Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Secret Agents *points finger-weapon at Weedy*

So, anyway, after school when Deer and I were practicing our duets we decided to go to Mr. Weedy's room. This time he was prepared.
I was under his desk when Deer yelled, "He's loading!" followed by a loud snap. That was enough to make Deer and I running all around with our finger-weapons.
Then he loaded it again and said, "I will use this force to direct you to the door."
So Deer and I fled, but Deer decided to stick her head back in. Let's just say, I heard another snap and Deer came after me, saying, "I think I may have lost a leg..."
Then after running through the duet again, Deer and I snuck past Weedy's room a couple of times. One time he saw us and chunked a green bouncy ball at us.
Weedy is well prepared.
And so am I.
Because now when I see Weedy I narrow my eyes and hold up my finger-weapon.