. Kronkenator was a pretty bad bear. I mean all he did was just kind of walk around and stand by the cheerleaders.
And when Mrs. Murry found out that Ryce was the freshman-court-guy-thingy, her face turned red. Red. RED!!!!!!!! And she got all hyper, which, as you all know, is never good.