This is one of my favorite songs.
I love the guy's voice. It's perfect for the mood of the song.
As for the video, if they were going for a creepy feel, they hit it spot on. They basically get in a car and drive out to this river, where they set up their stuff (the singer's seat, a drumset, and a broken-down piano) and play. But the thing is, in the car you see a little alien-like figure sitting next to them. And when they're singing in the river, you see leaves falling in the distance. Near the end, it focuses on one of the leaves and it turns into one of those figures. Then it lands, and more and more appear. It focuses on one, and a little fire-like thing appears where it's heart would be. The same thing happens to all the figures around it. The lead singer kind of steps back, as if he wasn't really expecting it (I wouldn't), and by then the band is surrounded by little creatures, all with fire hearts.
My best guess is that it symbolises inspiration... I really can't say, though.
I would give this song a 10/10, and the video a 9/10.