Okay, so, for Christmas, I got what I really wanted.
A camcorder.
Actually, I wanted a camera, with both pictures and video, but I'll settle for this.
I actually didn't expect it because I usually get all this little random stuff that I didn't specifically ask for, so I was pleasantly surprised! (Okay, a liiiittle more than 'pleasantly'.)
It's a white flip camcorder that looks like this--
But Windows isn't working on our computer so I can't edit any of my videos yet. :(
I ran it out of battery the second day. Eep!
And I have discovered that I like improvising. Like... just acting, but off the top of your head with no script. It's fun. I recorded myself doing that (I was 'Lucy' explaining how Narnia wasn't all true and how the whole story came up) and I went on for about eight minutes. Three different sections, but still eight minutes. Sam, you should try it sometime. You'd do well. Anyway, this post is getting long, so I'll end it--