I did nothing today. Partially because my day was thrown off balance by having to push back plans with someone who overslept. But that aside... I mentioned to a friend how I did nothing, and they said something that I hate hate hate hate hate for people to tell me.
"Treat yourself!"
What the flip does that even mean.
Why is it a good thing to do nothing? I didn't get this far by doing nothing. Like, if you're going to be a lazy person and think that it's good to slack off, that's fantastic for you, I don't care, you can go do that. But me? I work way too hard to afford to stop.
People also say that when I can't stop myself from eating something like some dessert, or a lot of food. "Treat yourself!" WHAT THE FLIP DOES THAT MEAN.
Why is it a good thing to put unhealthy food into your body? It's so stupid I can't even build an argument against it, cause usually arguments can only be built against things that are made of at least some substance.
Eating unhealthy and accomplishing nothing are not to be encouraged.
At least, that's not how I work. "Treating" myself means working my behind off all day, packing my day with booking it between internship, training, practice, stuff like that, and hitting the bed at night absolutely tired but ready to shoot up the next morning to do it all again. Cause you know what that leads to? It leads to success. It leads to me potentially being better than the lazy person who thinks that staying home all day is a successful day.
I delight in working hard. It feels good. (Same with eating healthy - it feels good.) So when someone tells me to "treat" myself and NOT work hard or NOT eat healthy, that's kind of offensive because... do you really think that I hold myself to such low standards? Do you really think I disrespect myself so much that I give myself a pat on the back for literally doing nothing?
I'm not stupid. So while you're rewarding yourself for being lazy, I'll be crushin' it somewhere across town. See ya later, have fun getting nothing done.