Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Science Project

So, you know, the big science project we have to do? Well, mine is to see if sugar crystals grow fastest in bright light, darkness, or average light.
The first time I did it I didn't let the starter crystals dry enough so they didn't grow. Then I took the strings back out and let them dry AGAIN. Now it's actually starting to work, but guess what? It has to be done by this Friday. Yippee.
And I was trying to take pictures of them, but this camera I'm using is probably about five years old and has horrible quality. So whenever I try to take a picture of the crystals on the string, all I see in the picture is a yellow background and an orange streak. Yeah, not exactly what I wanted.
So now I'm going to have to turn in a half-finished experiment for school...
But you know that science fair that we have to do? Yeah, I'll keep my experiment and re-do the graphs and charts so that they match the latest results...